Bareback Mountain Movie Review

William Hick Sr's picture

Bareback Mountain
Reviewed by Rev. William ‘Billy’ B. Hick Sr.
I seen that movie they call'n 'Bareback Mountain' the other nite with my wife. I was kindly excited about goin' to the Show to see a good ole Cowboy movie; I ain't seen one in quite awhile. We finally got to the Movie Theatre and I bought us some popcorn and two large Orange dranks, which by the way cost me more than the dang tickets to get in. We sat down and I settled in for some good old-fashioned entertainment, Western stlye. I got about half way through my large tub of popcorn with extra butter when I realised, Hey! These two Cowboys ain't just regular buddies, Naw! Not at all! They had feelings for each other and I ain't talk'n about Sidekick like feelings neither,they were havin' "Sex" feelings towards one another! People, I tell ya, I almost
dropped my large Orange drank! I looked at my wife but she hadn't quite picked up on
what these two ole boys were up to just yet. I didn't know what to do, it was hard for me just to sit there and watch the screen, I ain't never seen nothing like that before. I started sweatn' pretty good and I told my wife to come on we leav'n, but she still hadn't finished her popcorn so she jerked away from me. I sat back down and all I could do was stare at the floor through the whole dang thang. I want you to know I growed up watching movies with John Wayne and Clint Eastwood but if they don’t quit makin’ Westerns like this one I'd be afraid to go see a 'Dirty Dozen' sequel.

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Leoah Whineknott's picture
Submitted by Leoah Whineknott on Mon, 01/02/2006 - 2:23am.

What? The good Reverend actually took his wife to an R-rated movie? Shocker! What did he expect in this day and age? Just plain good old fashion conventional sex, violence and profanity?


CarpeDieminPTC's picture
Submitted by CarpeDieminPTC on Sat, 12/24/2005 - 9:27am.

Having no desire to see this new movie about the tradegy of lonely rump riders, I felt that after reading the review of Mr. Hicks, that I had actually been there with him during his tortured ordeal.

I think any comments attempting to thwart his opinions are just merely those who are trying to be politically correct, and possibly who might be strugglying with their own personal decisions of whether they need to ride side saddle too. (Not that there is any thing wrong with that.;>))

So keep up the reviews on current movies. I need to know which ones I should, and shouldn't see. You saved me $7.50 on this movie, now save me some more.

Seize the Day in Peachtree City

nuk's picture
Submitted by nuk on Mon, 01/02/2006 - 2:32am.

WOLF CREEK isn't worth the money or even a rental. The previews looked pretty good but the movie wasn't. Looked like a first-time director without much of a budget and really lazy editing. Story was blah also. In other words, it was exactly like BLAIR WITCH minus the creativity, originality and suspense:)

Brokeback Mountain? The critics think it's the greatest thing on earth but I doubt the general public is going to flock in droves to see a gay cowboy love story. I'll pass too. I don't have anything against gays-I have a friend who knows one-but I also have zero interest in seeing a movie about it. Now if it were two really good-looking women, maybe:) That means leave Ellen Degeneres and Roseanne Barr OUT of it!

Exactly why does a reverend go see an unGodly rated *R* movie anyway? Was he just expecting a nice decapitation with some fould language instead of a touching, sensitive, tender story of two fellas breaking their backs on a mountain? Hi-Ho Silver indeed.

Submitted by Reality Bytes on Sat, 12/24/2005 - 10:04am.

As usual, the intelligencia who daily populate the comment boards of this website has proven their hypocrisy. When taken to task regarding the STYLE of opinion (not the opinion itself, mind you, but it's unbelieveably juvenile attempts at "satire"), I am considered to have "inner turmoil" and "politically correct". Nobody can take some heat, now can they! If you type something here, expect someone to take you to task for it, especially when you purposely try to sound like an "intellectually challenged" individual.

I'm assuming most people who read this stuff don't live under rocks and know exactly what Bareback Mounting...I mean, all about. It wasn't the opinions I considered stupid, ladies and gentleman of Blogland, it was the fact it was portrayed as a gross stereotype of the Southern man. It's been done before by so many before you, Mr. Hick, and so much better.

So, as you so readily exhibit in your retort to me, try using complete sentences that follow some level of English comprehension to get your point across. And, Carpe Pisces, go visit for your movie reviews.

I'm fixin to head to the house, now, so ya'll have fun, now, ya hear? Ya'll quit being so dang reeeeetarded.

CarpeDieminPTC's picture
Submitted by CarpeDieminPTC on Sun, 12/25/2005 - 2:22am.

C'mon now. This is getting a little bit contentious.
I don't know about you, but I loved his satire.
Its called a Hyperbole of sorts. If others really believe red necks that "tawk" like he does is actually true, well, . . .so be it. I count them among the most ignorant of all.

What I do find offensive is not the Rev. Hick's quick quips and sardonic wit, but your demeaning manner in telling him that his means of conveying his opinion is somehow beneath this forum.

In other words, don't take life so seriously, this is just an on line forum talking about SPLOST, traffic problems, school issues, and whether we are getting a new red light in Brooks.


Seize the Day in Peachtree City

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