All of us who have endured the past injustices of Tyrone’s government invite all of the citizens who moved in frustration and businesses who were forced out, to return. There’s a new Council, Town Manager and Attorney who want to properly serve the people. Gone are Smola, Lee, Letourneau, Amos & Sears. We know that many businesses suffered financial losses as a result of past governmental actions; and that all of you are bitter. But we just want all of you to know how sorry we are and that we all are working to correct the bad laws and the unhelpful attitude that previously existed. Stop by and discuss your particular problems with Mayor Rehwaldt and Mgr. Chris Venice. There is a new cheerful atmosphere and the welcome mat is out. All of the businesses that are still here, please come to town Hall and let them know what help you need. A special invitation is given to Al Le Brec of Tyrone Power and Equipment. Al, you can now get on the bid list after all these years of rejection. And to Preston Baker who moved to Coweta County to avoid harassment at his home in Tyrone.

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Submitted by ethicalgovernment on Sat, 01/12/2008 - 8:20am.

The John and John podcast dated 1/9/08. Listen to John Thompson's hilarious (and sadly accurate) depiction of the last Tyrone Town Hall Meeting. Just click on the Citizen Audio to the right and select the John and John podcast.

suggarfoot's picture
Submitted by suggarfoot on Sat, 01/12/2008 - 8:29pm.

Hilarious? if your are referring to their knowlege of how governments legally function. Were they funny other than that? Nope, I'd call it a blooper. Sorry, they need to stick to trying to write the facts, not comment on them. The idea once with news was to report the facts and let people draw their own conclusions. I would say my IQ would have to be quite low to accept their judgements as the facts.

Submitted by TJAM on Fri, 01/11/2008 - 10:36pm.

Use caution or common sense when reading I Watch. His facts don't always meet the reasonableness test. From what I can see Tyrone has more businesses now than ever before and just like everywhere else those that are providing a good product or service at a reasonable price seem to do well. I take my car to a new shop in Tyrone that does a great job, it did not exist 2-3 years ago. I go over to Tyrone once or two times a week and the resturants I go to seem to be doing just fine. The only area that looks in need of a major face lift or total teardown is the downtown area. There are a couple of new building one with a gym and a wonderful resturant but most of the other stuff looks rundown and has no curb appeal. Of course from what I can read the new Mayor and Council want to stop development especially in the downtown area. That will be the death of the downtown area.

Now Mudcat while you may think that Tyrone can mess up your travel on 74, the 700+ homes that PTC approved for the west village will do more to your travel time than anything Tyrone can do. Evertime I go on 74 in PTC it appears that there is another traffic light, more delays due to poor planning. It really is amazing how it seems that everyone thinks that somebody else should fix problems that they create. PTC is 4-5 times as big as Tyrone, now who creates more traffic?

Submitted by rm.snell on Fri, 01/11/2008 - 11:21am.

The mayor and council interviews and hires candidates before they are in office. Everyone is invited to a different type of decietful politics. For those of you that were able to bid before the new administration I rather doubt you will be invited back. Not even January 15th and it has already started. Who knows where my business will be.

Submitted by Valerie on Fri, 01/11/2008 - 12:50pm.

You've been rejected.

suggarfoot's picture
Submitted by suggarfoot on Fri, 01/11/2008 - 12:07pm.

you seem to be only 18 hours old, a baby, like those new bloggers that appeared after the last town hall meeting when one of the past council members got up and regressed in front of all. Then those new bloggers appeared and continued the same refrain. If I didn't know better, I swear you were the same. what happened to dudly? seems he was left speachless, or breathless the other day.

mudcat's picture
Submitted by mudcat on Fri, 01/11/2008 - 7:55pm.

You are now in the show - big time. Just like Peachtree City. Congrats!

You now have your 3 dopes voted out - just like we did when Brown, Rapson and Weed (BRAWN, as I believe they were called) were dumped by the so-called in-crowd in PTC.

You even have an unhappy and bad loser (Smola) who assumes various identities and pretends to be a real person objecting to everything that those now in power do or think about or even what the loser imagines. I assume you all know who our bad loser was. Don't want to mention his name here because he writes for The Citizen.

Hey Mikey, there's an idea. Get Cal to give you a column.

suggarfoot's picture
Submitted by suggarfoot on Fri, 01/11/2008 - 8:56pm.

Thanks, wow, never want to get on your bad side. You slice n dice with the best.

We really do have a group to be proud of. Corny as it sounds, it was a grass roots effort, first with Gloria and Grace, and now the rest. If the old group had stayed much longer, 74 would be an 8am parking lot due to high density they had in mind. You guys don't realise it, but if we lose, you lose too. We have the ability to seal your access to any kind of reasonable commute to work. If we keep the density in check, we can all enjoy where we live, instead of turning into undefinable bergs of Atlanta. Unhappy citizens with clogged traffic, very happy developers with lots of money moving further out beyond the mess they would have made of us.

Submitted by ethicalgovernment on Sat, 01/12/2008 - 8:11am.

Does anyone know if there is a town meeting next week? Nothing has been posted on the web or the wall at town hall. So much for open government, perhaps they need more dress rehearsals at Rehwaldt's house.

suggarfoot's picture
Submitted by suggarfoot on Sat, 01/12/2008 - 8:35pm.

Val. That is her job to get it in there. But I don't understand your concern. You never picked your packet up till 10 mins ahead of time before. What's your rush now that the polls showed we don't care for your judgements anymore?

Submitted by ethicalgovernment on Sat, 01/12/2008 - 8:40am.

Mayor Don Rehwaldt announced the salary information of the new town manager and attorney but cleverly forgot to release the comparables for the people they replaced:

Chris Venice-Salary $98,000/2 Year Contract/ 90 Days Severance
Barry Amos-Salary $94,000/No Contract/No Severance

Interesting that Rehwaldt would give his friend a 90 day severance package and give no severance to an 11 year town employee. He also takes away a big piece of the Town Managers responsibility (the Police Department) and pays her $4,000 more for less responsibility.

Bill McNally - $150/Hour
Brad Sears - $95/Hour

At last week's meeting Grace said we were getting our new attorney for a "comparable" cost. If she considers a 57.8% increase comparable than I can't wait to see what happens to our taxes. In today's Citizen Rehwaldt says "It's a little bit more than we were paying, but we feel it's worth it for his experience".

I guess honest, open, ethical government just costs more.

mudcat's picture
Submitted by mudcat on Fri, 01/11/2008 - 9:13pm.

We appreciate the effort to get of the dopes - and certainly Barry. Tyrone is a great small town and does not need to be dragged into becoming a small city with underserved retail by tax-hungry politicians.

And, yes, I for one certainly realize your location and your actions (as a town) affect PTC in a big way, So far, no real damage done, but all that undeveloped land is very tempting.

Again, Thank you for doing the right thing.

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