Houston On Target - Read "The World is Flat"

Fri, 06/27/2008 - 11:21am
By: tc

We live in a global marketplace so your comment about doing business elsewhere is not especially relevant. I don't see any evidence that Houston doesn't support keeping jobs locally. I do see evidence that he understands how to use resources wisely and this is why he is a management consultant for Fortune 100 companies. In addition, it may be that this sort of perspective is just what we need to make sure that our students are educated adequately to compete in the global marketplace. We need local leaders in all our elected positions - not just the school board - who have knowledge and experience outside the Fayette County bubble. An especially relevant book on this subject is "The World is Flat" by Thomas Friedman who has won three Pulitzer Prizes for his investigative writing.

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Submitted by notjustcomplaining on Tue, 07/01/2008 - 11:35am.

Let's be very, very clear. Janet Smola represents
Janet Smola - - arrogant, disrespectful, negative
and self-serving.

I have been to more than a dozen school board meetings
and I can assure you that Dave Houston will be a tremendous
improvement over Janet at representing our district. Dave
is not a Peachtree City candidate....he is a Fayette county
candidate. Thank Goodness he was willing to step up and


Submitted by sageadvice on Fri, 06/27/2008 - 2:53pm.

They have loaned us TRILLIONS of dollars and won't "call in" the debt as long as we buy from them most manufactured items we need.
If we didn't buy and refused to pay, they would simply "mess" with Korea
Republic of China, and maybe Japan!

All at once! They have millions of soldiers and many, many weapons!

Want to try and occupy China? They are going to Mars soon also before we plant the flag there.

I don't think Bush has any concept of today's world except for OIL.

Submitted by susieq on Fri, 06/27/2008 - 3:15pm.

Thanks for clearing that up!! I thought we bought from China because we wanted to be poisoned.

Submitted by sageadvice on Fri, 06/27/2008 - 6:14pm.

You know susie, we still have remnants of idiots running around the USA created from eating lead paint off households painted for many, many years which was made by our industry. Babies like to eat paint chips!
Of course we don't believe in messing with our corporations either as the "market" will control them, won't it?

I suppose you are FOR the Chinese loans, huh? Or simply don't care!

Submitted by susieq on Fri, 06/27/2008 - 6:54pm.

I understand lead paint. LOOK WHAT IT DID TO YOU!!!!

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