
Mon, 07/14/2008 - 9:28pm
By: Cyclist

I just want to let you know that several of us are thinking about you.

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Tug13's picture
Submitted by Tug13 on Wed, 07/23/2008 - 12:41pm.

Thanks, I just saw this. Thanks also to SouthernBelle, Sky and others who are thinking about me.

I'm doing ok. Smiling

I hope Miss Jane is having lots of fun on the beach!

Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Wed, 07/23/2008 - 3:41pm.

Jane did chime in yesterday from the beach and said she was having a blast. I think she might have picked up a couple of young lifeguards. Smiling
Caution - The Surgeon General has determined that constant blogging is an addiction that can cause a sedentary life style.

SouthernBelle's picture
Submitted by SouthernBelle on Mon, 07/14/2008 - 9:38pm.

I don't know all that's going on, (I've been gone a while, you know, and I think you remember why) but I'm thinking about you. Let me know if you need a few days at the beach! As long as you can handle the critters! (husband, kid, cats, dog...)

SouthernBelle, GRACE is a VIRTUE

Submitted by skyspy on Mon, 07/14/2008 - 9:35pm.

You really mean so much to many of us. I know you have family here, but please give a shout out if you need anything. We mean it. Don't make me get Hutch, or Git onto you. You are in our thought and prayers.

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