Bad Tyrone Government Cleaned Out - Almost

Last week’s appointment of a new planning commission almost completed a clean sweep of the worst government in modern history. I predict Gordon Shenkle will be the best planning member Tyrone ever had. Gordon is qualified, intelligent, organized and willing to work and learn. He’s the antithesis of Ginger Blackstone. The last remaining protagonist of the old bad government is Valerie Fowler. The person that no one likes or wants to deal with. Unfortunately, Valerie is still the keeper of records, the one businesses have to deal with who’s still minding her old ways, and still causing problems. She’s a bad reminder of harmful times. She must go and soon. For an obnoxious story, just ask former police chief Roger Spencer’s daughter Tisha who works at the BP Station about the time Valerie came to Roger’s office. Tisha vows to “cuss” her out the day Valerie is replaced. Bad feelings about Valerie go back a long way, predating bad Barry by 8 years. If you were forced to choose between her and Smola, you would vomit and choose Smola.

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Submitted by rm.snell on Mon, 02/11/2008 - 4:38pm.

You blame the whole old regime. What happened on the 24th. You lost AGAIN!!!

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