Election intelligence

I'm probably going for Haddix over Harman on Post 1 because he's been around for 20 years and openly opposes the current developer nightmare. Harman has sewer skeletons in his closet according to many.

I have been told King is a good buddy of Mayor Logsdon. Can anyone provide any info on this? I didn't like King's comments about not having to strictly follow the city plans either.

Thompson hasn't done anything.

O'Toole is a new age green guy.

Doug Staubaum is looking better and better for post 2. Is it true he has only lived here for a year?

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Submitted by Doug Sturbaum on Wed, 10/24/2007 - 4:41pm.


To answer your question - yes, I have been here for one year. I would hope that you would not hold that against me and would consider voting for me based on my positioning and my abilities I offer the position. While I have not been here 10 or more years, I have lived in an area with rampant growth (Gwinnett Co.) for 13 years and have observed what occurs when activities like unplanned and unregulated growth occur. What I have done is immediately engage into offering my abilities to protect this city in which I now live, not wait for years over years and then enter the fray. I like it here and and will be here for a long, long time. I want our city to be a place of comfort, safety and family for you and I, our children and our children's children. I will care for this city as my extended family and I will work for its citizens diligently to set the groundwork for the next 30 years.

Thank You for Your Consideration and Time,
Doug Sturbaum
Candidate - Post 2, PTC City Council

Submitted by d.smith700 on Wed, 10/24/2007 - 6:46pm.

I may vote for you. Longevity here does seem to make most people running for office here like the Stepford wives---get in with the crowd and obtain favors and friends instead of serve the city as a whole! Are you a developer or a former Colonel? How about Banks and Insurance?

Mike King's picture
Submitted by Mike King on Wed, 10/24/2007 - 8:56am.

Your characterization of the relationship between Mr Logsdon and myself needs clarification. While it is true that I have known Harold for the last four years, it is due to our membership in the Flat Creek Men's Golf Association. During the lasy mayoral election Mr Logsdon was President and I the Vice President until July of that year when he resigned to pursue his candidacy as mayor.
I have expressed myself more than once in my disapproval of stances taken by the mayor. For example, I openly confronted both the Mayor amd Mr Boone concerning the Kohls issue long before the public outcry created last Thursday's scenario. As you and I both know, this project is not dead and as your Councilman I will continue to resist any attempt to allow "big boxes" back into our city.
Mike King
Candidate for City Council Post 2

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