Rehwaldt and Shenkle gain ground, Young drops slightly, Nasianceno virtually out of race.


1. News Articles by Smola, Sheryl Lee and Grace Caldwell hurt Smola.

2. Theft of Shenkle's signs not good news for his opponents - Theft was reported to Police.

3. Matthews has unknown support of developers.

Smola: -5% 120 votes - Barry's Favorite.

Rehwaldt:+5% 280 votes - Commanding lead over Smola.

Young: -2 1/2% 285 votes - Commanding lead over Matthews.

Matthews: +2 1/2% 115 votes - Gaining ground, long way to go.

Shenkle: + 1/4% 168 votes - Too Close to Call.

Dial: - 1/4% 165 votes - Too Close to Call.

Nasianceno -17% 67 votes - Darkhorse

Based on 400 voter turn-out.
Increased turn-out - bad news for Smola, Matthews & Nasianceno.

Margin of error 10% plus or minus.

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Submitted by oldbeachbear on Thu, 10/25/2007 - 9:01am.

Yeah, that is pretty silly and doesn't get any votes.

Submitted by Tyrone90210 on Thu, 10/25/2007 - 12:33pm.

Does anyone know who is in charge of Tyrone elections? Is it Barry? I sure hope not.

Voter fraud happens, remember Bush v Gore 2000?

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