The Right-Wing Fringe Attacks - Heath Ledger Death

Main Stream's picture

So, John Gibson of Fox News pokes fun
at Heath Ledger's death, while the right-wing, religious fringe element believes he was cursed because of his acting role, depicting a gay cowboy in Brokeback Mountain. Such a shame.


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pentapenguin's picture
Submitted by pentapenguin on Mon, 01/28/2008 - 11:21pm.

I don't think it's fair of both of you to assume that all/most/majority of Christians are hateful, mean spirited people (as I think you are implying). It's plainly wrong to mock someone's death. Jesus never mocked or scorned a person -- He just pointed out his or her sin but in a kind way. Bashing Heath Ledger and his untimely death is distasteful, mean, impolite, disrespectful of the family, and not something Jesus would do.

Submitted by skyspy on Sat, 01/26/2008 - 9:20am.

Win them over with venomous hate. That always works. How sad.

Submitted by Split Decision on Sat, 01/26/2008 - 6:03pm.

Totally agree with you, skyspy. Plus, it was only a role Ledger played.

As a Christian, I've never liked how certain denominations use Scare Tactics to try to get people to convert to their way of thinking and believing.

BPR's picture
Submitted by BPR on Sat, 01/26/2008 - 10:28am.

I didn't think things like the media said this group did- I was sad he died so young.

With that I must say if the report is correct- I know media husband is involved-then

I must say they are some who have a view of God the wrong way. God is not out to get you. Sometimes by our lifestyles things may lead to our death but God didn't do it-we did by our lifestyle. We are to take care of our bodies, eat healthy ( I say this and I love chocolate) but I try etc. If we don't then it's our bodies that pay for our wrong doings not God.

I don't know this guy- I don't hate gay people, even though I don't think God makes a mistake of making a male instead of a female, if we believe in gay this is what we are saying- God you messed up I am a man instead of a woman etc. So, with that I never saw the movie nor wanted to. It's a choice if you want to.

We had this conversation before, I have gay friends, they know how I believe, they are still my friends.

If this group does this it's not God's Way- but for example Main says she is a Christian, we believe totally different. I don't agree with her, I could get along with her- if she wanted to get along with me.

You don't believe like me, we get along- thank you for that. That is called friendship.

This group is wrong- and if correct in report- it breaks God's heart and mine.

As a matter of fact my first thought was did he have a relationship with God? I did care. It is sad when anyone dies.

I don't go this way to try and prove my belief, I choose other ways.Smiling

LOVE- goes a long way. It's not saying your correct is saying I love you regardles. That is what Christ has done for me- and only God knows my short-comings. Thanks God. Unconditionanl love is the answer- that is what God gives us all daily.

Have a great day!

"Hope Changes Everything"

Submitted by skyspy on Sat, 01/26/2008 - 10:48am.

That gibson guy just really smacked of pat robertson, and jerry falwell and other tele-preachers, who spread filth.

That Heath guy was straight he just played a gay in the movie. I don't agree with or understand that lifestyle either, but live and let live. He has a young daughter, what a shame.

Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Sun, 01/27/2008 - 9:31am.

Larry Flynt about Jerry Falwell (Larry King 05/16/07)

"Not mean-spirited at all"

"After getting to know him, I realized that he's sincere. He's not out there trying to make a buck...not a hustler.... He's sincere.... I liked him.... He cared about people. He was not mean-spirited at all."


"Over the years we became friends; sometimes we had polar opposite points of view. ... I have many fond memories of him. He leaves a great legacy of service and a great university behind. He's left his footprints in the sands of time." — Jesse Jackson


"Reverend Falwell and I didn't agree on anything, but we got along personally," Rev. Al Sharpton told CBS 2. "He personally was genuinely a nice guy, and I would find him to be one of the few people in the public light who was genuine. He believed what he said." — Al Sharpton


"I hope Mr. Falwell is remembered for his homeless shelters and homes for single mothers. Many don't know of these accomplishments, because he did not parade them around. God bless his family, and his good works, while we forgive his many poorly thought out words." — Kevin "Hack" King


"Spreads filth" -- You surely seem bitter toward all Christians. Sad None of us, including Christians, is perfect. Only Christ is perfect. "Let him that is without sin cast the first stone." Smiling

I'd follow Christ even if not one other person did. I'm responsible for my own actions, not everybody else's. I've met a lot of poor examples of Christianity (just because you call yourself a Christian doesn't mean that Christ calls you one), but I've also met many kind, exemplary ones. I'm grateful for them and try to follow their good examples. The Old Testament and the New do not gloss over people's failings (such as King David's adultery and then having the woman's husband killed). Christ is the only sinless one who is always the same -- consistent.

Submitted by skyspy on Sun, 01/27/2008 - 9:56am.

Not bitter towards all christians.....definitly towards the tv preachers.

There is good and bad with everything and everyone I guess, sometimes it is hard to see the good.

I like your statment " just because you call yourself a christian doesn't mean that christ calls you one" Good point.

BPR's picture
Submitted by BPR on Sat, 01/26/2008 - 3:12pm.

You know my reaction, there are alot of Christians that live like me,
I have been a Christian for 32 years, I can say I have heard seen alot.

I go to the bible and pray how God wants me to handle a situation- honestly my first thought since I believe in heaven and hell was I hope this guy had a relationship with Christ. I did care about him.

I don't do stone throwing, I am bold about my faith meaning I am not ashamed- God's Son(Jesus) paid that huge price for me and everyone else- never ashamed. God knew we could never be perfect. It's not a ticket to sin either- if you are a true believer.

Let me put it this way- but for the grace of God go I. Meaning I am not perfect, I look at David in the bible- a man after God's own heart- failed terribly, sky I am David- thank God for forgiveness.

I don't take to heart what half of what the media says since my husband works in it- that does not mean I don't believe this- they are wrong.

I do feel sad he was young, I did not know he had a kid, that makes me more sad.

I don't care what preachers do on T.V. their are a few I do enjoy- I like Joel Osteen, Greg Laurie, Rick Warren and a few others. But these are my choices- It's okay to disagree, I know we will still be friends.Smiling

I do understand how the comments can make you angry- but take it from me- I am a Christian- I handle it with unconditonal love-. Do you think I like what they said and are saying they are going to do- the answer is no- I pray that God will make these people's heart soft and not to do this. It is not right.

Thanks for your friendship.Smiling

"Hope Changes Everything"

sniffles5's picture
Submitted by sniffles5 on Sun, 01/27/2008 - 12:58pm.

You don't? So when you called Main Stream "Butch" the other day you were just spreading God's love?

Why won't Enigma answer one simple question ?

Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Mon, 01/28/2008 - 7:03pm.

In case you missed BPR's explanation Puzzled HERE IT IS:

BPR was assuming that Main Stream and you, Sniffles, are the same person. (I think that $ was mixed in there somewhere, too.) She then asked, "Like a Butch?"

To which Cyclist responded, "Now I'm really confused. Who were you originally talking about?" Smiling

When BPR realized that she had used a non-PC term (my commentary), she told Git: "I used the term 'Butch' because I thought it was a guy with such vulgar talk and avatar, honestly I don't think I have been around a female that thrives on such disgraceful things. I did tell here I was sorry if I offended her- and also explained to her why I said it."

Anyone who's read BPR's numerous posts would believe her explanation. Smiling

Snif, I did follow your advice to "do a search on 'Butch.'"

There are many woMEN (or "womyn," as they like to say) who proudly use the term. Here are just a few: - A Real World Community ("Slut Night" is so ... Shocked )

Butch-Femme Network: "The rise of anti-Butch-Femme radical lesbian feminist ideologies in the 1960's effectively drove Butch-Femme underground, dissolving existing Butch-Femme communities, and relations of love, mentorship and support. During those underground years, countless Butches and Femmes grew up feeling isolated and at odds not only with mainstream society but also with the now predominant androgynous lesbian feminist community." (also for FTM/TGs)

"Lesbian Identity and the Politics of Butch-Femme"

Shifty Bas, now what were you saying about this "nasty comment"?

Also, BPR did NOT "out" Ms Extreme. I remember MS signing what I assumed to be her real name to one of her posts. Does anyone want to play Wheel of Misfortune and guess? 5 letters (3 vowels)

I think I missed your equal outrage at Ms Extreme's using Hutch's real name. Puzzled

"Oh [sic] Master of Situational Outrage, would YOU want to be associated with someone like that? I don't think I would." Shocked

Main Stream's picture
Submitted by Main Stream on Mon, 01/28/2008 - 8:11pm.

When BPR realized that she had used a non-PC term (my commentary), she told Git: "I used the term 'Butch' because I thought it was a guy with such vulgar talk and avatar, honestly I don't think I have been around a female that thrives on such disgraceful things. LOL Now, let me understand this correctly. You and beeper think I am a Lesbian, or butch, or both, because of my plastic fish avatar, showing copulating fishies!!?? Are you serious LOL

Again, what planet do you derive from??

And I'm sure I would have been quickly banned by Cal, if I had posted anything horribly vulgar, as he is the blog moderator, correctamundo?

Again, Denise, get off of your high-horse - you may get a nose bleed up there.

Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Mon, 01/28/2008 - 8:24pm.

You're the one with those fixations:

"Get off your high horse, Denise. Were you a virgin when you got married?"

I definitely don't want to know any more about you. You've revealed so much already.

I didn't use the word "vulgar." BPR did. Hint: notice the quotation marks. Can you read?

Maybe you should go clean out your horse barn. You need the fresh air.

sniffles5's picture
Submitted by sniffles5 on Mon, 01/28/2008 - 7:33pm.

My goodness, Conner, I am simply in awe of your ability to rationalize any aberrant behaviors of your friends!

Bottom line: there are two people on this website who are crass enough to question the sexuality of people who disagree with them: You. And Bpr.

You two deserve each other! Smiling I imagine the two of you getting together and sharing cat poisoning techniques

I'm quite sure you didn't catch my reply re: Main Stream using Hutch's name.

That's because it wouldn't support your position, and we all know your well-known habit of simply ignoring facts and posts that don't support your pre-conceived positions.

I certainly do not support revealing personal info about anyone on this site. I am of the opinion that there are a number of mentally ill people, including yourself, posting on this site.
Why won't Enigma answer one simple question ?

Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Mon, 01/28/2008 - 8:38pm.

I didn't "reationalize" anyone's behavior. I merely quoted BPR's explanation. Read and re-read to comprehend.

Quote where I "question[ed] the sexuality of people who disagree with [me]." Won't find it.

Ask your vet for some Zoloft. You need it. Laughing out loud

Ms Extreme told all of us that's she's a realtor (and mentioned it again when she asked about Muddle's house) and named ------. No outrage from you except toward Hutch and BPR (and as always, me).

"We all know your well-known habit of simply ignoring facts and posts that don't support your pre-conceived positions." Laughing out loud

That's the Basmati that we all know. Now who's "mentally ill"? Laughing out loud

BPR's picture
Submitted by BPR on Sun, 01/27/2008 - 2:08pm.


This kid with the vulgar talk and the vulgar avatars, I thought was a man, yes women who act like that you wonder if they act like a Butch? Just a question. Women in the South the ones I know don't behave in the vulgar talk.

Are you from the North like she is and you are use to this kind of talk.

I don't care what she says does, anything anymore.

I did not throw one stone.

I even told her I was sorry if it offended her, now it's up to her to forgive. This subject is closed.

I don't care what this kid does- what she writes or what avatars she puts up- it will only show her true colors - like you.

Yes, she acts like a kid - argue, argue, argue, name calling- that is what kids do. Oh, Main if that hurts you please forgive, but please grow up.

I did my part with her, ask for forgiveness, now it's up to her.

You hate Christians don't you? If it's not me it's Denise you are throwing comments to.

I suggest you relax and read an good book, watch a movie and quit being so hot temper on the posts.

I;m glad your friends with Maine, she needs one.

"Hope Changes Everything"

Submitted by sageadvice on Mon, 01/28/2008 - 8:10pm.

Make sense alike:
women in the south don't behave in the vulgar talk (I've heard them!)

and you are use to this kind of talk (yes, and used to it also)

I don't care what she says does (I don't know how you says does)

show her true colors? (anything to do with ships?)

you hate Christians, don't you...throwing comments (noone hates Christians except Muslims)

quit being so hot temper ( how can tell, hot?)
I;m glad your friends with Maine (I've been to Maine--good place in summer)

Trent and I get along pretty good, but you are difficult. You have that right, however.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Sat, 01/26/2008 - 10:01am.

That ain't the "Christian Way". I don't even know who the guy is or much about him, other than I'm saddened at his sudden death and apparent desperate lifestyle and depression towards the end. There are folks all around us desperately searching for that which ultimately satisfies. There is nothing to gloat about in the fact that it appears Heath missed out. Sad

Hope all is well with you. May the mold not be with you. Smiling

In regards to Democrats, Republicans, gangs, and other scads of coterie Kool-Aide drinkers; Remember this..... Eagles Don't Flock

Submitted by skyspy on Sat, 01/26/2008 - 10:51am.

That gibson character really smacked of all of the other pious tele-preachers, what a hateful guy.

I really feel sorry for Heath's young daughter what a shame.

We are still in the mold. I seem to have a permanent sore throat, anyway...

I hope it gets warmer next week, so we can all get out and exercise outside.

Submitted by thebeaver on Sat, 01/26/2008 - 9:12am.

It was interesting to watch all of the MSNBC libs feign righteous indignation regarding Gibsons comments, as if their own had never done something like it. They vowed to never laugh at someone's passing. That was the most ridiculous pact made on public television I have ever seen.

They sure didn't have a problem when Erin Burnett of MSNBC referred to our Commander in Chief as a "monkey" on national television.

Erin Burnett refers to GWB as "the Monkey in the Middle"

“...the term “democrat” originated as an epithet and referred to ‘one who panders to the crude and mindless whims of the masses.’”

pentapenguin's picture
Submitted by pentapenguin on Tue, 01/29/2008 - 1:02am.

I haven't seen or heard of that one before. MSNBC's journalistic standards at their finest. Eye-wink

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Sat, 01/26/2008 - 10:04am.

In this free nation, unlike in Iran, China, Russia to an extent, Cuba, etc, we can say whatever the heck we want about our public servants. Remember, the potus works for US! I don't serve in the military to take the rights of people to criticize government away from them. But when Reagan died, I showed respect. Ann Coulter's father passed away friday before last. You know how I feel about Ann. And even though she wrote in her column that she hoped he was in heaven asking "God to smite liberals," I have not spoken or typed one ill word of his passing, BECAUSE THAT WOULD BE WRONG. John Gibson conducted himself despicably in this instance; not even arguable. It never ceases to amaze me the depths to which some conservatives will go to defend their own.

Cheers Beav,

Kevin "Hack" King

Submitted by thebeaver on Sat, 01/26/2008 - 10:26am.

My response was to Lame Stream. Why don't you stick your nose somewhere else.

“...the term “democrat” originated as an epithet and referred to ‘one who panders to the crude and mindless whims of the masses.’”

Main Stream's picture
Submitted by Main Stream on Sun, 01/27/2008 - 2:43pm.

hack can answer for me any time he pleases. We speak the same language.

So, tell me beav... do you also believe god struck down Heath Ledger because he depicted a gay cowboy in a movie?

Submitted by thebeaver on Sun, 01/27/2008 - 3:14pm.

Of course not, and I think** that people that believe that way are a bunch of moonbats. My point was that the MSNBC news crew were feigning righteous indignation at Mr. Gibsons comments. It was the most ridiculous thing I have seen in a while. I mean, c'mon "..we agree as a group to never make fun of someone's death"?
How morally superior of them! Meanwhile, it's perfectly fine for one of their own to call our President a monkey on national television. Yeah, no double-standard at MSNBC. Why, their more fair and balanced than FOX news. That must be why their ratings are going throught the basement!

Ain't goin' down on Brokeback Mountain

**(Note to Hack: my expressed opinion to Main Stream in the response above by no means implies that I am against anyone thinking their own thoughts. I am not a member of the Thought Police, and I believe in everyone's right to believe in anything they wish, no matter how utterly ridiculouse it might be. It is their thought after all, and I would never dream of trying to take a persons thought or thoughts from their brain. I certainly hope that you don't take my response to Mainstream and turn it into an excuse to become a victim of the Thought Police)

“...the term “democrat” originated as an epithet and referred to ‘one who panders to the crude and mindless whims of the DUMB masses.’”

yardman5508's picture
Submitted by yardman5508 on Sun, 01/27/2008 - 12:59pm.

but this site is about constructive (mostly) commentary and discussion. If you don't want either, then don't post here. If we choose to post, we all must understand that we open ourselves up to discussion and (in some cases) criticism. Join in or stay out...your choice. We will not think ill of you either way. Keep the faith.

Democracy is not a spectator sport.

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Sun, 01/27/2008 - 12:44pm.

I have drawn two conclusions, however.

1) You have no logical defense for the refuse you try to inject here at the citizen, and more importantly:

2) I have attempted, over my last three to four posts to you, to show you a level of respect that you aren't deserving of. Thanks for reminding me. I'll now resume addressing you as the angry "don't play too good with others" individual you have repeatedly proven yourself to be.


Kevin "Hack" King

Submitted by thebeaver on Sun, 01/27/2008 - 2:24pm.


I get so frustrated with you card-carrying victimhood liberals sometimes. Liberals like yourself consistently try to twist words into something so completely differnt so that you can claim that we conservatives are trying to squelch free speech, disenfranchise minority voters, or take away your gubberment cheese.

If you read my post carefully,(maybe 3 or 4 times for you), it mentions NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING about squelching free speech, as you suggest in your reply. The point was, that the goons and moonbats on MSNBC feigning righteous indignation over what someone else said. I NEVER ated that they did not have a right to say it.
My point is that this particular "news" organization (if you can call it that) only consistently goes after conservatives while giving liberals like their precious Erin Burnett a pass. Let me repeat this one more time, just for you Hack since you have so much trouble understanding the written word. MY COMMENTS HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THE RIGHT OF PEOPLE TO EXPRESS THEIR OPINON. I WAS MERELY CRITICIZING THE FACT THAT A NEWS ORGANIZATION THAT IS SUPPOSED TO BE OBJECTIVE ONLY CRITICIZES ONE SIDE.

Now, that being said, my immediate response to you was uncalled for and I apologize if it upset you in any way. However, it does get old having to explain things to you over and over and over again. It is also very unbecoming of you to play the victim card. I thought you were above that.

The Beav.

“...the term “democrat” originated as an epithet and referred to ‘one who panders to the crude and mindless whims of the DUMB masses.’”

Submitted by sageadvice on Sun, 01/27/2008 - 3:12pm.

I have to assume that you are a FOX news watcher.
If so, do you think they make fun of democrat news much?
What side would you say O'Reilly, Hannity, are on?
Even their female, leggy, newscasters put democrats in the worst light the writers can put them into!
That is no excuse for MSNBC or others to do the sme---but I see no equal comparison there at all. FOX is terribly one-sided. A shame.

muddle's picture
Submitted by muddle on Sat, 01/26/2008 - 8:47am.

Well, we already knew that we were all flanked by nutcases on all sides--right and left. Here's another jolly little fellow whose rhetoric might be seen as the left's answer to Fred Phelps. (Somehow they managed to catch him between scotches for this intervfiew.)

(I've got to say, though, the MSNBC people were obnoxious in their drawn out display of righteous indignation.)

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Sun, 01/27/2008 - 12:38pm.

He was a lefty back in the 80s, but these days Chris is an ardent supporter of interventionists wars like Iraq, and he is a constant Bill and Hillary critic. Here is an excerpt from Wikipedia:

"Formerly a Trotskyist and a fixture in the left wing publications of both the United Kingdom and United States, Hitchens departed from the consensus of the political left in 1989 after what he called the "tepid reaction" of the European left following Ayatollah Khomeini's issue of a fatwa against Salman Rushdie. The September 11, 2001 attacks strengthened his embrace of an interventionist foreign policy, and his vociferous criticism of what he calls "fascism with an Islamic face". He is known for his ardent admiration of George Orwell, Thomas Paine and Thomas Jefferson, and for his excoriating critiques of Mother Teresa, Henry Kissinger, and Bill Clinton."

Muddle, one need only look at the commentary that Heath's death has brought forth to understand the two faces of some self-appointed "family values" talking heads.

Kevin "Hack" King

Submitted by thebeaver on Sat, 01/26/2008 - 8:41am.

Ain't Goin' Down on Brokeback Mountain

“...the term “democrat” originated as an epithet and referred to ‘one who panders to the crude and mindless whims of the masses.’”

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