Ramsey vs Brown: You compare

It's obviously no surprise to see Blogger Nuk write a blog slinging mud at Steve Brown. Look people, it's all the Ramsey camp has left.

The worst thing about Matt Ramsey is the his list of troubling supporters. Do we really want a legislator fully funded by political action committees, Bob Lenox, Fred Brown, developers and Logsdon people?

See for yourself and compare these campaign letters submitted the same week to the Citizen. Brown is about serving on priciple and tackling the issues and Ramsey is about running an election.

Brown: Will hold to principles over politics, seek water, traffic solutions
Tue, 11/27/2007 - 4:16pm
By: Letters to the ...

Being no stranger to the political scene in Fayette County, my thoughts on improving and defending our quality of life are well known. However, this time I am looking at the broader challenge of succeeding a very accomplished Rep. Dan Lakly.

I believe in the sanctity of human life as Rep. Lakly did and openly support foster parenting and adoption programs as well.

Our state constitution is an instrument of delegated powers; thus, I believe our state government should not stray from the powers granted to it and rigidly constrained by the constitution.

I value holding to principle over politics. Yes, there some things are worth fighting for. Our state cannot afford to muddle through year after year without daring to deal with the immense challenges in front of us. Below are some of the issues I have followed for years.

Water — A water crisis has been looming for at least 15 years. Do we agree that it is time to act? We need 2008 to be the session on water solutions under the Gold Dome.

We are currently relying upon an economy dependent on population growth as our engine of success. Population growth drives the need for more water and our supply is finite.
The legislature must debate the Georgia Water Council’s findings on water policies and tools due in December and act on those recommendations.

In addition, the General Assembly needs to fully fund the Georgia Environment Protection Division research needed to assess our current system and develop ways to make smart water decisions across the state. We need to create the state’s first ever Comprehensive Statewide Water Plan.

The state also needs to vigorously pursue an end to the 17-year water war lawsuit with Alabama and Florida. We have been shackled to this lawsuit and it is seriously impacting our ability to predict future capacity and create accurate plans.

We are looking at around $30 billion worth of improvements to our broad water system in the next 20 years if we want to be able to sustain ourselves in the future. If our population continues to grow and we do not fund the research, planning and implementation, the state legislature will have failed its citizens.

Transportation – In short, we have a mess. There is no coordinated strategy linking new development in metro Atlanta to transportation improvements with the result being traffic congestion that is ranked number two in the nation. We must develop predictable growth models which are linked to development plans in the region which are rewarded with transportation improvements.

If your area develops like a bat out of hell beyond the parameters of the agreed-upon model and plan, then you pay the consequences. Local governments need to be held accountable in this area. Build it now and figure it all out later is a horrible idea.

The DOT had to drop 250 road projects this year because they lacked the funding. We need to reconfigure the system and DOT in an intelligent manner which rewards sound development and transportation principles and saves tax dollars.

Tax reform and budgeting – Speaker Richardson’s alternative tax plan does not relieve us of paying taxes as you would be expected to simply pay in another format, sales taxes on everything.

However, what the Speaker’s plan does accomplish is centralized government as cities, counties and school districts would be stripped of their power to levy most taxes.
Local control of the community would be lost because local officials would no longer have the authority to decide how much to spend. Centralized government is not a step in the right direction.

I was deeply concerned last year when the Sen. Chip Rogers’ (R-Woodstock) proposal on a flexible cap on state spending was rejected by the Republican majority. The conservative principles of government is best handled at the local level, the elimination of pork projects (it is in FY 2008) and reining in spending are being abandoned so far by the Republican leadership.

Jobs and growth — We need to be extremely careful. U.S. Census Bureau data and Georgia State economic forecaster Rajeev Dhawan in his paper entitled “Circumspect Growth” make it clear that as we are gaining population, we are also losing jobs, especially high-paying premium jobs.

In the last six years, Georgia lost 39,800 premium jobs. In that same period, the 28-county Atlanta MSA gained only 8,500 premium jobs. We need people who can create a new vision that works and the will to make that vision come to fruition. We need people who support change.

Ethics – I am in favor of enacting the remainder of Gov. Perdue’s ethics package that the legislature omitted. I support barring lawmakers and government employees from accepting gifts, meals or trips from lobbyists or private entities. We also need to look into “bundled” contribution reports from lobbyists and PACs.

Grady Hospital – I support moving forward with a non-profit authority to govern the hospital. When it comes to burn cases, trauma, poison control and infectious disease, there are no substitutes for Grady Memorial Hospital.

Education – We are about to see a major tug-of-war over control of education. I am very opposed to the state collecting taxes levied for education and doling them out to individual school districts as they please. Such a system would be ripe for political favoritism. Fayette County has a great thing going in education; let us not ruin it.

Steve Brown
Candidate for House Seat 72

Ramsey: Promises to be hardest worker on behalf of a positive agenda
Tue, 11/27/2007 - 4:14pm
Letters to the ...
I never realized growing up in Fayette County just how good I had it. What a great place to be a kid. I’m a husband and a father now, and it turns out that our community is an even better place to be a dad.

We all value our outstanding schools, our low crime rate, and our tradition of strong local leadership. Having reaped the benefits of living in this special place, I now want to do my part to ensure that our community is as good to my two young children, and to all of our children, as it has been to me.

For this reason, I am running for the Georgia House of Representatives.

I have lived in Fayette County almost my entire life and I know what its values are. I share them. Faith, family, and love of community and country. We don’t believe in government trying to run our lives, but we do insist that government perform its core functions efficiently and properly.

We need government that improves our woeful transportation system. We need government that wastes less and taxes less. And we need government that respects our private property rights.

Georgia’s 72nd district has become accustomed to energetic leadership that reflects the conservative principles of its populace.

Our citizens want their representative to work as hard as they do, and here is a promise: if elected, I will be the hardest working member of the Legislature.

Here’s another promise: I will run as a conservative, and I will serve as a conservative.
When I cast a vote in the General Assembly, I will never betray Fayette County’s values for special interests or political expediency.

I served for six years on the staff of our outstanding former U.S. Congressman, Mac Collins. I learned some valuable lessons about statesmanship and character during that time, but I also came to realize that some government bureaucrats spend your money as if it they earned it.

My candidacy is based on reform: reform of the budget process in the General Assembly, and reform of state agencies that often fail to respect the principle of local control.
Local problems require local solutions, and I seek to empower our local officials to manage our community as they know best.

This is especially true with respect to education. I vow to defend the prerogatives of the parents, teachers, and administrators that have made our schools the best in the state.
There is cause for great optimism about our state’s future, but I also recognize that tremendous challenges lie ahead. The economy is strong, but working people are still feeling squeezed. Our community is strong, but we still have much tough work ahead to preserve our quality of life.

In these uncertain times, we cannot afford to be anything less than certain about where our elected representatives stand.

I stand for conservative government, family values, and hard work. I plan to run as I would serve: with a positive vision for Fayette County.

The public is sick of political mudslinging that elevates dirty tricks above honest debate. In recognition of this, I invite the other candidates in the race to join me in a spirited and fair discussion of the issues before the General Assembly that are most important to our community.

Matthew L. Ramsey
Warner, Hooper & Ramsey

It was probably a Freudian-slip, but Ramsey put the name of his law firm under his name (Warner, Hooper and Ramsey). Ramsey's boss, Doug Warner is his biggest campaign contributor and is also responsible for the development authority tennis center debacle that is costing us millions of dollars.

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bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Tue, 12/18/2007 - 12:16pm.


Submitted by McDonoughDawg on Tue, 12/18/2007 - 11:39am.

I'm holding my nose and voting for Brown. My main reason I think he is less danger in a sea of idiots than 1 of 5 on the City Council, which he will go for if he loses this election. That is as long as his Wife allows it. Smiling

Spear Road Guy's picture
Submitted by Spear Road Guy on Tue, 12/18/2007 - 1:41pm.

he wanted to see it as a voter referendum at City Hall forum. I don't have a problem with that.

Vote Republican

Submitted by McDonoughDawg on Tue, 12/18/2007 - 1:44pm.

Everything shouldn't be up for vote. We aren't majority rule. We elect representatives to make decisions, within the law, not to say, "let's put it up for vote". It probably wouldn't pass now, but what about in 10 years? It is one thing for sure that has made Fayette County what it is today. At Large voting, that is.

Submitted by skyspy on Tue, 12/18/2007 - 4:30pm.

That "within the law" part that didn't work so well when lenox and crooks had control. We are all paying for it, and we will continue to pay for it for a long time.

Submitted by John M on Tue, 12/18/2007 - 2:20pm.

I surely didn't want the $2 million ball fields and we were allowed to vote them down.

I'm glad they didn't just build them.

"I'm NOT John Munford"

Submitted by McDonoughDawg on Tue, 12/18/2007 - 2:42pm.

Putting things up for a vote that is?

I voted for the ballfields. It is my belief that the amenities that PTC offers has made the city what is today. There is a reason that traditionally, homes cost more in PTC than just outside the town.

That being said, I stand by my comment that we are not a democracy, and majority rule is one scary proposition.

CCB's picture
Submitted by CCB on Tue, 12/18/2007 - 5:27pm.

What in the world? If it's a project you want we should let council go for it?

Obviously, you would have been wrong. Harold told me the other members of council wanted those projects, but they would've been wrong in the people's eyes.

Submitted by McDonoughDawg on Tue, 12/18/2007 - 5:40pm.

I've said I don't think "At Large Voting" should be put up for vote..

Someone else brought up the ballfields. I had NO problem with that myself. The vote for or against, that is.

I'm serious, I don't like Brown's idea to let the at large voting come up. Nothing wrong with the way it is now. IF Fayette was in the dumper, I may agree, but it's one of the nicer Counties in Georgia, and obviously, something is being done right.

CCB's picture
Submitted by CCB on Tue, 12/18/2007 - 5:52pm.


But what if a majority of the voters wanted it?

Submitted by McDonoughDawg on Tue, 12/18/2007 - 5:55pm.

We are not a majority rule government.

If Brown gets his way, I have a feeling it will be voted on, and it will lose, the first two or three times. People will not let up, and it will eventually pass, and Fayette County will lose another thing that has made it special.

Submitted by skyspy on Tue, 12/18/2007 - 4:28pm.

putting up anything for a vote. Especially when it costs serious taxpayer jack. Any large expense should go to a bond referendum.

I voted against the ballfields. We need to pay for the illegal tennis center loan before we take on anymore expenditures. We also have to pay for the police station built on an illegal dump also brought to us by the same crooks of the tennis center fiasco!(lenox and developers group VI D-pac).

We don't need to spend money we don't have. Even someone as stupid as harold and company should be able to figure that out.

Submitted by McDonoughDawg on Tue, 12/18/2007 - 5:27pm.

That they did put the ballfields etc up for a vote.

As far as the "illegal" tennis center debt, we've beat it to death here, all kinds of accusations etc. Until something "concrete" comes out and someone is actually found guilty of something, I think it's better off put to sleep. It's like a dead horse, he's DEAD no matter how much you beat him. Smiling

Submitted by other side trax on Tue, 12/18/2007 - 12:08pm.

But I just can't pull the lever (actually, now it's "touch the screen") for Brown. He's too divisive.

From the other side of the tracks

Submitted by Lawdawg on Tue, 12/18/2007 - 11:16am.

I'm sure he is a nice person but the one thing that seems beyond dispute is that Steve Brown does not work well with others. As a State rep, that is all you ever do, especially a brand new rep. We need someone that will represent Fayette County well so our concerns about growth, taxes, education and water get a fair hearing. I'm afraid that if we send someone abrasive, we will not have the influence we need and deserve under the Gold Dome. I voted for Ramsey a week ago.

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