Ms. File:
We are less than two weeks out from the election, and the “issues” and “splost” sections of your web site are still “under construction.” Presumably that refers to the site, not to your views.

So I’d like to ask a couple questions here.

-- Do you think Fayette schools face a funding challenge because of state cutbacks?

-- If the answer is yes, what specifically would you do to address it?

-- If you oppose a 1-cent e-splost to provide more local funding, how would you deal with operating shortfalls or issues such as the computer replacement and bus fleet purchases that have been raised by the current board?

-- Do you think cutting front-line workers such as parapros and art and band teachers is an option that should be considered? Some anti-splosters have called parapros a “jobs program.” Do you agree with them?

-- If you concluded that such positions would HAVE to be cut if an e-splost failed, would it alter your position on an e-splost?

-- And finally, in your talking points on “fiscal accountability” you say, “It's time to run our school system with the highest possible level of efficiency.” I want to make sure I understand: Is it your view that the highest aim of our school system should be maximum operating efficiency?

I look forward to your answers.

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Spear Road Guy's picture
Submitted by Spear Road Guy on Thu, 10/23/2008 - 9:35am.

Doesn't anyone read the newspaper? Even the lowly Fayette Daily News has reported ESPLOST dollars can't be used for operating expenses.

So how about not using the ESPLOST as an excuse for having to postpone some cutbacks. Face reality you bunch of pro-ESPLOST whinners.

Vote Republican

Submitted by NeilSullivan on Thu, 10/23/2008 - 12:20pm.

Dear Spear Road Guy:
You are correct that E-SPLOST money cannot be used for operations. But no one has proposed that it would. By law, the E-SPLOST money can only be used for technology, buses, books, security, building improvements, and property tax relief. It gives me great comfort to know that any future school boards cannot declare an emergency and repurpose the money as it is in “the lock box”.
What the E-SPLOST does is pay for things that are necessary and would otherwise be paid for out of maintenance & operations (M&O on your tax bill). In the case of the computers that need to be replaced they will be paid for from the M&O unless other there is another purposed fund like the E-SPLOST. Thus, the approximately $5.7 Million from computers will be taken from somewhere that is currently used to maintain the best schools in the state.
Remember our budget is approximately 79% salaries and benefits 11% Operations and 10% debt service. Without the E-SPLOST which would relieve the debt service, we have to pay that 10%, next the operations budget of 11% pays for running the schools, fuel, books, building maintenance, and things like that. Last is the only real “flexible” area we have is salary and benefits of which more than 70 % of that goes to “instruction”.
FCBOE has already proposed making all staff, including teachers, pay more for benefits. But to really get to the heart of the matter of replacing computers, 16 year old buses, making our schools safer, and maintaining our buildings, we will need to get that money from our investment in the best instruction in the State of Georgia.
Reality is that 175 out of 178 reporting school systems have found that this type of funding allows them to maintain and improve their schools while keeping instruction levels. Reality is that the state government has cut over $20MM in funding from our Schools of the past few years and has gone from funding 58% of our schools in 1998 during the time of the first E-SPLOST initiative to an estimated 47% next year which results in a difference of over $10MM in ANNUAL funding. Reality is that FCBOE has maintained a super school system while having a cost per pupil (FTE) near the Atlanta metro average for instruction, general administration and school administration based on the last available data.
I wish this were different but reality is that we have a choice to fund our schools or change our programs. Turning down the heat dial or cutting administrator pay alone is not going to get us there.
Neil Sullivan
Co-Chair Fayette Citizens for Children

Spear Road Guy's picture
Submitted by Spear Road Guy on Thu, 10/23/2008 - 6:40pm.

Neil: "In the case of the computers that need to be replaced they will be paid for from the M&O unless other there is another purposed fund like the E-SPLOST. Thus, the approximately $5.7 Million from computers will be taken from somewhere that is currently used to maintain the best schools in the state."

Spear Road Guy: Excellent point Neil. The FCBOE never had the computers in their budget! What in the heck were they doing??? They knew when the computer lease was up and they did nothing. Why am I supposed to want to give them more of my hard earned military pension? Didn't they know the buses were aging? They lowered taxes several years and crapped out their reserve funds while putting nothing toward computers or buses. They aren't very bright Neil.

What about the reckless spending on empty schools? I know, Neil knows and the school board knows the money should've been used for the computers, etc.

Eisenhower told Marshall, "We don't reward stupidity."

Vote Republican

Submitted by NeilSullivan on Thu, 10/23/2008 - 8:13pm.

Actually Spear….. There you go again! Telling only part of the story. BUT you did help me think about a different way to think about the budget issue. The costs are rising while revenue is not keeping up. We can choose to pay for the quality we have or choose to change our programs

When we think about computers, we can have a five day discussion on lease versus buy. However, one thing is certain; a decision to lease a few years ago now threatens the success of our schools. If the 1,800 computers were owned, we could choose to forego paying any money except maintenance. For example, my car is 8 years old and I paid it off 4 years ago. I pay for tires and oil and enjoy no car payment. Thus as long as the car is serviceable, I can go on. This example ignores obsolescence which is tangible in the computer world.
We cannot take funds to lease computers from the E-SPLOST, we can only purchase. If we choose to continue to lease we must use operating cash. However, if we purchase the money for the current leases can then be used to ensure the quality of our instruction is not at risk.

Remember, benefits have been increasing at a double digit rate which is over $2 MM if the employees pay half the increase. Teacher pay was increased by the state by 2 % which is approx. $1.8 MM before longevity which I cannot figure out how to model. The state has taken over $1.5 of expected funds for “austerity”, and the cost of nearly everything else has risen.

Many quality organizations have been stymied by the turn in the economy which has been pretty unpredictable going on almost two years. Nobody saw growth absolutely stopping like this. Like any company I can see mistakes, but the results measured by the cost reflect a very high return on our investment.

All in all a good discussion today.

Good Night Everybody
Neil Sullivan
Co-Chair Fayette Citizens for Children

Submitted by bowser on Thu, 10/23/2008 - 11:16am.

Splost money's use on specified projects would free up money that can go to operations.

(To quote from the FCBOE site, one of the benefits of a splost is that it: "Frees up the operating budget to continue to provide staffing for the programs we offer above and beyond state minimums.")

If you have different information, please share...

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