MHS cheerleaders suspended for drinking

Fri, 10/17/2008 - 9:18am
By: The Citizen

Officials confirmed Friday that eight McIntosh football cheerleaders were suspended this week for being intoxicated with alcohol while at last week’s varsity football game.

The cheerleaders received a 10-day out of school suspension, said schools spokesperson Melinda Berry-Dreisbach. Because it is their first offense that suspension can be reduced to seven days if they choose to participate in an alcohol and drug intervention program, she added

Also, they will be suspended from participating in 25 percent of their remaining season, Dreisbach said. That suspension is also called for in the system’s student code of conduct, Dreisbach explained.

It was fortunate that the cheerleaders’ impairment didn’t lead to injuries while they and their teammates were performing stunts during the game, Dreisbach said.

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Knowitall's picture
Submitted by Knowitall on Fri, 10/17/2008 - 10:06am.

I'm not shocked at all!!!! McIntosh is known by all the kids in the county as "The Drug School" and known by the Juvenile Justice system in Fayette County as the number 1 school that the kids attend who come into their office with Stars Mills fast approching, soon to take over the number 1 position! I think that school should start random drug/alcohol testing with all sports!!! MORE WOULD FOR SURE BE CAUGHT!!! A few years ago, the varsity baseball team was know to get high before games....I think they lead the region in pot smoking that year!

Any names, if this is varsity, I'm SURE some are old enough to have their names placed in the paper!! Maybe "shame" these kids into correct behavior. OR BETTER YET, Call Fox Five and let's "HIGH FIVE THESE GIRLS IN YOUR FACE"

Knowledge is the key to success

Submitted by mick613 on Fri, 10/17/2008 - 4:18pm.

First, I find the need to say that your name, considering your post, is hilarious. "Knowitall." Good one.

Moving on.

While I agree that there should be some kind of drug testing, I'm also a bit offended that you're calling my alma mater "The Drug School." Yeah, I knew people that drank. I knew people that smoked...but that's the unfortunate reality. A lot of high school kids smoke and drink, and most of them get away with it. It sucks, but maybe instead of yelling from your computer screen, how about you actually go out and do something about it? Maybe e-mail the principal and ask her about drug testing. Do SOMETHING instead of whining and moaning like you currently are. But then again, I don't think "The Citizen" would be what it currently is without all you whining, fundamentalist, crazy folks...

Also, I'd like to say this - I graduated from this supposed "Drug School." During my 4 years there, I never drank, and I never smoked. Not once. And you know what? I'm currently in the middle of my 2nd year at college...and I STILL don't drink or smoke! I always thought (and still do think) that drinking and smoking were just stupid things to do. I didn't see the point, so I never did it.

The point is, there's not one high school that drinks or smokes more than the other. Every school has its batch of stupid kids. I'm sure you knew a bunch of stupid kids back when you were in school that did stuff like this. Lots of kids do it.

Or, you can just go ahead and ignore what I've said and continue with your closed-mindedness. I mean, this is "The Citizen" we're talking about.

Submitted by MYTMITE on Sat, 10/18/2008 - 2:27pm.

First let me congratulate you on a well written, articulate blog. You have restored my faith in our students! I admire that you made your point without name calling and presented all your arguments beautifully. Your parents must be very proud of you. I know I would be honored to have you as a member of my family. Keep up the good work.

Submitted by Shhhh on Fri, 10/17/2008 - 12:12pm.

Did ya' see this story? Perhaps all the drugs help the SAT scores!!!!!!!!

McIntosh lauded for top SAT scores
Thu, 10/16/2008 - 3:48pmBy: John Munford
McIntosh High School has had the top SAT scores among all AAAA-sized schools in Georgia over the past three years, officials announced today.

The announcement was made as part of the Governor's Cup program, which included Gov. Sonny Perdue and State School Superintendent Kathy Cox, herself a former McIntosh High School teacher.

Georgia has made free SAT prep classes available online in a bid to boost students' success, officials said. The state has also launched, which has post-secondary planning materials made available to students.

Other schools honored for having the best SAT scores in Georgia for the past three years were Trion High School in Class A, Decatur High School in Class AA, Davidson Magnet School in Class AAA and Walton High School in Class AAAAA.

Submitted by Shhhh on Fri, 10/17/2008 - 12:07pm.

You mean to tell me all of you didn't drink in high school? People drank at Starr's Mill when I was there. I'm sure they still do. I'm sure people drink at Whitewater. It's part of being a teenager. They knew better. They got caught and will be punished. That's how things work. That's how things have ALWAYS worked.

How dare you acknowledge a stereotype stating that a lot of students at that school OR SMHS do drugs? That takes a lot of credit away from many students who work hard and DON'T do drugs. Fayette schools are schools to be proud of (especially PTC schools). Think of all the parents from Clayton County who would *LOVE* to have their children go to McIntosh!

How do you know that your kid hasn't done any of that, anyways? The MAJORITY of kids drink at least once before high school is over... So why don't you think about that for a while?

I graduated from SMHS and am d*** proud of it. When I got to college, I felt like I was smarter than the majority of other freshman because I had a great boost from HS (especially writing skills). I was a little above average- College prep with a few gifted (not AP) classes. Know what else? I drank before HS was over! These girls had bad judgement and are SUSPENDED. That is a BIG DEAL to kids in high school.

Who do you think you are? Do you want their names printed so you can go to their house and talk to their parents? Seriously? These kids drank and you want to put their names all over the internet so colleges and jobs can google them and refuse them because of THIS? Seriously- Some of you people don't think before you speak...

Perhaps they didn't print the names of the students because they were afraid people like you would get your torch and pitchfork and set their house on fire...

Submitted by momof4 on Fri, 10/17/2008 - 6:37pm.

Its good to see not everyone loaths in other peoples misfortune...

CarDealer's picture
Submitted by CarDealer on Fri, 10/17/2008 - 12:54pm.

That's giving it to them! Now those are the words of someone that's in touch!

I'm just say'n...

CarDealer's picture
Submitted by CarDealer on Fri, 10/17/2008 - 12:26pm.

Why is it that when ever kids do something wrong in Peachtree City it's the parents fault? Talk about denial! This is the most boring town I know of for kids to grow up in. There is absolutely nothing for our teenage kids to do here. Nothing! So what do they do, they ride around on golf carts creating havoc because of the boredom, or they have a few beers, or more likely, both. No, it can not be condoned, but you folks act as if you grew up as saints. Please. The best thing you can do is try to relate. Talk to your kids, monitor who their friends are...But stop condemning them like they are worthless...You may be surprised at the results.

I'm just say'n...

sniffles5's picture
Submitted by sniffles5 on Fri, 10/17/2008 - 11:44am.

I heard a totally unsubstantiated rumor this morning (so of course I'll share it here) that it was some sort of "tradition" for the senior cheerleaders to obtain alcohol and get the sophomore cheerleaders falling down drunk at a game as an "initiation".

Not the kind of "mentors" I'd want for my kids.

Submitted by forreal on Fri, 10/17/2008 - 10:37pm.

riiiiiight thats what they do!
yes for every sandy creek game! the seniors FORCE the sophomores to drink!

you're out of your mind.
the sophomores that got caught drinking have been drinking for a long time. most of the seniors that got caught weren't even on the team last year so they wouldn't even know of this "initiation."
there are senior cheerleaders on this team who ARE good role models. you cannot just assume they all do this, unless you want me to assume that you smoke pot or drink because one person you knew in high school did.

sniffles5's picture
Submitted by sniffles5 on Fri, 10/17/2008 - 9:57am.

Hmmm...does anyone know if middle school code of conduct offenses magically disappear when a student goes to high school? Does the counter start over for alcohol related incidents?

Also, what about juvenile court alcohol-related convictions NOT occuring on school grounds? Do they not count for "first offender" status?

chippie's picture
Submitted by chippie on Fri, 10/17/2008 - 4:40pm.

As a parent volunteer who has been involved for many years at all the school levels, I've been told by a staff member that No, the "discipline file" for behavior issues/offenses does NOT follow the student to high school. In essence, they start over with a clean slate. I'm not in favor of this at all as some middle schoolers commit serious offenses and therefore the high school should be made aware of previous problems with a particular student. It would be truly helpful if the Discipline files continue throughout middle and high school instead of starting over when a student changes from middle to high school.

How about it FCBOE - why not change this policy of everyone starts out with a clean slate at high school? The new school should be made aware of issues the student had at their previous school so teachers/Admin can be more aware of what behavior to look out for concerning a certain student.

Submitted by ToshAnonymous on Sat, 10/18/2008 - 1:09pm.

I'm a senior student at McIntosh and I find it interesting that several adults left comments about how McIntosh's drug/alcohol problem is no worse than other schools. Sadly, they are grossly mistaken, I also find it disheartening how little these adults know. The alcohol/drug problem at Mcintosh is much much worse than you think.

Submitted by mick613 on Sun, 10/19/2008 - 9:23pm.

You say the drug problem is really bad at McIntosh...well, compared to what? Have you seen the drug problems at other schools? Do you know how bad they could be compared to McIntosh? Or are you just basing your statements only off of what's gone down at McIntosh?

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