400 Days!

Sniffles's picture

400 days from today (December 16th, 2007) America will see the end of the worst presidency of our lifetime, that of George W. Bush. To which I can only say: "Thank GOD!"

It's been an extremely interesting month watching the Republican candidates (they're a lot more fun to watch this time around...all the Dems have is the constant low-level sniping between Obama and Hillary).

The Wall Street Journal, Cal Thomas and George Will have been trashing Mike Huckabee on a near-daily basis.

Fox News is doing the best job it can trying to stop the heavy bleeding away from its favorite candidate, Rudy Guiliani. Fox somehow managed to convince Republicans that 3 marriages are okay (most Repubs have been married more than once), adultery is okay (most Repubs enjoy adultery at least once in their married lives) and dressing as a woman is okay (most Repub men secretly want to dress as a woman). But the straw that broke the camel's back was the bombshell that Guiliani spent taxpayer's dollars cleaning up his mistress' dog's waste. Republicans showed there are some limits to their toleration and have deserted Rudy in droves the past month.

Fred Thompson did something unusual and purchased the endorsement of the National Right To Life federation. That's right, I said purchased. Evidently, to get their endorsement this year you had to hire their entire executive staff as "campaign advisors", and no other candidate was willing to shell out the big bucks. There was a bit of controversy over the NRTF supporting an "unchurched" guy like Thompson, who has only been to church once in the past 10 years and that was to marry his "trophy wife" (his description, not mine).

Willard Mitt Romney thought he'd be the beneficiary of the Rudy defectors, but for the most part they've gone to Huckabee. So Romney is using the vast financial resources of the Mormon church (or "Mormon cult", as Huckabee supporters call them) to trash Huckabee in the early primary states. Romney's team has hired the best mudflingers in the business and are constantly feeding the Drudge Report, which has become the most pro-Romney blog in America.

Huckabee turned the other cheek for almost 3 weeks, but since he's garnered the nastiest fringes of the fundamentalists we all knew he had to go negative eventually...which was today in the NY Times, when he stated that Romney believed "Jesus and the Devil are brothers" (Interesting play on the Mormon belief that "God is the father of us all").

McCain's campaign keeps dwindling, but he's gotten a lot of newspaper endorsements this past week. How 1970-ish.

Gonna be very interesting in Iowa next month. Romney is poised to buy the caucus vote, but who will come in second?

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BPR's picture
Submitted by BPR on Mon, 12/17/2007 - 4:00pm.

You gave us the low Down on the Rep. what all is wrong with them, where is your report on what all is wrong with the Demo's. I asked you once did you not hear me?

Don't hand me nothing bit- BIG EXAMPLE BILL CLINTON- I am sure his buddies are running- oops BUDDY Hillary is running also- so we are waiting.

muddle's picture
Submitted by muddle on Mon, 12/17/2007 - 6:50am.

most Repub men secretly want to dress as a woman

Sniffles, how on earth did you know?!

The worst thing about it is that, since it is a secret, I can't ask anyone to help me fasten my bra strap.


My Opie impression: circa 1963.

Submitted by hthalljr on Mon, 12/17/2007 - 12:11am.

In "400 Days," "Sniffles" alleges:
"So Romney is using the vast financial resources of the Mormon church (or 'Mormon cult', as Huckabee supporters call them) to trash Huckabee in the early primary states."

This absurd lie hardly deserves a response. But before some ignoramus believes it:

(1)Please get our name right. It's the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

(2)The Church has a strict policy of political neutrality, and I mean strict. Not only does the Church not support any candidate, but it forbids the use of its pulpits, its buildings, and its membership lists for political activities. You can read the policy for yourself.

(3)It is not Romney who is employing the "vast resources" of his religion to smear some other candidate. Who led the charge with an "innocent" question to the New York Times about Jesus and Satan, then doubles his money with his "apology?" In the same week, the Baptist Press, the official organ of the Southern Baptist Convention, began an "informative" series about Mormonism. This appears to me to be a clear violation of the IRS restrictions on political activity by 501(c)(3) religious organizations.

Anti-Mormon activity in Iowa is at an all-time high. Who is behind it?
1. an Iowa City Councilman,
2. A shadowy group calling itself GodVoter.org
3. Sixty pastors!

And the list goes on and on. You can be sure none of this is coming from Romney -- or from any Latter-day Saint.

Sixty pastors get a pass on their political endorsement. But if a single (unpaid, mind you) Mormon bishop dared to endorse Romney, the wolves would howl. (And he would also be severely chastised by his own Church.)

Tracy Hall Jr

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Mon, 12/17/2007 - 6:57pm.

It is a bit unnerving to me that our church pulpits have become so political. The biggest problem with trying to put political words in God's mouth I believe, is the penalty which will await those who attempt to hijack scripture for political gain. The push poles done on Mitt where they called people in Iowa asked this: "Some feel Mormonism is a cult. Does this make you more or less likely to vote for Mitt Romney?" This is disgraceful. If you cannot win a nomination on political issues, you do not deserve the nomination. I don't believe Huckabee is directly responsible. I believe it comes down to overzealous supporters. But it is a terrible conflation of religion and politics. Ultimately it hurts organized religion by making non believers less likely to embrace any religion used in such a way.

I must say, if I were running against Mitt, I'd simply point to his changing positions with respect to taxes/fees, the NRA (which he is now a life time member of), abortion, and universal healthcare (which he instituted in Mass.) If you can't win a caucus on those issues, you don't deserve to win, and playing the "Mormonism is a cult" card won't help.

Kevin "Hack" King

Submitted by Bonkers on Mon, 12/17/2007 - 7:56pm.

If you want to see what a country looks like that is run by religious law rather than voted in law, just study Iran, Iraq (soon), Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Vatican, Afghanistan, Puerto Rico, and a host of nickel and dime others.
We don't need "no stinkin badge,"

gelato's picture
Submitted by gelato on Mon, 12/17/2007 - 9:21pm.

Bonkers...you had our family in stitches! We vacationed in "Religious-War torn" Puerto Rico last year. You're right, those coconuts were flying from palm tree to palm tree. People in their bikinis cussing up a storm...fire and brimstone giving everyone a tan. Everyone fasting on lobster tails and pina coladas. You certainly got your facts right! You have a Master's from DeVry or was it a Cracker Jack Box? Was it by any chance on International Relations??? Are you a stand-up comedian? Funny, keep it up. Smart people like you needed!

Submitted by Bonkers on Tue, 12/18/2007 - 7:05am.

Sometimes people can't see further than the end of their nose!
Where did the "war torn" part of your comment come from? Not me!

The attitude of the Puerto Rican majority is that they do not want statehood since their way of life (except for the 10%) would drastically change. Welfare would decrease dramatically and taxes would definitely increase.
Right now they are protected by the powerful USA, at practically no cost.
Those who want to run to the US and make some money can---no hassle!

Who promotes this attitude? The Catholic Church in my opinion!

gelato's picture
Submitted by gelato on Tue, 12/18/2007 - 7:37am.

In 1952 Puerto Rico was given the goose that lays the golden eggs, when it became a Commonwealth. Therefore they have the best of both worlds: the kind of life many enjoy in the USA, plus being autonomous at the same time! Why would they want to change it? I have a European background, but grew up with many Puerto Ricans up north and visit the Island quite often. At present, the Church in Puerto Rico is no longer dominated by Religious Congregations, with the majority of priests preaching pro Independence. I have been to many a service where instead of the Gospel being the homily, it is an encouragement to get away from the good ole USA. I happened to be in Puerto Rico for the last election 3 years ago for a wedding. I was invited to attend a dinner hosted by Ruben Berrios, president of the Independence party for eons. I was floored by the amount of priests and nuns, and even some bishops that attended. NOw you have Pedro Rosello, (pro statehood) who is once again wanting to run again for Governor, after having embezzled from the people and had left the Island. This man is a piece of work...sort of like Hillary and Obama. He is such a piece of garbage that he has managed to completely divided the Statehood party, which is something that has never been seen before. The Catholic church has nothing to do with the condition of Puerto Rico...people just don't want to give up the goose that was so generously placed on their laps by the US government. We made our bed, now we need to lie in it! Have a great day!

Submitted by Bonkers on Tue, 12/18/2007 - 8:35am.

You amuse me!
I think you said, no I know you said, that the Catholic Church is FOR keeping independence---and I assume financed and protected by the USA!

Isn't that the same as causing the conditions as they are right now in Puerto Rico?

The church controls better when they think their people live off charity.
Never saw any organized religion who didn't want a chunk of their people's money!

gelato's picture
Submitted by gelato on Tue, 12/18/2007 - 9:18am.

Puerto Rico has a number of political parties: 1) PNP which advocates Statehood, PDP which wants to remain a Commonweath, PIP which wants complete independence from the USA making Puerto Rico a Republic, and the Socialist party, whose initials I cannot remember but its leader is Juan MariBras. When I referred to many church leaders wanting Independence, I meant PIP - a complete break from the USA. Did you not see how many clergy members were involved in getting the Navy out of Vieques, and promote the independence from the USA? By the way, PIP stands for Partido Independentista Puertoriqueno - Puerto Rican Independence Party. The use of the word independence in your mind and in mine are totally different. We can assume nothing. If I amuse you it gives me great joy, since your initial post had me in stitches. I am happy to reciprocate!

Submitted by Bonkers on Mon, 12/17/2007 - 7:55pm.

If you want to see what a country looks like that is run by religious law rather than voted in law, just study Iran, Iraq (soon), Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Vatican, Afghanistan, Puerto Rico, and a host of nickel and dime others.
We don't need "no stinkin badge,"

BPR's picture
Submitted by BPR on Sun, 12/16/2007 - 5:52pm.

My friend let;'s pull out all the garbage on the Demo's. Okay?/ You report.

Hoosier Fan's picture
Submitted by Hoosier Fan on Sun, 12/16/2007 - 6:34pm.

Before we start digging in the Demo’s dumpster, let’s start with a bit of Demo humor. This week, Nancy Pelosi got up in front of the press with her lower lip pushed out trying to explain why Congress accomplished NOTHING in the last twelve months. Did Nancy take ANY responsibility? Yeah, right. That will be the day.

Typical liberal mindset: “I failed because I’m a victim of (insert your favorite social or political demon here)”. It’s always somebody else’s fault.

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Sun, 12/16/2007 - 10:38pm.

and into Hack's favorite ring of conversation. I'll get to the point. When I look back at last week, I don't see Mrs. Pelosi's press conferences as nearing the significance of the White House's. You see, last week at the White House they were engaged in trying to talk about torture and waterboarding and trying not to acknowledge that we waterboard while saying emphatically that we do not torture. A republican congressman even had the audacity to say waterboarding is like swimming a backstroke; pure idiocy. The White House was also dealing with the pesky testimony of US Attorneys that know Karl Rove was involved in their firings. This is problematic because Gonzo, Karl himself, and the President have claimed their was no White House political involvement.
Hoosier, let me count the disappointments:

1. Ignoring PDB "Al Qaeda determined to strike in US using aircraft."

2. Attacking country B when attacked by stateless terrorist organization C staging out of country A.

3. Squandering the good will of a country and world united behind us to score political points: "You're for us or against us." "Axis of evil."

4. Forgetting the "State's Rights" point of view and trying to insert the federal govt into Florida family court wrt the Schaivo's

5. Trying to make his legal secretary a supreme court justice.

6. Creating a staggering national debt with borrow and spend economics.

7. Completely mishandling a war, embracing incompetence, and holding no one accountable for anything even when he promised that he would "anyone involved with outing Valerie Plame..."

8. An inability to articulate or inspire.

9. Allowing the govt to grow into a huge leviathan.

10. Allowing that leviathan to warrantlessly spy on US citizens.

Hoosier, GWB is THE WORST performing President of our lifetimes. Hands down.

Kevin "Hack" King

Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Mon, 12/17/2007 - 7:23am.

GWB signed to change 14 CFR 121.383(c) to let you remain in the "wheelhouse" for an additional 5 years.
Caution - The Surgeon General has determined that constant blogging is an addiction that can cause a sedentary life style.

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Mon, 12/17/2007 - 7:02pm.

Pilots dying on the job. hopefully it will be in the layover hotel or at a layover pub, but I imagine in the comming years we will have first officers trying to strap slumped captains in their chairs to keep them out of the controls Eye-wink

Kevin "Hack" King

Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Mon, 12/17/2007 - 9:12pm.

I hope they're a lot better than what we have to stay in. We have to look for places that are under $120 night. That's getting harder and harder especially in MIA, LAX, SAN, SFO, LGA/JFK and BOS. I'll bust that requirement if I don't feel safe. I'll ask for forgiveness later. But, the screws are turning tighter and tighter.
Caution - The Surgeon General has determined that constant blogging is an addiction that can cause a sedentary life style.

Hoosier Fan's picture
Submitted by Hoosier Fan on Sun, 12/16/2007 - 5:07pm.

... in our lifetime? Are you still in Kindergarten, Sniff???

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