Christian Conservatives

Shelby Barker's picture

Recently I was asked by a hippie friend of mine, why we Christians fight so hard to get our religious beliefs in politics. You see, I am a Christian Conservative, and find myself on the side of the Conservatives on virtually every issue, that is except gay marriage. When I look at things like abortion, family values, taxes, the poor etc... I look to God first, then I look at the constitution, and since the constitution lays out virtually every aspect of the Christian belief, I feel comfortable supporting the candidates that strongly support the constitution.

You see, in the Declaration of Independence our founding fathers explained to the world that we are all created equal from our God, we then have certain rights that are granted to us from that God. THIS IS A CHRISTIAN BELIEF

So, if a candidate chooses to allow abortions, steal my money with outrages taxes, repeal the second amendment through tax and regulation, force a certain health care programs down my throat etc.. not only are they not following the constitution, but they are also not following the freedom that God has given us.

We must forget the mindset that public schooling has taught us, we are not owed anything!! God, has created us as the superior being, we are the superior being because we have the ability to rationally think. With every public school bell that rings, or with every Government program that is created or expanded, our freedom and ability to choose, the same trait God gave us, begins chipping away. This is why Christians and Americans must stand up for our foundations whether it is a foundation of Christian morals, human ability, or simply the Constitution; we must fight to gain control of our own life and stop surrendering them to the Government. All though there are aspects of both parties that really wear me out, I am consistently finding myself on the side of the Elephant.

Shelby Barker

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hutch866's picture
Submitted by hutch866 on Sat, 03/01/2008 - 6:09pm.

If God doesn't make mistakes like being born gay, then how do you explain birth defects? Are the Downs syndrome children retribution against the parents? What about the kids born without arms or legs, I would really like to hear your reasoning on this, Thanks.

I yam what I yam....Popeye

BPR's picture
Submitted by BPR on Sun, 03/02/2008 - 7:59pm.

I thought about what you asked me - and I do have a list of answers, and this came to my mind- for you see I have a nephew that has a disability, I love the big guy- he's a year older than my son. We also have 2 friends that their kids were born with defects. I just wanted to share this with you- this is just one of many of my answers, I did want to give you one- this subject does touch my heart. I do this with respect.

So here it is:

Click here
"Sometimes Miracles Hide" by: Bruce Carroll written by Paul Overstreet- Paul had a child that was born with a disability and wrote this song. Thanks to Bruce and Paul- for sharing this.

We Will Stand

BPR's picture
Submitted by BPR on Sat, 03/01/2008 - 6:38pm.

With respect: I have your answers to all of your questions: sorry can't answer them on here- and you know why.

I don't know how to get the answers to you but I have them: I refuse to answer on here- I have choosen to be respectful and civil and sometimes that is not done on here.

I refuse to listen to attacks from some that disagree: comments would be welcomed- but I have lived and learned.

Respect and civil is the way to go.

Maybe you can find someone that is like me a little on here and they will respond.

Thanks for your understanding.

We Will Stand

Submitted by sageadvice on Sat, 03/01/2008 - 2:24pm.

That "think and pray before you act" statement of yours is followed by, "but if we fail," I have never bought the statement that people who know better still "fail," they do it anyway, over and over, deliberately.

The failure must be in your mind, and not in actuality---only way it makes any sense at all!

The old joke of: I want to be a Catholic, one can do whatever they want deliberately, but then tell the Priest and all is well!"
If course that isn't true either.

Submitted by sageadvice on Sat, 03/01/2008 - 1:31am.

For the last time:
A country can not be run very long by religious fanatics.
It is what caused most of our past genocides!

No one cares if you are a Holiness, Pentecostal, Roll in the Isles Church goer, but keep it there!

Also, government must also stay out of your church business providing that your church obeys all laws.

Shelby Barker's picture
Submitted by Shelby Barker on Sat, 03/01/2008 - 6:16am.

Read the blog......

Huckabee 08'

Submitted by Spyglass on Fri, 02/29/2008 - 10:30pm.

That's what I think of Christian Conservatives....They can be VERY scary.

You manage your household, I'll manage mine. If I infringe on your rights, call me on it, and likewise.

Shelby Barker's picture
Submitted by Shelby Barker on Fri, 02/29/2008 - 10:41pm.

That is my point behind the piece. A Christian's job is to inform the world about our savior. If a person does not accept that belief we should answer any questions and provide support but not push our religion on people. The Holy Spirit will help non-believers see the light.

This is why I personally think that pushing a ban on gay marriage does not fit with a true Christian Conservative belief. As I look negatively on gay marriage and I recognize it as a sin, as of now it is not against the constitution. God gave man the ability to decide, and if after education a person decides to be gay, it is on them. There are other things (as I said in the last paragraph) that still keep me on the side of the republicans. I also believe the government should stay out of my house and my pocket, and that is what a TRUE conservative believes not a true liberal.

Huckabee 08'

JeffC's picture
Submitted by JeffC on Sat, 03/01/2008 - 12:06pm.

Far as I can see, if you take the parts of desperately controlling every aspect of sex out of your political beliefs, all you have left is the desire to not pay your own bills by avoiding taxes.

Thank God I have the Constitution to protect me from you.

Oh Shelby, tell us about the day you decided not to be gay. Was it a hard decision?

sniffles5's picture
Submitted by sniffles5 on Sat, 03/01/2008 - 1:20am.

"God gave man the ability to decide, and if after education a person decides to be gay, it is on them."

If I am following you correctly, Shelby, then you are claiming that all people are born bisexual and given a choice by God as to which sexual orientation to adopt?

Are you saying God made you bisexual at birth, Shelby?

If so,do you recall exactly when you chose to be "straight" (I'm making the assumption that you are "straight", Shelby, please correct me if I am wrong).

Try as I might, I cannot recall a specific time in my own life when I "chose" to be straight...I've simply been straight my entire life!
Truthsleuth Speaks!
Don't Click This Link, Denise!

Shelby Barker's picture
Submitted by Shelby Barker on Sat, 03/01/2008 - 6:14am.

People are prone to sin; the decision is how you react to those sinful thoughts. I can think about robbing a bank, but acting on those thoughts is where the tough decision takes place.

I personally believe that no one is born gay, but that has nothing to do with what I am trying to say. We all have freedom of choice, God gave us a mind to decide with and your man Barack will begin limiting that very quality of decision.

Huckabee 08' maybe 12'

JeffC's picture
Submitted by JeffC on Sat, 03/01/2008 - 12:15pm.

"We all have freedom of choice, God gave us a mind to decide with and your man Barack will begin limiting that very quality of decision."

What on earth does that mean?

Submitted by sageadvice on Sat, 03/01/2008 - 9:19am.

Some humans are born "odd."
Many never change totally to their desired sex. They live with it so that they will at least look like they are supposed to look---that is if they look like a man but feel like a woman, they continue on as a man as best they can. Same with women.

Many hide it. (a famous Senator lately)

The presumption that homosexuals are also in the wrong body has not been proved.

Also, there have been those with both types of sexual organs and feelings.

Homosexuality was so prevalent in our early history that some of our Bible scribes warns against it. Some do not?

I personally find approval of such public displays of homosexual tendencies abhorrent, due to the fact that I tend only to be attracted to the opposite sex.

However, those who feel superior or more likely to go to heaven than the aforementioned types of people, have their own problems.

Main Stream's picture
Submitted by Main Stream on Fri, 02/29/2008 - 11:01pm.

"...and if after education a person decides to be gay, it is on them."

How do you 'decide' to be gay (is that another one of those Christian Conservative beliefs?).

Do you mean that a person realizes and accepts that they are gay?

Your post is obviously one from the heart, however, this part of your post is confusing.

muddle's picture
Submitted by muddle on Sat, 03/01/2008 - 7:54am.

I'm putting it off until October or November. I definitely plan to become gay by Christmas, though. (I just need a little time to stop thinking that Christi Brinkley is hot.)

Seriously, regarding the whole nature/nurture thing with homosexuality, I've never found the claim, "There never was a moment when I decided to become gay" at all compelling. This is for several reasons.

First, there are perversions that even pro-gay people condemn, and I'm pretty sure that the same may be said in such cases. Does anyone make a conscious decision to become a pedophile? What of the married man who explains to his wife, "I've been polyamoric as long as I can remember"?

Second, even if there is a propensity that derives from birth, propensity does not amount to determination. We expect people who have a propensity for violence and aggression to gain control of themselves.

Third, we often "choose" to be what we are or become not at a definite crisis point or crossroads, but as the collective result of many incremental thought patterns and actions. Read and reflect upon Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics in this regard.

Fourth, I find it highly plausible to suppose that a pro-gay social context is conducive to a higher percentage of people "discovering" that they are gay. Convince a group of school children that homosexuality is yet one more "normal" form of human sexuality, and, in some, what might have been a mere passing flicker of curiosity may be fanned into an enduring flame.

Fifth, the best argument for the legitimacy of homosexuality, so far as I can tell" moves from desire D is present to desire D is valid. But that, of course, is a recipe for validating any and all desires that people find themselves with "by no conscious choice."

Shelby Barker's picture
Submitted by Shelby Barker on Fri, 02/29/2008 - 11:16pm.

People are prone to sin; the decision is how you react to those sinful thoughts. I can think about robbing a bank, but acting on those thoughts is where the tough decision takes place.

Huckabee 08'

bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Fri, 02/29/2008 - 11:55pm.

If only more Christians thought as you do.

The concept of allowing people to make their own decisions/mistakes and not tearing them down for not following the flock is a breath of fresh air.

Sorry but Huckabee wont be happening in 08.

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