MHS cheerleaders suspended for drinking

Fri, 10/17/2008 - 9:18am
By: The Citizen

Officials confirmed Friday that eight McIntosh football cheerleaders were suspended this week for being intoxicated with alcohol while at last week’s varsity football game.

The cheerleaders received a 10-day out of school suspension, said schools spokesperson Melinda Berry-Dreisbach. Because it is their first offense that suspension can be reduced to seven days if they choose to participate in an alcohol and drug intervention program, she added

Also, they will be suspended from participating in 25 percent of their remaining season, Dreisbach said. That suspension is also called for in the system’s student code of conduct, Dreisbach explained.

It was fortunate that the cheerleaders’ impairment didn’t lead to injuries while they and their teammates were performing stunts during the game, Dreisbach said.

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Submitted by mackeattack on Wed, 10/22/2008 - 10:56pm.

I dont know what the hell kind of angel you think your daughter is, but I can assure you that if she has any kind of social life, she's been "bombed" before. Accept the fact that drinking is something teens do, and open your eyes a little bit more if you really care that much.
The golf cart rule is bs, so I dont know why you guys even care about that anyway. Just my personal opinion though.

All Smiles's picture
Submitted by All Smiles on Sun, 10/19/2008 - 9:15am.

I agree with the punishment Principle Flemming has handed down on the school level but I think and I'm SHOCKED she has not turned this over to the police as she typically involves the police even at a "drop of a hat". I'm sorry but THESE STUDENTS BROKE THE LAW!!!! THERE SHOULD BE LEGAL CONSEQUENCES IN ADDITION TO THE PUNISHMENT THEY HAVE RECEIVED!!! Now there could be legal consequences for the FCBOE as one high school in the county takes the law into their own hands but the other high schools in the county do not. DR. DECOTIS, WOULD YOU TOO TAKE THE LAW INTO YOUR OWN HANDS????

carbonunit52's picture
Submitted by carbonunit52 on Sun, 10/19/2008 - 9:57am.

I have read this entire thread with interest. So far, the main lesson that I would have gotten as a teenager from this whole issue is: don't get caught, it is a pain in the a**. I have not read one word of concern over whether any of these kids were evaluated for a possible alcohol problem. Now the scream (capitalized words) is about getting the police involved, when the time for hard evidence gathering is long past. Get a grip, get off of the soapbox, stop playing dictator to teenagers, and address the most important issue. These teens are accused of being intoxicated when doing so was not safe, and showed no practical sense. It is easy to spot a potential substance abuse problem: look for denial, and not just from the teenagers.

"I can't wait until tomorrow, because I get more lovable every day."

bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Sun, 10/19/2008 - 10:27am.

"Officials confirmed Friday that eight McIntosh football cheerleaders were suspended this week for being intoxicated with alcohol while at last week’s varsity football game."

With NO legally gathered evidence the students/parents in question can now turn around and challenge the suspensions.

Not only that, any FCBoE employee that stated that the students “were intoxicated” is now a prime target for a slander and/or defamation of character lawsuit. Add to that the fact that the school administrators that made any such comment were acting as agents of the FCBoE and now you have the “deep pocket” to sue.

The actions or inactions, as the case may be, of the school administration were totally asinine and way beyond their pay grade.

I would love to see the FCBoE sued for this as I believe they need to be taken down a peg or two. It’s time the FCBoE once again realized they work for the tax payer and are not charged with running a kingdom where their rules are above the law.

carbonunit52's picture
Submitted by carbonunit52 on Sun, 10/19/2008 - 5:46pm.

I had not given consideration to the points that you brought up bad_ptc. Accusing people of a crime and punishing them, while causing harm to their reputations, along with their present and future finances, with absolutely no legally gathered evidence, is beyond stupid. I am not surprised that your posting did not generate any responses, since I imagine that the bloggers that played judge and jury may have given their actions, and culpability, some thought. I have no doubt that some confidential counseling would still be valuable, which is more in line with guiding a teenager rather than playing dictator.

"I can't wait until tomorrow, because I get more lovable every day."

Submitted by Im just saying on Mon, 10/20/2008 - 10:18pm.

I'm sure there is more to come on this subject...waiting on decisions before this is persued.

Submitted by livelife76 on Sat, 10/18/2008 - 6:43pm.

first- everyone needs to stope criticizing grammar and spelling and fighting this is about what happened with cheerleaders and mcintosh, not about your spelling or your personal attacks on each other's parenting skills, these girls are not your kids and most of you don't know anything about them.

I am a junior was has been athlete at McIntosh since i was a freshmen, and I truly believe the parents are not to blame for this incident. Everyone knows kids drink in highschool, even the students with high GPAs and seem "perfect." It's not the parents fault. These girls were extremely stupid to take this risk while they tumbled....yes they did tumble while intoxicated, and stunted. I believe other girls who knew their state refused to stunt with them, thank goodness. As an athlete I do not think they should be allowed to cheer next year. But the parents and school should not be blamed for the behaviors of these girls. They all are old enough to make their own decisions. There is a constitution athletes sign, I'm pretty sure it is a requirement in every sport stating if they drink/smoke/do drugs while on the team they will suffer extreme consequences. These girls knew what would happen, and made their decisions anyway. I personally think they're punishments should be more sevre than they actually are. As cheerleaders they represent the school, and did so very poorly.

Submitted by Full Time Observer on Sat, 10/18/2008 - 12:13pm.

I had a student at McIntosh that participated in sports. My student generally had a good academic record but had a couple of teachers that simply couldn't effectively communicate the subject matter or didn't want to engage in teaching and left students to fend for themselves on mastering the material. My student's academic average fell below the minimum one grading period and was removed from a sports team. Given the timing and duration of the "academic suspension" from the team and since tryouts are held before the start of the next school year, my student was not allowed to participate the following year either because tryouts were held within the academic suspension period. I don't care to become engaged in what these cheerleaders did or did not do, whether it should have been a law enforcement matter or not, or whether the punishment was appropriate. I just find it unfair that students who are affected by tenured, poor-quality teachers, seem punished beyond those involved in an alcohol incident.

Submitted by Bonkers on Sat, 10/18/2008 - 3:11pm.

You have to understand full time that anything to do with alcohol, the staple food for Peachtree City, (73 places to buy it here, alone), that the abuse of it is a minor offense--especially for kids.
You can drive 400 HP machine fast, drunk, and just get fined!
Being dumb (not my words--their by their actions) is not excusable however!

However you can attend UGA with a 500 SAT (the amount they give you for taking the test!) If you can run man!

Submitted by ChunkyMonkey on Sat, 10/18/2008 - 11:43am.

My greatest concern in this sad situation is many of the parents of the girls involved simply do not want to believe their child would do domething like this. Instead they want to blame other girls, other parents, the coaches, the administrators, the school, the county, the FCBOE, or anyone else they can think of.
Until you allow your daughter to take the responsibility for her actions regarding this, these girls will continue to make mistakes and each time those mistakes will have more of a magnitude and bigger consequnces. They will always expect mom and dad to bail them out of trouble when they know deep down inside they are the ones that are at fault.
Instead of blaming everyone else and using this message board to air your dirty laundry about others, take a look in the mirror. Be glad that no one was hurt or killed and let your daughter take the punishment that she deserves and learn the lesson at hand. Shifting blame does no one any good-especially your daughter!

Submitted by Strangerinthistown on Sat, 10/18/2008 - 10:19am.

Sounds like the start to a great weekend. This town needs more drunk cheerleaders. GO DAWGS!

Submitted by We Run This on Sat, 10/18/2008 - 10:24am.

whats wrong with a few drunk cheerleaders!!!
GO DAWGS!!!!!!!!!!!

Submitted by ptcmom45 on Sat, 10/18/2008 - 8:59am.

I am so tired of reading comments from people that are putting Peachtree City and McIntosh down. "Theoneandonly" what is your problem, you just sound so bitter and hateful. I think these girls are treated more harsh then most because they go to McIntosh. These kinds of problems goes on in ALL High Schools, not just McIntosh. I think some people just want to keep harping on it because Peachtree City is a great place to live and usually the crime here is from people from outside of the city, and when its one of our own PTC residence, some people just want to keep on and on about it. And I bet most of the harsh comments are from people from outside PTC. Leave these girls alone, I think they are punished enough and they do not need to read all these mean and hateful comments.

Submitted by We Run This on Sat, 10/18/2008 - 10:10am.

everyone here wants to hate on Mcintosh you guys act like this doesnt happen at whitewater or starrs mill or sandy creek your crazy starrs mill is known for being coke heads! mcintosh doesnt have a drug problem at all when was the last time that they had a drug problem mayb 2 years ago this happens in EVERY school around these girls have been punished enough and for all the people that commented down below what are you talking about "initiation" that is all bull! i have never herd of that in my life and im a senior at Mcintosh. and for the one that said for their names to be released they SHOULD NOT be released thats none of your guys business who it was half of the girls were minors LEAVE THEM ALONE. What else do you guys expect us to do? when you guys (the parents of PTC and Everyone else) come up with some good ideas and things for us to do maybe people wouldnt be out doing all of this ive lived here for 10 years and ive seen this city grow there is only so much that you can do in this town without going crazy and without being bored after an hour. im sorry that Mcintosh is rich and we have to be hated on by all the other schools and the people in this town. GET a LIFE!

Submitted by MYTMITE on Sat, 10/18/2008 - 11:22am.

you spend some of that time when you are so bored to open a book and study up on your grammar--capitalization, spelling, punctuation, etc?
If, in truth, you are a senior about to graduate from McIntosh you are a poor example of what they are turning out. Since most students are very well versed in computer usage, please at least consider using spell check.

If you have so much time on your hands have you considered getting a part-time job, if you do not have one? It really should be up to you to find what you enjoy doing--swimming? there are several pools here--tennis? there are several courts here. If you took the time and effort to look there is much that you can do. As a senior, you are almost ready to go out into that big, bad, wide world. Once out there no one will find things to amuse you. To you I say GET A LIFE. Note: I am a long time resident of PTC. I have no bias toward any school or any group of students in the area or any other area. My message would be the same to any young person.

Submitted by winby1 on Sat, 10/18/2008 - 10:25am.

You young lady are a spoiled little brat and if your parents are not going to tell you I am!! You rich little McIntosh student!! I guess your parents don't mind if you throw a screaming fit but if you were my child (and thank god your not) I would put you in your rich little place!! Now stomp off to your rich little bedroom and get in your rich little bed and go night-night!!

Submitted by MHS011 on Tue, 10/21/2008 - 7:27pm.

As a student at MHS, I find this story *hilarious*. I always hear about who got drunk, high, or hooked up at a party. Not only do I have some of these cheerleaders in my class, I am friends with with some of them (the one's that *WEREN'T* drunk). The drunk girls got what they deserved, and I personally think that they did *not* get punished enough. 10, possibly 7 days of OSS? That's *it*? Really?! I really do hope that their parents do *SOMETHING* about it.

----Oh, and winby1
WTF is your problem? Not everyone in PTC is rich, you jerk.
Some of the teens have JOBS (including me), and your overuse of the word rich makes me question you. You seem like a jerk with nothing else to do but hate on teenagers. @$$hole.


Submitted by winby1 on Tue, 10/21/2008 - 9:42pm.

Your immature friend is the one that said "she could not help it if the kids at MHS were rich"( I'm throwing up). I also have two teenagers who are not silly and immature as you and your RICH friend. They know how to act and when I read them your rich friends blog they laughed as I did. MHS011 you should be ashamed of your potty mouth and you young lady are SO immature and really just a spoiled little brat just like your self proclaimed rich MHS friends. Your just another disrepectful RICH teen that comes from the bubble called Peachtree City!! You are the perfect example why I moved my two boys from PTC to Brooks!! Now go stomp your feet and slam a door and scream alot of foul words!!

Submitted by Spyglass on Sat, 10/18/2008 - 8:41am.

If I ever need that particular job done, I can see from reading below, this town has numerous specialists. I can sleep better just knowing that.

All Smiles's picture
Submitted by All Smiles on Sat, 10/18/2008 - 8:29am.

I have had two children who have been students at McIntosh HS. Unfortunately, both of my children made poor choices while on school property which in turn involved the law. Both were minors at the time, so their names were not placed in the paper. Both went through the juvenile justice system, served probation and performed community service. The school handed down their own punishment of anywhere from 3-5 day ISS (in school suspension) Both times, the school administrators were the ones who called/involved the law. The acts my children did to get them in trouble did not involve alcohol/drugs unlike the cheerleaders.
My question now, why in the world would the administrators of MHS not report the incident at least to the SRO (school resource officer)???? Does the administration not have this responsibility anymore since my children are no longer their? What changed??? Did the administration choose not to involve the police as it would cause a big scandal?? Clearly, minors drinking, whether they are falling down drunk or just have a little buzz, IS AGAINST THE LAW!! The problem now, is that if the administrators did not turn this over to the law, a precedence could have been set. The next time students attend a school function and show up known to have been drinking, the matter should only be dealt with on the school level as done before. This now opens up a can of worms for McIntosh High School and the Fayette County Board of Education.

Submitted by mhs15 on Fri, 10/17/2008 - 11:32pm.

i am a student at mcintosh and most of the people who are commenting have no affiliation with the squad or our school. yall just need to leave us alone because the girls have suffered more than you know. their grades, their reputation, their competition season, their trust form other people is lost and their squad is divided. you dont know they whole story, only rumors and our school is tried to find the right way to deal with this. it was a bad decision but every school has kids that make bad decisions.


Submitted by MYTMITE on Sat, 10/18/2008 - 11:44am.

Once again, I am appalled by the poor grammar used by someone who says they are a student at McIntosh. At the risk of sounding like an old fogey, may I suggest that more time needs to be spent on the three original educational 'Rs' than on that other 'R' students seem to be so worried about--Recreation. I know e-mailing and texting has students using abbreviated language but there is no excuse for the misspelled words, poor grammar, etc. It isn't more money for extra-curricular activities that is needed for schools (if this is any indication of the education received) but teaching of the basics. No wonder we are falling behind all the other nations of the world. I am very afraid for our future.

Submitted by Im just saying on Sat, 10/18/2008 - 5:52am.

I'm very impressed with this student! MHS15 seems to be more mature than the adults posting here. She's right, the people commenting have no affiliation with this team. Let's set the record straight, I was at that game and the cheerleaders were not drunk, trashed, wasted etc. and they were not consuming alcohol on the track. Their was a stadium full of parents, administration and coaches on the track with the girls and no one noticed anything. In fact it wasn't brought up until a few days later when another parent was angry...maybe she was angry about personal things going on her life...I don't know, but there have been many lies and rumors about these kids, parents, coaches and admiistration. These honest parents VOLUNTARILY made their kids go to the administration and tell on a couple of their friends for somthing that happened hours BEFORE the game. Most the girls are being punished for "gulity by association" not for being drunk. They could have had cough syrup and been more intoxicated then what actually happened.

Should they be punished for putting themselves in that situation? Absolutely! Should they have all this public humilation for no reason? I feel GOD is the only one that has the right to judge them!

Submitted by mary55 on Sat, 10/18/2008 - 7:18pm.

You say that you were at that game and you could not tell those cheerleaders were intoxicated?? I was at that game as well and your right about most of the girls, I do no believe most of them were drunk but at one point I walked by one of the cheerleaders and she could not even open her eyes. It was very apparent that this one girl was drunk, you obviously were not paying that close attention. All the students at that game knew the cheerleaders had been drinking. They TOLD us. And you also say that they were only drinking HOURS before the game?? This is where you are wrong AGAIN. The girls went out to another cheerleader's car during half time and drank some more. I personally know this because I am a student at McIntosh and the girls told everyone they drank during half time. Granted not all of them did...but about three of them did. Also one of the girls mouthed to the crowed "i'm so drunk!" during the game. Not only did students see her do this but many parents saw as well. The girls made it very public that they were drinking and had drank before the game as well. And I think it is horrible of you to say that this mom was angry about personal things going on in her life so she told the school. That is bullshit, she was angry because these girls made a poor choice that put her daughter in a difficult situation as captain. It was her daughter's obligation to turn these girls in. She needs to be given credit instead of getting hate emails from everyone she goes to school with. Now she has to get the backlash from these 8 girls and their friends simply because they are mad she told her coach. Even if she did not turn these girls in, plenty of other parents would have and did...You should be thanking this mom for looking out for the squad's safety. And you said that MOST of these girls are guilty by association...haha that's a joke. I know for a fact that and 7 out of 8 have were drinking that night. So maybe your not as "involved" as you think you are. Children lie to their parents to get out of trouble, if you think that these girls or your child always tell the truth than you are oblivious. You need to get your facts straight before you start posting things.

Submitted by Im just saying on Sun, 10/19/2008 - 2:41pm.

Again, if you know for a fact that 7 of these girls were drinking then you must be guilty too because you would have had to be present. Maybe you are right, two of the kids did drink at half time, but NOT ALL 8. You are right about children lying. Some lie to their peers to fit in or appear cool.

Obviously, you think you know everything and that you are above the administration and parents. How disrespectful of you...I'm sure you must have access to the reports written up by the school? How about you get your facts straight before you post anything else.

I hope your parents know what you are writing on this blog.

Submitted by mary55 on Tue, 10/21/2008 - 8:17pm.

My parents DO know what I am writing on this blog and they support me 100%. I have showed them what you have written, what I have written, and what all the other crazy moms like you on this blog have written. You need to be focusing on your daughter right now, since you have made it clear in other posts that your daughter is in fact one of the 8. And as for me being disrespectful towards can I respect an adult who is acting as a child and blaming everyone but the ones responsible in this situation.

Submitted by drirrational on Fri, 10/17/2008 - 11:15pm.

First off, these girls were obviously not that drunk if they could still do all the cheer stunts, so there's no use in talking about what a bad decision they made if anything they were feeling a little loose. I used to go to the football games drunk all the time. I wasn't a cheerleader but I was on the Titty Committee and there were several times where people would get caught drunk at the game. They never got a story written about them. Hell, my freshman and sophomore year I was on the football team and there were football players who would drink on the bus to the game and back, I mean this stuff happens all the time. I mean we're sitting here talking about McIntosh's students drinking problems? How about we talk about their problems with actual drugs like cocaine and all these pills they take today. It's not just pot anymore some of these kids are full on coke/X/pill heads at the ages of 16 and 17 years old. But I guess since it's Peachtree City God forbid the truth be told about their perfect children. This is a much bigger problem in Peachtree City than a few drinks will ever be. But, hey it doesn't matter as long as they keep their SAT scores up right?

Submitted by Who knows on Fri, 10/17/2008 - 11:14pm.

I was really dissappointed in the MHS cheerleaders. And yes they are receiving their punishment. Everyone makes mistakes and HOPEFULLY learn from them. Also MHS is not the only high school with misbehavin cheerleaders. A few of FCHS cheerleaders WERE arrested for shoplifting, but they are also on the sidelines cheering away, being wonderful role models for each and everyone!! Just a few short years ago, cheerleaders did sign a code of conduct contract. So when they were caught there was recourse. Of course you had to have an administration that backed your coaches and the rules.

kjam's picture
Submitted by kjam on Fri, 10/17/2008 - 10:12pm.

Did I sneak a drink as a teenager, of course I did. Did I get caught and punished, YEP sure did! Now that I am a parent of a teenager or two, I do look at things differently. My kids over the years have been involved in sports or after school activities, and as many hours as I have spent with them and the other kids, I would have noticed on the drop of a dime if they were intoxicated or staggering. I find it very hard to believe no Parent, Coach, School Sponsor did not notice their behavior. The students getting 10 days suspension is not a surprise. If these kids would have been caught at a party, or in a parking lot somewhere they would have been charged. Where did they get the alcohol? Was it bought by someone over 21 (hope not), was it taken from Parents house? These are the issues that need to be looked at. Was this really pre-planned? I bet next time, someone will be "the bigger person" and just say no, or do the right thing and tell someone. Again, either way, it could prevent someone getting hurt or killed by another drunk driver. I would rather "read their names" in the paper as saving someone's life, rather than another teenager arrested and charged with minor in possession of alcohol or consumption. Let this be a lesson learned. Parents continue to ask the following: WHO, WHAT, WHY, WHEN, & WHERE!!!

Submitted by drirrational on Fri, 10/17/2008 - 11:24pm.

to the "where did they get the alcohol from?" part. There are liquor stores around here that sell to minors, and most of the high school students know about them.

Submitted by forreal on Fri, 10/17/2008 - 7:34pm.

Let me just say that EVERY HIGH SCHOOL in fayette county (and yes, shockingly, the entire united states!) has kids who drink and party. its not "just mcintosh" because a couple girls did something dumb and got caught.

It is sort of disheartening that 15 year old, 16 year old, 17 year old kids can get enough alchohol to get drunk regularly happens.

its a bit obvious that they shouldn't have done this and I definitely think the punishment should have been a bit harsher (because these unfortunately are the girls that think its funny and cool to have OSS) because some kids get KICKED OUT of schools for this, while these girls got a tiny slap on the wrist...

But I don't think this is their parents fault.
This could happen to YOUR kid. She/he may have been a divine being in your eyes for every year of her/his life but there's a little thing called peer pressure in high school.

You want to know when these girls changed from innocent little middle schoolers to hard-partying high schoolers?
The minute one of the former senior cheerleaders invited them to a party.

The rest is history.

Submitted by MHSChief on Fri, 10/17/2008 - 10:19pm.

I'm a student at McIntosh and I understand that the actions of these cheerleaders were dangerous and irresponsible. However, I also think that its ridiculous for grown women to get on this website and banter back and forth just like the "teenage girls" that they ridicule. Instead of focusing on the situation at hand, you've all become obsessed with your own little arguements. The cheerleaders may or may not have been punished as they should have been, but the decision is made and we will have to live with it. One can only hope that these girls will learn their lesson and grown from it. I can't honestly believe that none of you ever got in trouble in highschool? Whether it was this severe or not, think back to the way you felt after you were punished. You have no idea how these girls feel about what they've done and its not your place to cast judgement. Have you become so "mature" that you can't see through the eyes of your children?


Submitted by forreal on Fri, 10/17/2008 - 10:26pm.

I don't understand why this reply was to me when i didn't say anything about this...

Submitted by theoneandonly on Fri, 10/17/2008 - 5:59pm.

Ok, teens are going to be teens and do some pretty dumb things. This is my question, these girls were M.I.P. and probably some other things as well. Now how come if your just some normal run of the mill teenager and you are caught drunk, M.I.P.? Well how about your name will have a nice plaque within the Cop Reports/Police Blotter. This arrest will ultimately lead to probation and M.R.T. classes or Tomorrow's Man. OOOOOOOOH but wait, now if you have on your little McIntosh High cheerleading outfit, don't worry, your only gonna get suspended. How nice, now you don't have to skip school and forge your mom's signature on the excuse. All they are getting is a vacation. I personally feel that regardless of the person's social status or how this will effect them getting into this school or so on, EVERYONE SHOULD BE TREATED EQUAL!These girls now right from wrong just as every other teenager. I feel Peachtree City needs to step in and doing something about this, if not, I feel it necessary to start a petition about everyone that was charged in Peachtree City with M.I.P. to get these people's money back that was spent on probation and classes etc. and to have these charges removed from their record. These kids are not going to learn anything

Submitted by student15 on Fri, 10/17/2008 - 10:18pm.

I am a student at MHS and i think everyone needs to just think about this for a minute. not only have these girls been kicked off of their cheerleading squad, but they r recieving zeroes in every one of their classes. this is there first offense and while i realize that they made a stupid decision, drinking is part of high school, and there is peer pressure all around you. I'm not saying that i think what they did was right, because it wasn't. I'm simply saying that these girls lives have been completely altered. They are getting punished and it is not up to any of you to judge what the punishment should be. If our principal believes that the punishment is right then it is. What's done is done and now instead of focusing on these student's punishments we should all focus on your children and making sure that they dont make the same decision, because i gauruntee you that once your child reaches high school there will be alcohol and instead of concentrating on a student that you dont even know, you should start concentratrating on how to make this an example to your family.

Submitted by momof4 on Fri, 10/17/2008 - 6:14pm.

It sounds like first you have an underlying issue with cheerleaders...and second these girls (the majority) are MINORS and can not drive alone in the car without an adult so NO the blotter would not have posted their names for a REASON..So people like you cant beat them up for an obvious MISTAKE..Have you always made the right decisions,born free of fault. I am sure you live in the bubble also..These children did not get reprimanded the night of the game..It waited until Monday morning so maybe the administration needs to be looked into..The police were not called or I am sure something would have been done..You go get your petition and hope your kids are perfect. I would sure hate for you to feel like these families do right now...These are someones kids, grandkids, etc..what happend to being a nonjudgemental christian...ANYONE

Submitted by Bonkers on Sat, 10/18/2008 - 4:19am.

Well, just next time a group of minorities are caught defacing a tunnel. just let them go home---they are kids!

Submitted by thirtythree on Fri, 10/17/2008 - 6:20pm.

Please, I am a christian and you are being judgemental by not respecting the feelings of parents like me that could have had a daughter flying with one of those girls at that game. I am surprised that the parents of the sober girls have not wanted the President of MHS Cheer Booster removed as she is a mom of one of those girls. If you are going to preach christianity than live it. Bless you!

ptctaxpayer's picture
Submitted by ptctaxpayer on Mon, 10/20/2008 - 7:27am.

Maybe that's the problem: "Monkey see, monkey do".

Submitted by cheerpres on Tue, 10/21/2008 - 12:23am.

Wow, let me start by saying that I am the cheer booster president mentioned above. I have not been on this blog because my husband didn't want me in the middle of all the bashing and it's just not the right thing to do. I agree with him and I'm not here to bash, but to defend my family.

None of you could possibly know how difficult this has been for our family. As I read through the blogs, I was horrified at things being written about these kids and us parents. It feels like an infectious disease that just keeps getting worse. Yes, we were disappointed with out daughters decision to put herself in the situation that she did. She is being diciplined at home, at school, on her team, and unfortunely publically. This public humiliation will haunt her for the rest of her life. Had this been handled by the police it would have been sealed juvenile records and none of you could be on here bashing her and I. Trust me, that punishment would have been much easier to deal with!

In addition to the above...
1. did you know that she voluntarily told school administration what she knew about?
2. did you know that she will struggle this whole semester with grades for all this time missed from class?
3. did you know that she has already written apology letters to her teachers, coach & team mates, and the cheerleader that told on everyone first?
4. did you know that she has cried herself to sleep more than when she was a baby?
5. did you know that she is so depressed that we are concerned about her health?
6. did you know that she had her passion taken away from her?
There's many more personal things that I could share but I'm sure the negative bloggers would not care. My point is she is being punished in more ways than you will ever know! God, her family and her true friends love her unconditionally and will forgive her, but I'm not sure how to teach her to forgive herself.

As far as my responsibilities as booster president, I'm sure you are aware, that I sent an email to every booster member asking for opinions on how to handle the situation and just for the record...I recieved 34 yes's, 3 people did not respond and 1 rude no. Not only did I recieve support from parents, I recieved positive encouragement from their kids, coaches, other booster board members, and some administration. With that much encouragment I decided to set an example by not quitting.

I don't know who all these comments on these blogs were directed at but I'd like to address a few...
1. I haven't had a 'shot' since college age! (and I'm old enough not to share my age)
2. I wish I had the energy to stay out until 2 am!
3. If I was included in the sorority sister comment - thank you, I wish I felt like acting that young!
4. We've never approved or allowed laws to be broken by our children...not underage drinking, not driving or riding on a golf underage etc.
5. It's okay if I have an alcoholic drink in front of my children, I'm legally old enough...

I am truly sorry that this phenominal group of girls had to deal with this stuff. They are an awesome and talented team with great potential! I hope they have the opportunity to prove it.

Okay, looks like I got all my blogging in at one time. Now let's all log off the computer and move forward as a team. Remember, a team wins together and loses together and parents of a team teach the kids how to support a their team.


Voice of Fayette Future's picture
Submitted by Voice of Fayett... on Tue, 10/21/2008 - 12:58pm.

When you say "she had her passion taken away" and "she cries herself to sleep" you are forgetting who caused this and really how light the penalty is. The problem is that her reckless conduct, on display as the role model she is, will potentially motivate other students to drink and some will drive and this is exactly why many teens die in alcohol related deaths with their friends.

You miss the point.

You sound like actor Maureen McCormick who played Marcia Brady, who at the age of 50, summarizes her drug use disaster as follows: "For five years I was a victim of cocaine addiction."

No more personal responsibility left in this country.

Submitted by mary55 on Tue, 10/21/2008 - 8:34pm.

I could not agree with you more voice of Fayette!! THANK YOU!

Submitted by mary55 on Tue, 10/21/2008 - 8:34pm.

How dare you refer to the only child brave enough to come forth and do the right thing when everyone was telling her not to as "the girl who told on everyone first." ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? Why would you shine a negative light on her for standing up for what is right? I don't understand why you would represent yourself as "the president of the booster club" and then make comments like this. How low do you have to be to pick on an INNOCENT child. Why would you not choose to include her in "her team mates?" You really should not hold a grudge against a 17 year old girl who might have saved these girls from making the same mistake twice. I think you owe this young lady, otherwise known as MISS MCINTOSH, an apology. She represents what McIntosh stands for.

Submitted by cheerpres on Wed, 10/22/2008 - 12:31am.

My comments above were about MY family and not meant to shed a negative lite on anyone else. I may have used the wrong words in your opinion to describe her, but my point was that she got a personal apology, she was included in the group apology too, but my daughter sent her a seperate private apology and that's all that I was trying to say. There is no grudge being held against your child. I've always said great things about your child and have respect for her. I think she is wonderful person with a bright future. I have not been on this blog writing anything negative about your child or anyone else. I wish everyone could say the same about my daughter. They are all good kids and deserve the same repect. So that I can't be accused of anything else, I do not plan to be on this blog anymore, if you want to talk to me, you have my email and phone number.


Submitted by mary55 on Wed, 10/22/2008 - 6:38am.

Thankyou for clearing that up but I am too young to have a 17 year old daughter considering I am in highschool as well...I was not on here defending a daughter, I was on here defending a friend.

Submitted by kelleyb227 on Tue, 10/21/2008 - 12:00pm.

about this and am so saddened for these young girls. Believe YOU me, I understand how these parents feel. To have someone seem as if they ostracize you and when you are at your lowest. It hurts so badly. These families need support, not judgement.

These are very sweet girls that I know will take their punishment and turn things around for themselves. I have faith in them and will pray for them to handle this with grace and strength.

Please remember ladies...Everyone makes mistakes. This situation doesn't define you....but your ability to rise above this and learn from it will define and reflect the wonderful young women you are. You are winners. This is a pebble in your road, not a boulder.

Hugs to all involved.

Submitted by TyroneTerror on Tue, 10/21/2008 - 10:40am.

I understand the pain you are going through. Its hard to see your child hurting even if they brought it on themselves. It takes alot to come on here and read the downright mean comments made by some about a child.

What's even more disturbing to me is the attitude shared by some that it was just kids being kids. No, it wasn't, they broke the law. I take issue with a few of points you made.

2. did you know that she will struggle this whole semester with grades for all this time missed from class? Unfortunately there are consequences for decisions in life. This is one of them. If you are an adult and get arrested, you could lose your job.

3. did you know that she has already written apology letters to her teachers, coach & team mates, and the cheerleader that told on everyone first? That's wonderful she should have. But your statement, "the cheerleader that told on everyone first", reflects an attitude of someone that does the right thing being a tattle tale. I applaud the young lady that informed the coach and administration, it takes a great deal of strength and courage to go against the crowd and exhibit LEADERSHIP.

6. did you know that she had her passion taken away from her? This one disturbs me more than all the others. She didn't have it TAKEN AWAY from her. She made the decision to be involved and it is her fault that her passion is gone. This is why today's society is in a moral quagmire. No one accepts responsibility for their actions.

I am truly sorry that this phenominal group of girls had to deal with this stuff. They are an awesome and talented team with great potential! I hope they have the opportunity to prove it. Once again no responsibility and no consequences. Rules are in place for a reason. The punishment for breaking those rules has been handed down.

Even if they had not been severly punished by the school...Why would you or any of the parents of the girls involved even consider letting your daughters Cheer anymore this year? Like I said before..its not like they were Late for practice or had a bad grade. This is MUCH more serious! WAKE UP!

What about the cheerleaders that weren't involved? They did the right thing yet they are being punished too! They had their Passion taken away by the selfish actions of others.

I truly hope that this passes and doesn't leave long term emotional scars on your daughter. If you will give her direction, and help her use this as a learning experience, it may turn out to be the BEST thing that could have happenned to her.

Main Stream's picture
Submitted by Main Stream on Tue, 10/21/2008 - 7:27am.

You sound like a loving and supportive parent so don't let the nasty comments on here get to you too much. I believe many of us parents will encounter these same issues as our kids grow up and many parents have done these same things during their own high school days (that doesn't make it okay either). It's not the end of the world so please hug your daughter and let her know that this will pass, in time. She's, no doubt, learned a huge life lesson and she'll come out of this a stronger person. We're all happy that the girls remained safe and did not hurt anyone during their escapade but I think we've all learned a lesson when something like this is leaked to the community and is subject to so much public scrutiny - to not be so quick to pass judgment and also, to keep a closer eye on our kids, even our middle-schoolers where some of this craziness all starts in the first place.

bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Tue, 10/21/2008 - 5:05am.

Both you and your daughter know that she wasn't the cause of this situation. For that she should hold her head up and you and your husband should be doing cartwheels.

Doing the right things for the right reasons sometimes bites you in the backside but doing the wrong things for any reason get’s you labeled as a politician.

Submitted by justwondering on Tue, 10/21/2008 - 8:59am.

Please try to ignore the critical, negative comments on this site. The teen years are very difficult,and I think one should have a teen or two before passing judgement on these girls.I am sure your daughter usually has good judgement. My son did something similar 20 years ago. We could not believe it, but, my spouse reminded me of Martin Luther King's words that groups are more immoral than individuals.The peer pressure is great. Hang tough and hold your head up.

Submitted by Im just saying on Mon, 10/20/2008 - 9:48pm.

Wow, such non-integrity with some of you people writing things about other peoples kids. You might as well post the juveniles names since you are postig who the parents are. I hope your kids don't get their integrity from you!

Submitted by momof4 on Fri, 10/17/2008 - 6:29pm.

Lets hang them, stone them, etc...sounds like that would make you feel better...If your the meaning of a christian Im scared...You are judging kids..Are you kidding me..

Submitted by flossing20 on Fri, 10/17/2008 - 9:39pm.

Well, I guess I missed this sweet little comment of yours the first time I read through them momof4. What a great role model you are for your kids! Why don't you just read all of the ugly remarks you have made today and explain them to your four children how they should not ever do this. Christians like you give christianity a bad name. I am sure that all of the Christian readers are praying for you.

Submitted by momof4 on Fri, 10/17/2008 - 9:48pm.

No actully we are praying that anyone who should Shame these girls in public would find compassion in their hearts and forgive. Did you read the awful things these people have said about these girls and their parents? Obviously you agree they should be humiliated..I happen to have children who have been private/christian schooled all of their lives..but guess what..they will make mistakes and I will make sure they learn from it and TRY to never make that mistake again...Not to mention they would not be reading any of this or I would not be doing a real good job now would I..I am not posting on Disney last time I checked...enough said...You think you are going to make your point by picking on my family but it will not work..If thinking these girls should not be harassed by the public is wrong then IM WRONG

suggarfoot's picture
Submitted by suggarfoot on Fri, 10/17/2008 - 6:03pm.

girls, goes for all the teenagers here, I don't think they should be on a police blotter cause they are boys, I'm saying the opposite.

Submitted by sml0001 on Fri, 10/17/2008 - 5:40pm.

As a former McIntosh cheerleader I'm embarrassed and appalled that girls would get drunk during a game. WHAT ARE YOU THINKING?! Stunting is dangerous enough without throwing alcohol into the mix... get a reality check ladies. You're lucky you didn't get in trouble with the police for underage drinking for one, so those of you complaining about them being exposed publicly should be glad their names weren't listed in arrests that week instead. This is so disappointing to hear and I'm completely shocked and embarrassed that leaders would represent their school in this way. God forbid you have to wait until AFTER the game to drink. This is not the McIntosh cheerleading I knew.

Submitted by thirtythree on Fri, 10/17/2008 - 6:15pm.

Amen sister! Listen, I have a small daughter that cheers with some of these girls at Infinity All Stars and she has always looked up to them. Well, what do I tell her now? These girls and their precious non-blaming parents have been carousing this situation for a few years now. I mean I know for a fact this is on-going drinking and the girls get caught and the parents don't punish them. It is not okay, there is no excuse, they should be punished as a public underaged drinker would be, they could have killed us driving home from the game, a cheerleader could have been killed stunting or tumbling that night; and yes, I do mean killed! Anyone that really knows about the sport of cheerleading today, knows and respects the dangers of this sport. Ladies and gentlemen, do not take this so lightly. In a few years, it could be my daughter, and believe me, it could also be yours. To the momof4, grow up! Obviously this is one of your children or you don't have children. It is absolutely absurd that you do not see the severity of this and those precious little darlings should absolutely be punished because parents like you and theirs create their problems for them by protecting them and paying their way out of trouble. I can assure you if it was a kid in Fulton County, this would not have been taken so lightly and the kids would be on the news and in juvie. I can assure you that if this was my child, I would let her sit in a cell so she could think about the lives that could have been lost and the affects that this could have on her transcripts and chances for college. Some of you say that is will not effect those areas, but believe those moms are so competitive that they will tell anything to these college scouts and schools to get their daughters in instead of their "best friends". Their best friends being the ones they got drunk with! Time will tell all and the future doesn't lie!

Submitted by GAGIRL08 on Fri, 10/17/2008 - 7:39pm.

how about instead of bashing these girls, explain to your "young daughter" that these girls made a mistake that did come with consequence. I hope your "young daughter" never makes any mistakes. I hope you never have to rethink your "that i would let her sit in a cell" comment. doesn't sound like real parenting skills to me. everyone makes mistakes, human nature. Your job is to teach right from wrong and reinforce. Not to point fingers and use others as examples.

Submitted by flossing20 on Fri, 10/17/2008 - 8:51pm.

It doesn't sound to me like she was bashing these girls, as I read it, I think that she did not mention what she would tell her daughter and that sitting in a cell(she did not say for how long)would help her think about the wrong that she had done and could have done to others. This mother sounds concerned because she was at that game and that her daughter is a cheerleader at a young age and she just wants to see that precautions and actions are taken now so that it would not happen to her children or anyone elses children in the future. I can tell you that when I was younger a rule was a rule and if my parents, school, and government had rules, we followed them, or we would be severally punished. This is a very delicate situation and our hearts should go out to all involved. Rationanl thinking needs to come into play with the punishment of these girls and who is to say it was all girls? There are male cheerleaders now. In my day, if drinking was involved when it was not allowed and someone got in trouble, our parents would take us (I mean the whole neighborhood) to see the coroner and let us visit those that had died from dui drinking and driving, alcohol poisoning; you get the idea. It would scare us to death. Sometimes we just need to get back to the basics so that our children can visualize what could happen to others and themselves. Oh, and don't forget about what that mom said about the transcripts and colleges. I can assure you that things always come out in the wash. It is not easy to get into a good college these days and this will be a hard lesson for some of these young people to learn. College applicants are very competitive these days and they will tattle if it helps them get a chance. This is not just about these circumstances, but a variety of circumstances. Parents of these children need to make sure that they are level headed and do not use emotion but brains when punishing these cheerleaders. It is sometimes hard for us parents to look beyond the heart and see from a stranger's eyes. Please take time to think this out, parents! It is a very important and influential time in your children's lives.

Submitted by momof4 on Fri, 10/17/2008 - 6:24pm.

Shocker that there are close minded people on this planet such as yourself...I never stated that these girls should not be punished so sharpen up your reading skills and re-think your CRITISIZIM of others..Lets hope that sweet precious angel of yours never does anything wrong because you may have to eat your words.. I have four children since you were wondering and do not live in the PTC no one of them is not my daughter..As far as growing up, come up with your own material...Instead of bashing others go clean up your own back yard. People make mistakes but can learn from them and move on..That is what their supposed to do right..Learn..You must be free of fault also..Must be nice...

Submitted by flossing20 on Fri, 10/17/2008 - 9:12pm.

This mom did not say the PTC bubble, you misread. From what I have read of your comments, you have been on the site all day. If you have four children and are the greatest of moms and don't throw stones from your glass house, how do you have so much time to be on the computer and having word throwing contests with these other readers. You have called people "close minded", you have said "people like you", you have said "bashing others", you said "you think you have perfect children", you act like you are an authority on laws, you said "your poor children", you called a reader "a busy body", you said "people like you" again. Look, you sound like you need to spend more time with your four kids because I think that everyone that reads your comments will think all of these things about you. Like you wrote to a reader, I am sure your children are angels. Have a nice day momof4.

Submitted by momof4 on Fri, 10/17/2008 - 9:33pm.

You must also be a stone you guys have a club...I will challange my parenting skills all day....this happens to be a VERY IMPORTANT issue because your community has nothing better to do..I signed up today to dispute the narrow minded comments made by you and others...Let me guess your kids are perfect too..For the record I happen to hold a very prestigous title with a major banking outfit and HAD THE DAY OFF.....Maybe you should focus all your hate for these cheerleaders on doing something positive...They are children and desereve to not be punished by the public..PERIOD The school and their parents can handle it per each childs personality...How do you know these kids are not beating themselves up for what they did..Instead of humiliating them why not make sure they learn from it.. I dont teach my kids to make fun of or humiliate others..You seem to be pretty seasoned at it though...I think anyone with any compassion would agree these girls dont deserve the public fall out...For the record-I got kids ready for school, grocery shopped, ran carpool, bought a halloween costume, cleaned my house,made dinner, and still managed to reply to you....

walker3's picture
Submitted by walker3 on Sat, 10/18/2008 - 6:36am.

I haven’t read every word you’ve written because I AM a momof1 (who is a MHS student) and, frankly, don’t have the time. It did catch my eye they you are not even from this community but so quick to judge who we are and how we think just because of our zip code.
Madame, it is you who are the “closed minded” profiler of me and my neighbors. You have no place at the table, especially as you obviously bring unfounded biases as to who and what we are in PTC

suggarfoot's picture
Submitted by suggarfoot on Fri, 10/17/2008 - 5:36pm.

This is a very hard time for teenagers, while they are trying to push away and become is very temptingfor us, to let go, but they need us more than ever at this age. They are kids, walking around in adult bodies with their little hormones in overdrive. They are overbearing to say the least. But they are just kids. When they make mistakes like this, and this is a whopper, instead of lining up to throw rocks, why don't we all try to help?

Yes, they should not have been drinking and it is a wonder they weren't hurt, but the school has pretty much kicked them off the team for the year, and their grades are gonna take a beating with that much time off.

Lets all quit being so hard on them, and turn this into a learning experience for them.. Kindness at this point would be met hopefully with some remorse and better behavior. Anger, and being judgemental, is only going to make them defiant. Sounds like these girls need someone to guide them, not crucify them.

Submitted by Bonkers on Sat, 10/18/2008 - 4:14am.

Are role models are they not? Part of the job, I think.

I would assume that you would give the same fluffy punishment to a gang of minorities parading around the field drunk? Wouldn't you?

They are just kids? I went to war at 17 lady!

Little hormones? Same size as they will ever be! Parents do treat them as "kids" however. Drink in front of them, etc.

I do agree however that this needs to be punished and forgotten!
I did some stuff at that age that was dangerous! I haven't killed anyone at least not deliberately.

Just don't discriminate due to class!

suggarfoot's picture
Submitted by suggarfoot on Sat, 10/18/2008 - 8:27am.

I never heard that cheerleaders were role models, just someone who shook their pom poms better than the rest of us.

As for hormones, yes, teenager's hormones are much higher than adults. They have a lot coming at them, and make bad choices. They are still kids. It is no different than when they were small and you spanked them when they miss behaved.

Now they are older and the stakes are higher. Yes, someone could have been killed, and I'm glad they weren't. Maybe this is a wake up call to them and their parents, but I won't judge and condemn these kids.

Every kid is different, holding some up to public ridicule might ruin them for life, others maybe deserve it and nothing will change them. What I'm saying is, it is not my choice.

All I can say is, when I was young, my parents were strict. Another Mother lied through her teeth to my parents so I could spend the night a their house. I was horrified at what went on and told my parents. I was never allowed back there and never wanted to go back. But, it became apparent to everyone that her daughter was a victim who needed a friend. She was allowed at my house, and it became a haven for her. Her life changed. Kindness sometimes, is all someone needs. All I'm saying is maybe that is what happened here, maybe not, but I won't judge these kids cause I don't know all the facts.

Submitted by whoababy on Fri, 10/17/2008 - 5:53pm.

These girls are of DRIVING age! Some of them will be considered adults at the end of the school year. They may have hormones and walking around in overdrive, but had they been driving and killed someone while intoxicated, they would be prosecuted as an adult. They want to be old enough to drive and party but want to throw out the "i'm a child card" when it's time to pay the piper. They were cognizant of their actions and decided despite the potential consequences, to do it anyway.

RedCard's picture
Submitted by RedCard on Mon, 10/20/2008 - 8:21pm.

The recurring comment in many of these blogs is drinking is in all the schools and has been for years. This doesn't make it right! Both of my children are in college and I was the most unpopular mom ever when they were in high school. I would not allow them to go to the some of the parties because I knew alcohol would be allowed and sometimes provided by parents. Parents have to start parenting. Starting at elementary school level. I know it was eons ago when I was in high school, but I don't remember these things going on quite at this level. I don't know these kids and their situations and whether they have good parents. But I just wanted to say just because someone says drinking is going on in all the schools, that doesn't make it ok.

Submitted by cailin on Fri, 10/17/2008 - 1:56pm.

As a student and an athlete at MHS this is embarrassing. Seriously, I can't believe they would try to do any sport intoxicated. It's so stupid its embarrassing :[.

Submitted by momof4 on Fri, 10/17/2008 - 1:01pm.

I think it's great that all of you have perfect children..And am sure that you are the pillar of parenthood. You have no idea what these parents are like....children make mistakes all the time they are children...Lets publicly humiliate them and post their names...What if it was your kids? Grow up and realize that not everyone lives in a bubble...These girls need to be punished at school and at home but not by the public...

Submitted by Nitpickers on Fri, 10/17/2008 - 4:55pm.

I think what some may be thinking is that if these girls were drunken teenagers anywhere else that it would have made the police blotter.

Submitted by momof4 on Fri, 10/17/2008 - 6:40pm.

Not as minors they would not have....I am pretty confident that law has not changed.

Submitted by Tinytot on Fri, 10/17/2008 - 3:15pm.

Does anyone not think that the Coaches and Administration at Mcintosh should also be under scrutiny, not just the parents? If they were drinking at half time as the rumor mill has it, why wasn’t the coach held responsible? More importantly, how could the coach not realize that eight girls were intoxicated? Isn’t that her job to supervise the girls when their parents aren’t? Isn’t there an Administrator at the game and normally on the sidelines? Why didn’t they see eight kids drunk? I think Dr. Dectois should step in and investigate this matter if he isn’t already. Way too many questions un-answered.

Submitted by whoababy on Fri, 10/17/2008 - 3:02pm.

their names should not be made public, but what do you tell the remaining cheerleaders' parents who paid $500+ to cheer and compete (hopefully at state finals)? As cheerleaders, they put themselves in place as representatives of their school. This not only reflected on MHS, and the other cheerleaders, but their families as well and the money they paid for their child. This has ramifications far beyond just the MHS administration and their own parents. This is a huge life lesson in accountabilility. They wanted to wear that uniform and the visibility of being a cheerleader....they got it but unfortunately, it cost all of the families.

Submitted by blah43 on Mon, 10/20/2008 - 1:48pm.

I attend mhs and I'm pretty disgusted at alot of these comments and the fact that we are looked upon as a drug and alcohol school. Yes a mass majority drink, but there is also a mass majority that does not. People make mistakes and they learn from them but, do not lable the school as a whole in a bad way. In the Citizen there is the article on the Drunk Cheerleaders but right underneathe it is the story about our SAT scores being top in the state. So the students who are a bad represnetative of our school get more attention then those who are going above and beyond in academic achievements. So everyone whos freaking out about the cheerleaders. chill because all of us at mhs are sick and tired of hearing about alcohol and want to get back to our normals life. GET A LIFEEEE

Submitted by cailin on Fri, 10/17/2008 - 2:00pm.

where are their names publicly printed? i dont see that...

Submitted by 1988ptc on Fri, 10/17/2008 - 1:11pm.

I don't think is says anywhere in these comments that any of us have perfect children and I know I am not a perfect parent. The issue here is that these parents have let it be known to their children that it is alright to drink underage. Yes, they should be punished by the public. Maybe they will be so ashamed they won't do it again. I certainly do not want to be driving on the road with them after they decide it ok to get drunk at the football game. For those parents, you know who you are, I hope that this is a lesson to you as well.

Submitted by momof4 on Fri, 10/17/2008 - 1:15pm.

your poor children......Do you know these parents personally? Probably not! Public humiliation as a teaching tool..Sick

Submitted by 1988ptc on Fri, 10/17/2008 - 1:21pm.

Yes I do know the parents I was mentioning in my first post. They let this girl and her friends drink and drank heavily in front of their daughter using her for a designated driver.

Submitted by Im just saying on Sat, 10/18/2008 - 5:15am.

If you know for a fact that these parents let this girl and her friends drink and use her for a designated driver...then Shame on you for not turning them in!

Submitted by momof4 on Fri, 10/17/2008 - 1:41pm.

I find it hard to believe you know ALL of these parents...unless your a busy body..I am sure your a christian too, passing judgment and an advocate for public humiliation.. they do not promote that at my church...why not hope these kids learned a valuable lesson and that their parents help them understand the danger of what they did...Why not allow them to grow up without people like you in their faces...Have you never had a glass of wine or a beer in front of your children? Let me guess..

Submitted by whoababy on Fri, 10/17/2008 - 12:51pm.

Some of the parents behave like sorority sisters when they are at allstar events. Doing shots in front of the cheerleaders in hotel rooms etc. This is what these girls think they SHOULD be doing. Now they have to be held accountable to school rules. THis is public humiliation enough for the families. WHile I don't agree on the parents behavior in front of their children, their children have to be taught to respect the rules of others and that their parents "influence" can't get them out of a tough spot.

Submitted by Im just saying on Sat, 10/18/2008 - 5:19am.

If you know for a fact that the moms were drinking shots in a hotel room then you must have been in the hotel room with them to know that...wouldn't that make you "guilty by association".

Submitted by 1988ptc on Fri, 10/17/2008 - 12:30pm.

I know for a fact that at least one of the cheerleader's parents have let her and her friends drink on many occasions. These same parent's have used this same daughter for a designated driver keeping her at a bar until 2am while they get wasted. Nice and responsible parenting.

Submitted by Im just saying on Sat, 10/18/2008 - 5:27am.

Again, If you know for a fact that these parents let their daughter and friends drink and use her for a designated driver-SHAME on you for not turning them in.

If you know for a fact that the parents take her to bars until 2am...that means that you had to be in the bar and wouldn't that make you "guilty by association".

Wow, you have acted irresponsible more than the teenagers in question!

When did bars start letting teenagers in? Doesn't PTC have a curfew for teens?

Submitted by bleeding heart on Fri, 10/17/2008 - 11:48am.

I'm glad to hear that all of those who posted comments have never consumed alcolol when in high school, or moreso their children have abstained. Wake up. Can you see Russia from your home?

Submitted by rmoc on Fri, 10/17/2008 - 12:08pm.

I was a cheerleader almost 30 years ago and we had to sign honor contracts (no drugs or alcohol) to participate in Athletics. It is a common practice going back to the 70s. If any of you have seen the cult classic, Dazed and Confused that was part of the story line.

We would never have dreamed of showing up at a game wasted..

Submitted by The Last Don on Fri, 10/17/2008 - 11:18am.

having any teenagers drinking. I wonder if any are the same girls who were pretty wild back when they were at Booth? Would also like the names of those old enough to be mentioned.

It's time the parents get involved and stop making excuses for their little darlings.

sniffles5's picture
Submitted by sniffles5 on Fri, 10/17/2008 - 11:49am.

If you are referring to the two Booth girls who got caught having sex a few years ago, neither of them is a cheerleader.

DragNet's picture
Submitted by DragNet on Fri, 10/17/2008 - 10:25am.

Mmmmm....something's wrong in the bubble....
Making you think twice......

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