Argument about Taxes

I have always felt that the wost thing humanity has ever invented has been money as a means of exchange.
We were meant to barter instead of beg for money, otherwise Adam would have had some money.
If I were to work for someone, I get paid in a product. I take that product and swap it for some other product that I need. We have done it before, and did it to some degree during the great depression.
I recall tenant farmers swapping their share of the crop for food and clothing they didn't have. Or lumber, or chickens.
We could swap China some grits and frankfurters for leaded toys and lipstick!
You help me build my house and I'll help you build yours!
If we wanted to go to Mars, I suppose we could do that through cooperation with other countries.
I have a lot of Confederate money that I inherited, and I once swapped some of it for some Rupees, but neither has ever amounted to much. The dollars I had five years ago are only worth about half of what they were worth then. I invested some in the old Delta and in Ken Lay's old company, but I haven't heard from them in a long time. They wouldn't let me fly for corn, nor give me gas for the women's bras I got from a company I worked for and got them as payment.
But, it will work if everyone will cooperate!
Just think what all of the tea in China, all the Gold and diamonds in Africa, all the rice in Los Angeles, all the spaghetti trees in Italy, all the hogs in Germany, would all be worth! It is staggering. We wouldn't get much for our old computers anywhere else, I'm afraid.
I'll go to work tomorrow for anyone who will give me something good to trade every week.
Now this would be fair.

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hutch866's picture
Submitted by hutch866 on Sat, 10/13/2007 - 10:18pm.

Or whoever you are this week , what do you get for a load of bs this week?

I yam what I yam...Popeye

Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Sat, 10/13/2007 - 7:28pm.

Go for it. Add a response. Laughing out loud

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