request of parents

Those loud horns (foghorns??) that you all blow during graduation.....we know that you're excited when you hear your child's name being called, but sometimes, when you extend "the blowing" we can't hear the next child's name being announced! That's not really fair to that particular student or their family. So, keep that in mind for next year. A short toot is fine and dandy, but the long ones have to stop!

Congratulations to all the kids!

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Submitted by sageadvice on Sat, 05/24/2008 - 6:29pm.

Although I usually am against a whole fistful of "rules" whether it be posted as you walk into a store, or at a graduation, I think you are correct with this one. It would take all night if the presenters waited for quiet to announce the next graduate!

Raise H... at the end of everone's graduation.

We do have to be careful with these kind of rules-- nothing turns me off as much as walking into a store and have to begin to read signs at every intersection about what all you are NOT to do!
It says a lot about the people running the place...their comfort is worth more than your business! (no reading here; no food here; pay for what you damage, etc,)

As an example: a roadside farm stand with some of the following large signs prominently displayed:

You will be assigned a row---stay in it!
Pay before you eat one berry!
Keep children off the goods!
Don't feel and mash stuff!
No big bills at register. No credit cards accepted! We will check your 20 dollar bills closely!
The Soup Nazi taught us how to sell!

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