Tyrone Council Post 2 candidates

Wed, 10/17/2007 - 3:20pm
By: The Citizen

[EDITOR’S NOTE: Jesse Nasianceno, candidate for Tyrone Council Post 2 in the Nov. 6 election did not submit an essay for inclusion in this forum.]


Eric Dial

I’ve lived in Fayette County for over 20 years and have seen many changes. In 2000, my wife and I decided to move to Tyrone because it was the most appealing of our options.

After serving in many community leadership roles, I recognized an opportunity to serve the people of Tyrone as Town Councilman to preserve what brought us here in the first place.

I’m an elder at my church, former chairman of the Fayette Republicans, graduate of the Coverdell Leadership Institute, chairman of the Tyrone Elementary School Council, and member of the Community Advisory Group for Elementary School Redistricting. Most importantly, I am father to three wonderful sons.

As I’ve made my way around neighborhoods, ballfields, businesses, and civic organizations, the feedback seems to always be the same – “I’m glad you’re running, we need good people involved in government.”

I’m humbled by these comments and I take them very seriously. While none of us has completely achieved “good people” status, it is certainly something for which I strive. It is also a necessity for efficient government.

A town councilman’s job is to balance what is best for the people with the will of the people. It requires open and honest government to achieve this. I also believe, as Thomas Paine stated, “That government is best which governs least.”

I will not abuse the power of government, which is a growing trend across the country. For example, private property rights are being ignored in the name of economic development and beautification.

In my professional life, I have been involved in the defense of property rights over the last 11 years. I want to use this experience to protect Tyrone from abuse – either from within or from outsiders.

Leading up to the election, I will be shedding light on the issues more specific to our town and I look forward to the dialogue between the candidates for Mayor and Town Council. I hope it will be a positive and productive process.

We are fortunate to have this opportunity provided to us by The Citizen and I thank them for their hard work on this project.

I ask for your support and your vote on Nov. 6. If you have questions you would like to ask me, please feel free to call my cell phone at 404-391-1020 or email me at ericdsci@bellsouth.net.


Gordon Shenkle

To start, let me thank The Citizen for printing these essays. I think that it’s important for an informed electorate to make a knowledgeable choice for their Town Council.

Let me take a few words to introduce myself. I’ve been a Fayette County resident for 22 years, the last seven of which were in Tyrone. I’ve been employed in the high tech industry for 30 years; my career is currently focused on computer security.

I’ve been married to my wife Cheryl for 27 years this fall and I have a daughter, Marissa who is 13. Cheryl works for the Fayette County Schools’ After School Program and Marissa is in the 8th grade at Flat Rock Middle School.

I think that the issues in this election boil down to what we see as the future of our small town. Do we want higher density with sewer? Or do we want the current small town character that we have now?

This election comes at a critical time for our town, when the council we elect will make choices that will lead to one of these two outcomes. And from which there may not be any going back.

I favor the low-density, no more sewer option. From my conversations with fellow citizens I believe most of them do also.

We’ve seen a great deal of change in Tyrone during the term of the current council. I believe that a lot of this change did not improve the quality of life in our town; therefore I believe that it is time for a change in Tyrone’s leadership.

We have to change the way that town business is done, to listen to and not abuse Tyrone citizens, to protect our property values and way of life.

I’ve attended Town Council and Planning Board meetings on a regular basis. I have taken the opportunity to speak when appropriate on the issue that was under consideration. And when I’ve spoken it’s for keeping the current character of our town and against higher density with more sewers. You can review my comments on issues in the minutes of those bodies.

I’m asking for your vote in November. If you want change for the better, please vote for me. And if you’re interested in helping me or if you have any questions call me at 770-486-1276 or email at gordonshenkle@yahoo.com.

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Submitted by VanGogh on Wed, 10/24/2007 - 7:23pm.

Thanks Gordon. I've seen you at council meetings & you are the most qualified best person for this post!! Could you please tell us where you stand on the Trickum Creek Cemetery issue? There's a new blog called discussion of tyrone's issues if you wanna respond there cause several people have put questions about cemetery and other things. Only Renwaldt had decency to respond to the blog. You are right about what you said about critical election to lead down 1 of 2 paths. I am voting foryou. You have been involved with the town management & council, you're great! Rock on dude!! Good luck!

Submitted by oldbeachbear on Wed, 10/24/2007 - 9:15pm.

Thats right! How? Because Gordon did some research and found that the Mayor couldn't vote because of where her home was, but, that they had to have Leturane play Mayor ...and the vote would have to go forward! Ho ho were they surprised! in the vote which made it 1- Smola for...and 2 against Furr and Caldwell. They stopped the downtown developement of 8 houses to 1 acre! It was brillant! The Mayor had to excuse herself and the rest is history. Dial may go to baseball games and be well liked, but hey, we did the same thing voting in the Mayor, and look where that got us. People you have to vote for the best qualified, the one that has been there for years trying to make this place work. Dial supporters are saying he has been comming for sometime and people are printing the contrary. I double checked. I know I've only seen him 3 times. I asked people who would know for sure and they also counted 3 times, and 2, he left early. So do you want someone you like, baseball coach/// we had bus driver who people liked, and guess what it got us.

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