A message of solidarity

I must say that I totally support the protests at Fayette County High as recounted in the Free Speech section. Our rights as given to us by the Constitution are being eroded in the name of security and safety. Allow me to quote Benjamin Franklin, one of the greatest American statesmen: "Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." Our rights are unconstitutionally constricted by the school system. Because we have no other options in regards to schooling (private schools being expensive and more restrictive, and homeschooling simply being unfeasible for the majority of us), we are forced to give up rights guaranteed to us by the Constitution. Other than suffrage and holding public office, no provision of the Constitution withholds rights based upon age. It seems to me that the students of Fayette County had no choice but to conduct a display of civil disobedience in order to draw attention to their issues. There exists no fair, balanced way to handle internal issues in Fayette County Schools. It's quite often a David and Goliath tale, only we never win. We could try our hardest now under the current policies, and nothing would change. I propose that a better system be put in place of this bureaucratic mess. If a student ombudsman or an advisory council comprised of teachers and students were to handle complaints, I believe that the current situation would drastically improve.

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kpweeder's picture
Submitted by kpweeder on Thu, 01/24/2008 - 12:57pm.

I can totally understand the immense pressure that school administrators are under now. But would it be such a bad thing to give students a forum within the school in which to speak out? We parents tell our kids that one of the great things about our country (among others) is that we as a people have the right to speak out without fear of retribution. Guess what? These kids consider themselves to be part of that people and they're telling us that they want to speak out about things that concern them.

Don't think you're on the right road just because it’s a well-beaten path. -Author Unknown

Submitted by depdawg on Thu, 01/24/2008 - 8:21am.

Your post was very well written, and it appears to be correct with the findings of the framers of our consititution. I am all for your rights as entitled to you by the constitution, but.... public school is just that, it is a government run entity, correct? And just some insight but most government agencies do not operate on the "freedom of speech" platform. I served over nine years in the US Army defending your right to free speech, but was I allowed to practice that right, not really. You are a guest in that school, and you must abide by the policies set forth by the adminstrators except: Does it place you or your peers in immediate danger, Is the policy or act illegal or immoral, Or is the request or policies against a recognized religious belief. There have long been problems at your school, before your attendance, and this is attributed to many factors to include the school leadership and past SRO's before Officer Stavenger arrived there. There has been a consistent lack of forcible discipline at that school. Teachers and administrators alike, need to stop being friends, and start being teachers and disciplinarians.

Submitted by tennfan1 on Thu, 01/24/2008 - 9:04pm.

I feel I must make one minor clarification to my posting. I do not attend Fayette County High but rather one of the other high schools in the county, which I will not disclose for my own reasons. However, I do sympathize with their goals in trying to bring about change through peaceful means. I also feel that I must explain my viewpoints further, again for clarification. We are required by the State of Georgia to attend school of some kind. The great majority of us have no feasible choice but to attend public schools. When we enroll, we are forced to give up some civil rights. While this seems like a fair deal to some, and it is technically legal (if a tad dubious), are the schools really making responsible citizens out of us by saying that we have civil rights, but we can't exercise them? I do agree with your point that in the armed forces your rights are limited as per terms of your enlistment/joining, but all of the government agencies have a way to professionally and fairly redress grievances put forth by citizens and employees. I just want that same right to apply to us, so we don't have to resort to civil disobedience if ever an issue arose.

Thank you for the praise as well. You bring up many valid points. I see your viewpoint with regards to the military, too. My parents served a combined 21 years with the Navy and the Marine Corps, both here and overseas.

Fyt35's picture
Submitted by Fyt35 on Thu, 01/24/2008 - 6:02am.

Remember tennfan1, public schools are government schools, policies are easier to enforce when imposed on the masses. They would much rather apply a blanket policy applicable to all as opposed to dealing the problem directly, and not only at FCHS. This is one of many reasons why school discipline at our schools is eroding.

Submitted by wildcat on Wed, 01/23/2008 - 9:35pm.

I think there would be a ton of lawsuits if any kids were to be hurt in any other alleged "gang" related incidents. I'm sure that is why the bathroom policies are as such. Better safe than sued. What do you think?

sniffles5's picture
Submitted by sniffles5 on Wed, 01/23/2008 - 9:33pm.

Every story has a beginning, a middle and an end.

I feel like I walked into the middle of act II here.

What the heck are you talking about?

Submitted by skyspy on Wed, 01/23/2008 - 9:38pm.

Read the free speech. The kids have to jump through hoops to go to the loo. All because of a couple of bad kids.

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