Sandy Creek High School - Competition On Last Saturday!

Mon, 10/13/2008 - 1:28pm
By: jettstream

Thanks to the best Band Director and Assistant Band Director in Fayette County.

The band did outstanding and it did show by all the trophies that you won.

We moved up a class in our division. That did not stop you from showing your best.

To all band members thanks for giving it your all.

You're the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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NUK_1's picture
Submitted by NUK_1 on Tue, 10/14/2008 - 7:53pm.

1st band overall the past two weekend competitions! With one being near Dalton and the other in Carrolton, nice to see their hard work rewarded and they have been excellent.

Submitted by jettstream on Wed, 10/15/2008 - 1:19pm.

Sorry we didn't go to the competitions that Star's Mill did. They did also do excellent at the competition that we were at last weekend. They won trophies also. They were in the highest group, along with two other schools. Do you have a child that attends there? I am friends with a couple of parents and their kids go there and play in the Marching Band.

Congrats Stars Mill High School

NUK_1's picture
Submitted by NUK_1 on Wed, 10/15/2008 - 6:50pm.

Yeah, I have a daughter in the SMHS band. She loves it and I'm glad she does because the countless days/hours of practice, then games, then competitions is quite a load.

I saw the sandy Creek band at the SMHS festival of all Fayette Co bands was called a few weeks ago and thought they were entertaining and good. It was definitely a crowd-pleasing performance. I like the more "modern" style of SC since most of the other bands you usually see are pretty similar. A nice change of pace.

Submitted by 1bighammer on Tue, 10/14/2008 - 12:30pm.

I must say that is QUITE surprising.

I'm at all of the football games and they can barely make it through the "Star Spangled Banner"! It's PATHETIC!

Its also a direct reflection on the "best Band Director and Assistant Band Director in Fayette County". If there is one song a band should be able to play...The Star Spangled Banner is it!

For God's sake we're the PATRIOTS!

Submitted by jettstream on Tue, 10/14/2008 - 12:57pm.

I get what you are saying. You go to just watch football.

FYI The marching band supports the football team, does the football team support the band? You must have someone on the football team.LOL!

I suggest you go into the band room and see how many trophies that they had won at last competition.

I don't knock football teams with kids that do their best. It's a shame you knock Marching Band kids.

Your showing your lack of intelligence by saying what you just did.
It has been proven that kids that play in the Band do better on academics than the ones who don't.

They do fine on "The Star Spangle Banner" Your hearing must be going.

What do have against the Band Directors? I don't knock the coaches.

Man, if I went through everything the football players do, the list would not stop. I am not that kind of person to put down kids.

For God's sake don't put down kids. They are all trying to do their best. Your character is showing stupidity in the case of putting down kids.

Hey, if you can do it better go for it. LOL!

Submitted by 1bighammer on Wed, 10/15/2008 - 10:59am.

So yes Jettstream, my main objective is to go and watch Football. I do not have a child on the team, but I do have kids at the school.

FYI The marching band supports the football team, does the football team support the band? They SUPPORT the football team? Please, they show up play a couple of times, do their halftime show, take the ENTIRE third quarter off, then play two more songs and go home! Or maybe they show up LATE at a game, and Leave before halftime! What a waste of money to travel that far and do nothing.

They do fine on "The Star Spangle Banner" Your hearing must be going. My hearing, hardly. Everyone around me cringes everytime they play it, it really is embarrassing, that they can play "Slow Ride" and the rest of their halftime songs but can't play as you put it...the "The Star Spangle Banner". Oh and its the "Star Spangled Banner" (you must not have been a high achieving band member in high school!)

Let me be clear, its not the students fault. Everything I mentioned is a DIRECT reflection of the Directors. I don't know the band directors personally, but having been in marching band in high school, with a fantastic director, I know when its the musicians and when its the directors. In this case...It's Directors.

Submitted by jettstream on Wed, 10/15/2008 - 1:33pm.

Sorry, you are so wrong for putting down Directors. Is that a good role model for your kids?

I suggest you count next game and see how many times these guys play in the stands.

I was in color guard. My husband was in Marching Band and btw his brother is a band director in another state. Don't worry I have a brother that played football and wished he had never done it. What it did was make him very sick at the age of 50.

I will never knock the coaches no matter what I think. I support them and that is a choice that I want my child to see.

I think your problem is you just don't like music. You only go for the games. Marching Bands have been a part of cheering the football players for how long????????? Yes, the football players need to support us. I have seen this done at other school here and out of state that when the team wins the band goes out on the field and play and the football players run up and join in the celebration.

I choose to have respect. You don't even know the Directors. I can tell you they care for the kids more than anyone I have seen, and they choose to encourage them. They are the best Directors.

Quit complaining and be a positive role model.

Submitted by 1bighammer on Wed, 10/15/2008 - 3:44pm.

My kids know they suck just like the rest of the students over there do...why do you think there are less than 50 instrumentalists in the band? Because they don't want to play that tired old music and do those lame a$$ routines.

The directors are stuck in Yesteryear! They need to step into the 21st century. Young musicians want to be inspired not lulled to sleep! If they would pick up some new music and let the members get a groove on and have some fun, musicians would be coming out of the woodwork.

I know,I know, they are teaching them and helping instill a love for
music. A love that will transcend all genres and make them a better person. That's all well and good, but they are going about it BACKWARDS! Get the musicians excited about their music and as they mature they'll gain an appreciation for it.

I have seen this done at other school here and out of state that when the team wins the band goes out on the field and play and the football players run up and join in the celebration.

That sounds like a great idea! I'll bet your Directors wouldn't go for it.

Submitted by jettstream on Wed, 10/15/2008 - 9:57pm.

Get your facts straight. There are more than 50 instrumentalists in the band.

Our Band Directors would go for going on the field. As a matter of fact they would love it.

Maybe I will ask the coach of the football team if they will go for it and see what the answer is.

I pity you as a parent, making comments like you do shows your character. I pity your kids that have to hear your negative comments.

Since you think the band is so bad, why don't you get involved and show us what you can help us with.Eye-wink LOL!

Our kids in the band do appreciate the opportunity they have to be in the band. How would you know about that?

Could it be your kids feel the way you say they do because of your attitude to tear down people. That is sad!

BTW you might want to take down your avatar No Obama, my husband nor myself are voting for him.

Taking IT To The Streets- It's a great song. They love the entire show.

It's better to be positive instead of negative all the time. Our kids have their eyes on us and tend to pick up on the same thing.

Submitted by 1bighammer on Thu, 10/16/2008 - 2:04pm.

since the beginning of the season...still a pathetically low number for a AAAA school.

I never said the kids didn't appreciate their opportunity, its obvious that the ones that are there do. My comments were about the others that WOULD join if inspired to do so.

First off, I am an adult and I have opinions. However, the statements I have made are not just my opinions, they're a bunch of other peoples and students opinions too. At the next game, kinda wander up to a student and casually mention the band and ask them what they think of them. Make sure you don't mention that you are a band parent. You will be surprised at their answer.

Don't pity me , I'm a realist and I tell it like it is. That's what's wrong with this country today. There are too many people that won't tell it like it is. The constant coddling of our youth and not expecting more from them is raising a generation of adults that will settle for mediocrity.

When my children do good they get praise, when they do bad they are told that they did bad. I pull no punches. I'm not one of the "oh its ok you'll do better next time" people. They know what is expected of them and they perform. That's the reality of this world, you perform or you get left behind.

By not telling kids the truth, as painful as it is, you are doing nothing but crippling them for the future.

Submitted by Daniel Ross on Thu, 10/16/2008 - 6:09pm.

I agree with 1bighammer-his/her opinion is his/her own. And it's not reflected by the band. Many of the members there wish to overcome the band director transition so they play their hearts out. As an alum of the band (4 years on snare), I went back this weekend and checked them out at the rehearsal beforehand. Their show was polished and I could tell that they were ready to actually win something. They might not be the biggest, or most winningest, or most disciplined, but SC's band has gotten better in the past 3 years.

Having said that, Fayette County is band land. All of the schools' bands are great.
"Triangle Park"? Give me a break.
They should have fixed Shamrock first.

P.S. Anyone else going to the LaFayette Classic on the 25th? I am.

hutch866's picture
Submitted by hutch866 on Thu, 10/16/2008 - 6:43pm.

I'll be there Daniel, moving equipment like last year, so far 16 bands plus an exhibition by Georgia Southern's marching band, it's going to be a very long day.

I yam what I yam....Popeye

Submitted by Daniel Ross on Fri, 10/17/2008 - 9:11am.

I'll be there for the finals. I have to work a block party at my church from 1-4 and then I'll probably come over to Fayette after.

Have fun working! I always liked showing bands around to all of their places (dressing, warmup, performance).
"Triangle Park"? Give me a break.
They should have fixed Shamrock first.

Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Mon, 10/13/2008 - 6:36pm.

And a shout-out to all those dedicated band parents that work behind the scenes.
Caution - The Surgeon General has determined that constant blogging is an addiction that can cause a sedentary life style.

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