Ice Rink

I grew up in a southern town where we had a local ice rink open during the winter months and my friends and I really enjoyed it. Though the facility is a lot nicer, the Kedron hockey rink has always reminded me of my hometown ice rink and I've occasionally wondered what it would take, should PTC citizens be willing, to support seasonal ice skating at Kedron. But all of the lamentations I've heard about the lack of an ice rink here have been limited to those in my own head, so I've never brought it up.

Like many of you, I cannot believe we're wasting our time even voting on a $10M loan for an ice facility - that's utter nonsense.

But just for comparison, did anyone do a study on what it should cost to set up and operate a seasonal facility (think Centennial Olympic park style), using an existing structure?


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Submitted by tikigod on Wed, 10/22/2008 - 12:01am.

but its not worth taxpayer money. If someone is gonna make a profit on it, why should anyone be forced to help them out? Nah.

Hockey is the greatest sport in the world. Its the first world/ developed world version of soccer. American football is BORING compared to the non stop action fest that is hockey. Suck it down.

ok, ill stop pissing people off.... Smiling I kid, I kid... but really, football? snooooooozzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

DragNet's picture
Submitted by DragNet on Tue, 10/21/2008 - 11:01pm.

This sounds much like Sarah Palin's bridge to nowhere....must be thr proposal of a Republican gone wild....

Making you think twice......

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