Fayette not immune to bad times

The Crime Dog's picture

Wow have you seen the list of foreclosures this week in the "other" paper? There were more than a hundred!

And no, they're not limited to any one area of the county. From the countryside on the south to the big city to the west and everything in between.

Maybe we should get outta Iraq and spend that $4 billion a month in other ways.

And while we're at it, close the offshore corporate loopholes that allow U.S. corps to avoid taxes entirely. NO MORE CORPORATE WELFARE (that means you too, Halliburton!).

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The Wedge's picture
Submitted by The Wedge on Sat, 09/13/2008 - 7:38pm.

Do you think that the government should help people with foreclosures? Why should the government bailout risk taking? Didn't everyone sign mortgage contracts? Isn't that a promise to pay? I also think the government should not be bailing out corporations as well. At least I am consistent.

Why do we have corporate taxes? The companies pay taxes on everything but raw materials. Each employee should be paying income taxes. Each shareholder is paying income or capital gains taxes. The end user is paying either sales taxes or a service tax depending upon what is bought. The government is dipping into numerous tills.
How many times should we tax the same money?

We should have a much simplier tax structure. And make sure everyone helps support the government. Imagine the citizenship if everyone has a stake.

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