Damage to yards during the night

kjam's picture

Just checking to see if any one other than myself & my neighbor woke up this morning to find damage done to their yards during the night. Damage was: A small vehicle or truck decided to drive thru both of our yards, leaving tire markings and "doughnut" circles. We spoke to the FCSO Deputy this afternoon, and he was shocked to see how it was done & how no house was damaged.
If you live East of the square,and had damage, please let me know. I would like to see if we can band together. This most likely happened after 2:00 am. If this was teenagers or young adults, you should have tire or rim damage, by the looks of the curbs you jumped just to have a little bit of fun, but at someone else's expense. When you have your own home and family, and this is done to you, you will look back one day & say "Gosh, I did some dumb things when I was younger".
Looking forward to hearing from you!

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muddle's picture
Submitted by muddle on Sun, 12/09/2007 - 11:38am.

The Dead Milkmen


Let it be known there is a fountain
That was not made by the hands of man.

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Sun, 12/09/2007 - 5:00pm.

And when you aren't making me think, you're absolutely cracking me up. Heard some more great music today. We went to a GA tech game and listened to the 6th Man band, the pep band for Ga Tech. Their drummer ROCKSSS!!!Kevin "Hack" King

kjam's picture
Submitted by kjam on Sun, 12/09/2007 - 12:08pm.

I have seen the (Bitchin' Camaro) video, not so much!
Some of these people have way too much time on their hands, either making these video's or tearing up yards.

chippie's picture
Submitted by chippie on Sun, 12/09/2007 - 4:07pm.

Did this also happen to your next door neighbor's yard? I checked my front and back yards and didn't see any tire marks, although my front yard would be as easy to do as yours.

Hope the little hoodlums brag about it and end up getting caught.

kjam's picture
Submitted by kjam on Sun, 12/09/2007 - 4:18pm.

My house and house across the street. How tree's or houses were not hit is beyond me. That's what I meant about tire or rim damage to their vehicle. By looking at the curbs, they had to have had damage. Living at entrance to subdivision, guess we were the "picked yards". If they brag about it, shame on them. But with safety being the main concern, maybe it scared them a little, or they may think twice about doing something like this again. They might not get away with it.
Thank you for letting me know, glad to see someone who cares.

chippie's picture
Submitted by chippie on Sun, 12/09/2007 - 4:25pm.

When I saw the marks in your front yard, I didn't see the other yard involved.

You know me, we're 4 houses down from you. Smiling

kjam's picture
Submitted by kjam on Sun, 12/09/2007 - 4:27pm.

Well, Hey neighbor! Yep, you can see their marks too. Missed a tree & their mailbox just a few inches. Needless to say, they were not happy either.

chippie's picture
Submitted by chippie on Sun, 12/09/2007 - 4:32pm.

Sorry to see this happened, and we were still up at 2 am, but didn't hear anything, although we are a little far away to hear something like that happen.

Hope it was a one-time occurrence, but I do hope they end up getting caught.

See you later!

Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Sun, 12/09/2007 - 6:09pm.

Hello neighbors. kjam, I seen your yard and it's terrible that someone would damage the property of others. This is not an isolated incident in our area. Just outside of our subdivision on the "road" to GA 54 there is a relativity new house on the right. It has been "hit" a couple of times. In fact, you can still see the skid marks on the driveway.

Last October someone drove through my yard. Not much damage as my yard has already scrummed to the drought and weeds. But the neat thing is this "moroon" didn't see the deep hole near the drain culvert that he tried drive over. I think it jolted him as I can see that he backed up and went off the driveway. I hope it damaged the suspension of the vehicle. Unfortunately, we were not home that evening. I think this is the same "moroon" that did "donuts" in my end of the subdivision. I have a hunch who it is but can't prove it. I wish I had CCTV. I would love to "nail" the &*$! Let me know if you want to get together and discuss.

Caution - The Surgeon General has determined that constant blogging is an addiction that can cause a sedentary life style.

kjam's picture
Submitted by kjam on Sun, 12/09/2007 - 7:18pm.

Yes, we can chat. Call me, i'm home this evening. It seems as if there are several of us that stay up late in the neighborhood. I know the "new house". I think what happened there was a car ran off the road, not sure that was done on purpose.

Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Sun, 12/09/2007 - 7:28pm.

How about tomorrow afternoon? I'll stop by.
Caution - The Surgeon General has determined that constant blogging is an addiction that can cause a sedentary life style.

Submitted by SilenceDogood on Sun, 12/09/2007 - 12:34pm.

Now that is an ad hominem attack on those who make videos. I really am sick of you making these generalizations about different people. My son makes videos, has a car, and is in college. He fits your suspect description. He is allowed to stay out late because he has proven himself responsible. I talked to him. He did not tear up your yard.

kjam's picture
Submitted by kjam on Sun, 12/09/2007 - 4:10pm.

I was not making an attack on your son, or making generalizations about people. I originally posted a comment to see if other yards were damaged during the night. In my original posting, I stated "if teenagers or young adults" did this, not sure who it was. If I did know, I would have never had to post, again, only seeing if others in the area had any problems. As far as the vidoe, I have my own opinion on the video on Bitchin' Camero, that is all. I also never gave a suspect description, you have left that one wide open.
I think it's a shame that I can not post a message on a subject, and it's turned into something else. Sorry if you took offense or felt as if it was an attack. Clearly not what I intended.

Submitted by Split Decision on Sun, 12/09/2007 - 4:16pm.

YOU were the first in this blog to bring up the suspects probably being from Riverdale (it may help to re-read the whole blog), not kjam.

Sounds like you brought all this up and onto yourself. Sad

Submitted by SilenceDogood on Sun, 12/09/2007 - 6:54pm.

OK. I am commenting on the fact that she assumes that the hooligans that messed up her yard were young people. It very well maybe, but that might not be the case and it is always wrong to assume. Secondly, my comment about riverdale was in regards to the fact that every time crime is brought up it is always the Riverdale or ClayCo. people (for example look at the Autrey's Armory robbery comments). I am in no way suggesting that that is who tore up this lady's yard. I just hate it when folks get on here and make assumptions and comments like this is the Fayette Guess a Thon. If you have kids about high school age, or your neighbor does, you might want to talk to them about anybody that might have a grudge or desire to mess up their yard. This things aren't often random.

Submitted by Nitpickers on Sun, 12/09/2007 - 6:27am.

I can play three or four chords on a guitar if that helps the band!
Is a band the same as a horde? (and great hordes of huns swept down from the mountains and sacked the city). I don't know how to sack up a city either.
Deputies usually are amazed! Or do I mean amazing?
PTC used to have the same thing happen on golf course greens. It is some kind of celebration, spite, drunkish stuff, or college prank, I think.
Could be just meanness and ignorance, I suppose. Just how would we band this guy? Or Gal?

Submitted by SilenceDogood on Sun, 12/09/2007 - 3:30am.

First, if you are starting a band I am quite good at tambourine. I think it is wrong to assume it is young people. I am sick of this community always assuming that young folks are behind any mischief that goes on. I bet it was some old man with a grudge. And as far as rim damage goes, from a professional stand point, I highly doubt it. Anyone who would take their vehicle over a curb is not running low profile tires and racing rims. As far as the property damage is concerned, I empathize with you. But any effort to catch whatever hooligans might be behind this, young or old, is probably futile. But keep waiting up, they might be back!

Submitted by ihaveone on Sun, 12/09/2007 - 8:38am.

Oh I would be willing to bet it is teenagers. The ones who have recently turned 16, been sheltered for the past 16 years, gotten "new" trucks and want to see what they can do with them. They also think that they are "beyond" getting caught and if they do Daddy and Mommy will take care of it.

Silence Dogood's picture
Submitted by Silence Dogood on Sun, 12/09/2007 - 7:10am.

This could become very confusing. I chose this name carefully. I did not see you on here before. You must not post often.

Submitted by SilenceDogood on Sun, 12/09/2007 - 12:30pm.

Unfortunately, I have had this name for over a year, as compared to your two weeks. I also chose it very carefully. I do not feel the need to clarify, but I am sure quite a few people understand the context.

I am surprised that this thread has not mentioned that they were probably teenagers from Riverdale yet. That is abnormal for the Citizen. Usually, everything is blamed on Riverdale. I applaud all involved for using logic and restraint.

muddle's picture
Submitted by muddle on Sun, 12/09/2007 - 12:42pm.

My own theory is that the donuts on the lawn were made by teenagers from Riverdale.


Let it be known there is a fountain
That was not made by the hands of man.

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