Fri, 10/19/2007 - 10:09am
By: Mike King

Last evening's withdrawal of the property abandonment issue relating to the Kohls development demonstrates that our City Council does listen to its citizens. Whether the vote would have been three to two or whatever, resident voices were finally heard and with the writing on the wall, the developer relented.
Make no mistake, however, this property will be developed as it is far too expensive to lay idle. That being said, can the Planning Commission show us a plan that adheres to the city's ordinance on big boxes-certainly. Holding resolute to the standards that are currently in place regarding the size of retail outlets, landscaping standards, and buffer restraints are but only the beginning of this process.

For any new development I would require the following:
First, it has to be economically positive for the city. It must be revenue positive after the costs of the city infrastructure has been added to the project.
Second, does it add to the quality of life for all Peachtree City residents. If it adds to traffic woes, creates noise or light problems, or has insufficient buffer from residential areas, why propose it.
Third, is it totally within the scope of the master plan for Peachtree City. Clear cutting property for the sake of making it easier for construction is a non starter.
With an ongoing drought, and a rapidly diminishing amount of property that can be developed we must be more demanding of those who wish to commercialize our city. Sure, these standards are high, but this is Peachtree City the planned community in which we chose to live.
I ask for your vote this November and if elected, these standards I wiil maintain as your Councilman.
Mike King
Candidate Post 2

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bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Thu, 10/25/2007 - 1:39pm.

"Last evening's withdrawal of the property abandonment issue relating to the Kohl’s development demonstrates that our City Council does listen to its citizens."

Mr. King, the only person that was listened to at the city council on the Kohl's issue was the developer.

As is his right, the developer withdrew his request. There was no discussion involved. Legally, there was no discussion allowed once the request to withdraw was made. The city council, on advise from the city attorney, accepted the developers request to withdraw and that's all there was to it.

Contrary to your statement, the citizens of PTC have NOT been given an opportunity to be heard on this issue. Not yet anyway as it will no doubt resurface AFTER the election.

As for your stance on "future developments" I would like you to consider broadening that to include all "current" endeavors the city funds.

The Airport Authority comes to mind as a never ending drain on the taxpayers and it hasn't demonstrated an “economically positive” effect since it was created. To be blunt, it’s been nothing but a huge drain on the city budget. It services a tiny population of the city citizens and has never demonstrated that it plays any role in prompting development in the PTC community. I believe it’s listed under the “sacred cow” category of city budget right next to “Tennis Center”.

I wish you success in the upcoming election.

Mike King's picture
Submitted by Mike King on Thu, 10/25/2007 - 2:09pm.

You sir, are right. What I was refering to was the sentiment of the many residents who feel as I do that a big box such as Kohls has no place in Peachtree City. I fully realize that it will resurface as the property is much too valuable to remain vacant. The withdrawal was not a proposal for development, but a motion to abandon city property that in my opinion would be a precursor to the developer getting what he wanted. I'm still waiting for the Planning Commission to show me something that benefits Peachtree City that we can live with.
Concerning your suggestion that my stance be broadened to include the funds expended for the Airport, you have it. Not only the airport, but the Recreation Department as well. Currently , the Aquatic Center is used by perhaps some 400 residents and is also revenue negative. These and others will must show their value and worth to all of us, not a select few.
Mike King Candidate for City Council Post 2

Mike King's picture
Submitted by Mike King on Thu, 10/25/2007 - 2:09pm.

You sir, are right. What I was refering to was the sentiment of the many residents who feel as I do that a big box such as Kohls has no place in Peachtree City. I fully realize that it will resurface as the property is much too valuable to remain vacant. The withdrawal was not a proposal for development, but a motion to abandon city property that in my opinion would be a precursor to the developer getting what he wanted. I'm still waiting for the Planning Commission to show me something that benefits Peachtree City that we can live with.
Concerning your suggestion that my stance be broadened to include the funds expended for the Airport, you have it. Not only the airport, but the Recreation Department as well. Currently , the Aquatic Center is used by perhaps some 400 residents and is also revenue negative. These and others will must show their value and worth to all of us, not a select few.
Mike King Candidate for City Council Post 2

Submitted by Nitpickers on Thu, 10/25/2007 - 3:32pm.

All of these revenue negative "centers" we have in PTC indicates the need for a large community center for everyone.
A centrally located real "center" (swimming, Tennis, basketball, exercise, snacks, bowling, skating, auditorium, arts center, running circle on second floor, lockers, wireless set-up (with free coffee), and on and on or maybe somewhat less, would be free for teenagers and reasonable for adults--maybe subsidized by the "no tax" motel tax!
Don't loose your toupee about the teenagers, we would have a good system to guide them properly.

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