Quothe the Huckster

Abortion is wrong "for the same reason that we think it's wrong for a parent to strap a bomb to the belly of his own child and blow up the child for his cause."

Mike Huckabee, Actual Mainstream Presidential Candidate, in remarks to an anti-abortion crowd in Atlanta, as reported in today's AJC.

Scared teenage girls and their anguished parents, terrorists who blow up kids -- same thing, sez Rev. Mike.

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pentapenguin's picture
Submitted by pentapenguin on Tue, 01/29/2008 - 12:01am.

I'm not trying to speak for him, but I believe Governor Huckabee was basically saying they both are driven by the same wrong motive: selfishness. A parent that kills his or her child to kill the "evil" Jews is extremely selfish since he or she puts her personal political beliefs over the life of the child. A parent that kills her child for school, work, or personal life reasons is extremely selfish as well for putting her personal convenience over the life of the child.

And just one little thing...we are pro-life, not just "anti-abortion." Eye-wink

Submitted by sageadvice on Tue, 01/29/2008 - 7:39am.

"We are pro-life, not just anti-abortion?"

Can't understand the difference! You mean not execute anyone in prison. do you?
Oh, I just thought, if YOU deem them "not innocent" then it is ok!
Still pro-life?
What about the 200,000 dead in Iraq and Afghanistan? The million in Europe in WW2 and Hitlers 7 million or more? Well I could go on forever---even the Crusades come into play don't they? All were "not innocent!"

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Wed, 01/23/2008 - 7:39pm.

But that doesn't make either of them right. Smiling

In regards to Democrats, Republicans, gangs, and other scads of coterie Kool-Aide drinkers; Remember this..... Eagles Don't Flock

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