Need a bed extender

Does anyone know where I can find one? Locally? I found one at Harbor Freight (online) but don't have the time, or gas money, to drive to Macon to get it. I found another one at some truck place in Jonesboro but they wanted $159 and the same thing at Harbor Freight is $29. I really don't want to pay the extra. If I don't find one I have to choose between taking my kayak or taking luggage (for six). Guess which will go? ha ha

I've tried Napa and Advanced, but they don't carry them. It's not the gate thing that I want it's the thing that looks like a capital T with a bar that comes out and hooks into the hitch. I'm leaving on Sat and would appreciate any helpful hints. Thanks.

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Submitted by wildcat on Sat, 07/12/2008 - 7:17am.

Thanks for all the help! I bought one yesterday at Northern and it works great!! I'm out of here....a glorious week at the beach!!

Submitted by snoopy19 on Sat, 07/12/2008 - 5:22am.

Hey, I asked my neighbor for you. He said Sportsman's Guide, about $89.00. Their web-site is:, I checked, and it shows $27.00, maybe $89.00 is with shipping.

Go Fayette, Girls All-Stars, Softball!

Happy happy, joy joy!

masked08's picture
Submitted by masked08 on Fri, 07/11/2008 - 8:41pm.

I saw them at the Fytvl Home Depot! Great idea IMO. Near the lumber, across from the "service" desk.

edited: Now that I read your post again, it may be similar but not exactly the same thing. It might work though.

zoes's picture
Submitted by zoes on Fri, 07/11/2008 - 11:53am.

Did you try CraigsList? I found this one in Newnan, but I don't know what a bed extender is, so it may not even be right!!

Zoe S.

PS. I CANNOT figure out how to do links on this site!!!

Submitted by Spyglass on Fri, 07/11/2008 - 7:28am.

Northern Tools, or just Northern is the name. They are GA HWY 138 in Stockbridge, just west of I-675 on the left. Try their website or call them.

Submitted by wildcat on Fri, 07/11/2008 - 11:02am.

I've already been to Stockbridge and back! This one adjusts both vertically (untilizing roofspace) and horizontally (I could take both kayaks if I wanted). Thanks again!

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