Obama already costing me money

Fri, 10/24/2008 - 1:15pm
By: fluffybear

My parents asked someone at the Obama-Biden Campaign to send my 5 year old a campaign pin. It arrived today with .67 postage due!

Obama has not even won the election and already wants to cost me money!!

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1and1isnt3's picture
Submitted by 1and1isnt3 on Mon, 10/27/2008 - 7:10am.

that McCain campaign accepted from the federal treasury while receiving untold millions through the "back door" from special interest PACS and lobbyists. Oh, and lets not forget the support from 527 groups.
I'd gladly pay your .67 postage due than deal with 4 more of the same, and you should too. Wake up and think for yourself.

Submitted by fluffybear on Tue, 10/28/2008 - 5:14am.

I'm sorry but I'm not sure even re-programming can save you! The Obama brainwashing machine has already caused far to much damage that you could not even see the humor in my post. If the McCain campaign had done this, you would be fixated on it. PM me with your address and I will be more then happy to mail you this button. Just remember to have .67 out for the postal person.

BTW, please take note that I am ignoring the rest of your post (as it is just to funny) or mentioning all the pork which Barrack Obama and Joe Biden have requested and accepted in their time in office.

As for waking up and thinking for myself. I could say the same for yourself but I doubt you fully comprehend it.

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