Discounts for military and police/firefighters.

I work at a certain coffee shop in PTC which shall not be named. I would say that every day we see at least a few military personnel come in to the store to get some coffee. Let me tell you though, my "favorite" thing in the world is when some person in a uniform acts indignant with me because it is not my company's policy to give military discounts.

It is always the fault of the person at the register, as if they have something to do with it. It became such a problem and the military people complained so much that we adopted a policy of just giving anyone in uniform a free coffee.

The problem is this: I don't think I should necessarily. You can say "well,they're serving our country/community" and that's true, but they volunteered for it. If we had stolen these people from their beds in the middle of the night and forced them into the realms of public service without choice, then yes, it would be the responsibility of local citizens to take pity on the victims and offer a free cup of coffee...

...but, there's no altruism involved. People get jobs to make money. Maybe someone truly wants to be a cop to help people and that's great, but if the job only paid 500$ a year, then no one would want to do it. The same way, the military entices people with it's promises of 2,003,475$ for college or bonuses. The military is a business, more than ever. People join it for personal gain like any other business, whether that gain has to do with money, reputation, respect, power, etc. depends on the person. I'm not saying that everyone goes for the same reasons, but they do choose to go. The draft isn't being enforced (yet).

So while I think they are doing services for us, that does not mean they should angrily expect free stuff. I'm really sorry, but just because someone joins the army doesn't mean they should be pricks to the people who serve them.

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AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Mon, 10/08/2007 - 3:40pm.

I understand your frustration and please know it is not military specific. It is unfortunate human nature. If you give someone gifts often enough they begin asking for presents. If you go above and beyond your above and beyond becomes the new norm. I have to say that in my experience airline guys are THE WORST! They will argue over a dollar discount on an already good deal. I just don't understand it. But the vast majority of military folks I know may ask the question just in case a discount exists. I always GREATLY APPRECIATE any company or small business that recognizes the sacrifice of govt, military, and civil services. I still have a personal weakness for police officers for the "stuff" they go through to keep us safe. I try to buy them lunch or coffee when I can, because there is no other way for me to really show my appreciation. Sorry for the "p" word types you've run into, but believe me there are 100 humble soldiers and sailors behind each jerk who just wants your coffee and no special good deal.


Kevin "Hack" King

Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Mon, 10/08/2007 - 3:49pm.

How was the flight?
Caution - The Surgeon General has determined that constant blogging is an addiction that can cause a sedentary life style.

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Mon, 10/08/2007 - 3:54pm.

My landing woke me up. Is that bad? We were 104 from Sao Paulo and we landed in CAVU at about 0730. By the time I was on the crew bus it was 400/1. What the heck? Did we divert to Gatwick? Have you and I talked on the radio, or is that not your profesion?

Kevin "Hack" King

Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Mon, 10/08/2007 - 4:11pm.

A real Navy landing eh. Well, don't feel bad the bottom drops out to the best of us. Radio - probably not. I'm one of three individuals at the company that approves maintenance providers for use and performs routine surveillance on them. Kind of like an internal FAA.

I did some flight instruction on the west coast and had two airplanes. Ferried new stuff from Wichita. Worked on the little stuff through DC-3s. I left little airplanes patch to work the heavy iron in the 70's. Hey, I even took the written exam for B727 FE.

Caution - The Surgeon General has determined that constant blogging is an addiction that can cause a sedentary life style.

Submitted by Nitpickers on Mon, 10/08/2007 - 3:12pm.

Well now, you are going to hear from those who will say that you hate the military, cops, etc.
The problem is this: Most stores already have special discounts shown into the price; some have clubs where they already discount all they can afford; and, the worst is the so-called "preachers" who insist on a discount for the Lord.
"Senior Citizens," whatever that is, is another big category, and getting bigger!
Might I suggest that we start to discount for those on welfare, minorities, rich people, middle age people, and certainly young people, who don't have much money.
Children can depend upon their parents, unless alone---then discount to them also.

hutch866's picture
Submitted by hutch866 on Mon, 10/08/2007 - 1:08pm.

I don't think the military should get free things just because they're in the service, but if you think they're in it for the money you're just nuts. I suggest you tell that to the people who are halfway up the pay scale with a couple kids who are drawing the food stamps.

I yam what I yam...Popeye

Submitted by d.smith700 on Mon, 10/08/2007 - 8:31pm.

Unfortunately, many of our current fighters in Iraq were "in it for the money," but got caught for the first time in a long time!
I'm speaking of Guard and Reserve troops who spent one day a month and two weeks in the summer in the military to get in 20-30 years and the pension. You can also bet their families are darn tired of that decision by now!
I think we will have to get our military elsewhere from now on.
However, there seems to always be a couple of hundred thousand mercenaries available at triple to quadruple the wages of a soldier.
That also goes over well.
The old saying we had in the military of don't be a darn fool--don't volunteer for anything, will be even truer from now on.

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