Rep. Westmoreland's 2007 accomplishments

Sniffles's picture

Below is a list of every single resolution, proposed law and amendment offered by our esteemed Representative in Congress, Georgia's "do-nothing" Lynn Westmoreland:

1. Had a resolution passed honoring UPS (Westmoreland's 14th largest campaign contributor) for 100 years of service.

2. Had a law passed renaming the Columbus GA post office. This is Lynn's single legislative triumph for the entire year!!

3. Had a proposed law die in committee to use federal funds to establish a National Infantry museum at Fort Benning. (pork pork pork pork)

4. Had a proposed law die in committee that would have allowed corporate PACs to give 50% more money to Congressional candidates. Interestingly, most proposed laws garner 20-200+ "co-sponsors". Lynn couldn't get a single co-sponsor for this bill!!

5. Had 5 amendments voted down that would have gutted Army Corps of Engineers funding in Louisiana. Lynn REALLY doesn't like the Army Corps of Engineers.

6. Had 2 amendments voted down that would have removed funding for housing assistance in Hawaii. Lynn REALLY doesn't like Hawaiians.

7. Had an amendment voted down that would have prohibited the federal government from printing college financial aid forms in Spanish. Lynn REALLY doesn't like Spanish speakers.

So, to summarize:
1-1 resolutions passed
1-3 bills passed into law
0-8 amendments passed into law

Likes: Corporate PACs, UPS, Columbus post office
Dislikes: Army Corp of Engineers, Hawaiians, Spanish speakers.

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Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Mon, 11/26/2007 - 10:10am.

The last mailer I received from him was a questionnaire asking what should the US Government do about the illegal alien problem. I hope someone with some substinence runs against him.

Caution - The Surgeon General has determined that constant blogging is an addiction that can cause a sedentary life style.

mudcat's picture
Submitted by mudcat on Tue, 11/27/2007 - 6:35am.

Westmoreland is not all that inspiring or even useful. I believe there are at least two incumbents who will run against him next year - one a mayor and the other a county commissioner. I think Dan Lakly would have run against him as well.

Probably be the same old story. He'll draw 2 or 3 opponents and all will be Republicans, so his opposition will be split and his supporters will win it for him in the primary. Georgia Democrats are not smart enough to consider cross over voting in the primary to knock off the incumbent (like the Dunwoody DeKalb Republicans did to Cynthia McKinney). They still have this illusion that their Democratic primary votes mean something.

cogitoergofay's picture
Submitted by cogitoergofay on Mon, 11/26/2007 - 8:51pm.

In January of 1953, Harry Truman carried his bags from the White House to his car and drove himself and wife Bess back to Independence, Missouri. He had served 7 1/2 years as President and 12 years as a U.S. Senator. He ended the war in Europe; he ended the war in Japan; he sanctioned the nation state of Israel; he integrated the military; he integrated baseball; he commenced the early start of the Civil Rights Act; he improved relations with Puerto Rico. Harry Truman left public service with a pension of ZERO. Nothing.

If Lynn Westmoreland wins re-election for a third time in 2008 and serves a fifth and sixth year, he will earn a pension of $150,000 a year for life plus benefits.

America is in deep trouble.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Tue, 11/27/2007 - 8:34am.

Makes me embarrassed to be white

I like it Beaver, I like it. Smiling Hey, has anyone checked lately to see how much money ole Lynn has raised from the liquor lobby this year?

Submitted by jackyldo on Tue, 11/27/2007 - 9:36am.

check out
You can find every politician and the money they have received and reported.
Beer, wine and Liquor has given $74,400. to Lynn not hardly the amount $450,000. that has come from real estate, home builders and general contractors

In total more than $3 million dollars raised for a job that pays $160,000 a year ??

Public financing of campaigns has to come before these guys remember they work for us, not their money friends.

Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Mon, 11/26/2007 - 9:09pm.

You have to sometimes wonder about some of our current politictians. You pointed out a big difference between then and now. "The Buck Stops Here". That's something to embrace.
Caution - The Surgeon General has determined that constant blogging is an addiction that can cause a sedentary life style.

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