police building

Come on already. Don’t spend any more money on the pile of junk building that may never be right. Surly a new building can be found in PTC that will not have the potential problems that the existing building may continue to have. I don’t believe that a new police building has to cost in excess of 5 million as reported. For that much money, we can hire three shifts to guard the “evidence room” that is reported to add to the costs. STOP already and think about it.

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Robert W. Morgan's picture
Submitted by Robert W. Morgan on Thu, 02/14/2008 - 6:18am.

Stopping and thinking this through like a businessperson or a corporation would do is not something government is capable of doing.

To do the right think - which of course is to demolish the building and rebuild there or elsewhere - first has to be preceded by someone (actually several people - some of whom who still work at the city) admitting that they were not doing their job properly, were not trained to do their job or just plain screwed up. Government employees don't do that.

Granting a contract that lets the architect and builder off the hook completely after only 5 years for what is obviously negligence is a real rookie mistake. Who did that? For that matter - who inspected the construction? Who approved the design? City engineer where are you? Buying the land is were it all started. Why there? Why buy from PCDC? Any real inspections done?

So many questions that can't be answered without someone on city staff looking incompetent. Better for them to just spend more and more of our money and hope that it will all just slide under any real scrutiny - and so far, that seems to be working.

Submitted by sageadvice on Thu, 02/14/2008 - 9:45am.

Well, you are correct on this one!

It is evident and very obvious that the building was a disaster and needs to be abandoned and destroyed.

Politicians, civil servants, and even corporations---not to mention lawyers--will go to nearly any extreme to avoid a mistake or anything that might pin the blame on one of them---past or present.

This outfit PCDC and it residue and designers, have screwed over this
city way too long.

We need a hero Mr. Logsdon, do your duty!

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