Haddix: Forum Agenda Promise

Don Haddix's picture

One agenda promise I made was to propose a PTC Forum or run my own Forum for issues if that failed to pass.

I made the proposal on the January 3rd Council Meeting and due to some lack of knowledge and questions by some Council Members, a final vote has been postponed until a later date.

As an intermediate step, to establish a minimal line of temporary communications, I will be using my election website to post some observations and comments, beginning with the January 3rd Council Meeting.

Here is a link to the site.


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mudcat's picture
Submitted by mudcat on Fri, 01/04/2008 - 7:59pm.

The way it actually works is that we vote for who we want to represent us and then the elected person makes the decisions for us.

True democracy was rejected on a national level by the founding fathers and I think PTC is close enough to their principles that we don't need your "forum" crap to change the process.

I did think that your election was a non event, but I'm beginning to believe you are dangerous to our city and now I will be paying closer attention to your actions. The moratorium thing can be ignored as a rookie mistake, but make another and I will be on your case like white on rice.

Get a grip, dude. You now represent all 36,000 people - act like it.

Or, with more respect - be a leader! That's what we want and need.

mrs fran sheldon's picture
Submitted by mrs fran sheldon on Fri, 01/04/2008 - 8:23pm.

Good for you Mr. Haddix. I support you with your new approach. You remind me of a former council member Ed Bradford who lived near us. He was a fine man who was capable of listening to others and communicating politely. You have probably learned by now that you will be insulted and treated poorly as this Mudcat seems to regularly do to people.

I think your idea of a Forum is a good idea. It will cost the city nothing. People will have a voice. It may give you some new perspectives. And on the moratorium issue, perhaps Mudcat does not have the benefit of the information that you do.

Don't let these insults bother you! The poll results showed you that We the People support you!


Mrs. Fran Sheldon


mudcat's picture
Submitted by mudcat on Fri, 01/04/2008 - 8:27pm.

The red hat thing was clever, but we know who you are. I really hope Haddix isn't taking marching orders from you - although it is starting to look like that.

Steve - get a job.

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