Merry Christmas

hutch866's picture

Merry Christmas to all my friends here on the Citizen and to Bonkers and $mithpicker$ too, If you can't get what you want for Christmas I hope you get what you need. To all my band parent friends it was a wonderful year and I'm glad I met you all, ya'll make band worthwhile for Mrs hutch and myself, and I'm glad that my daughter hangs out with your children.

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Submitted by lilly on Tue, 12/25/2007 - 5:28am.

Merry Christmas to you and your family!

Submitted by Bonkers on Tue, 12/25/2007 - 4:15am.

Are you suggesting that I need something of which you obviously have need?
Relax for the day!

hutch866's picture
Submitted by hutch866 on Tue, 12/25/2007 - 7:33am.

The remark was made in good faith to everyone mentioned in the blog, take a chill pill, kick back, and you and the other guys just enjoy the day.MERRY CHRISTMAS

I yam what I yam....Popeye

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