American Democracy (the solution)

Shelby Barker's picture

While I sat in my comparative politics class, my teacher posed the question, “If we as Americans love democracy so much why is the voter turn out so low?” The class preceded to toss out ideas, like we don’t care, there is not enough time etc.. Now, I have only had the opportunity to vote in one presidential election, so I began to contemplate what would make me loose the drive to cast my ballot. There are obvious reasons like a death in the family, or some sort of family emergency; but something bigger came out in my thought process. I think Americans are feeling lied to, even though the candidates they voted for may be in office, nothing is getting done. Their vote for that person accomplished little besides changing the face of failure.
This letter is not meant to discuss the Electoral College, nor is it meant to re-discuss the ballots in Florida. I simply want to pose a provocative idea; one that I hope can reach across party lines and make people realize we have room for improvement.
First, let’s look at our politics. As a representative democracy we are forced to believe that all ideas fit into two categories Republican or Democrat. Now I am a true conservative, but due to this two party system I must vote for Republicans. This puts me in a tuff place. For example, as a conservative I don’t feel that the answer to our failing school systems is “No Child Left Behind”. In a two party system though, I must vote for this believe simply because “its better then the other guy”. Soon I will show you the solution.
Second, cowardly reform will never be a final answer. I am 21 years old, and have noticed EVERY election is flooded with the same old discussions about tax reform, S.S. reform, health care reform, welfare reform etc… We don’t need reform though, we need solutions, and the solutions already exist. Tax reform has Fair Tax, S.S. reform has privatizing social security, but party leader are too afraid to embrace those ideas. They are afraid of embracing these ideas because they may have been proposed by the opposing party. TWO PARTY POLITICS, I have a solution.

I, an ordinary citizen, have two options when voting; vote for the democrats that will accomplish very little, or vote for the republicans that will accomplish very little.


The answer is not going from a First-Past-The-Post-System of elections to a Proportional Representation like Britain; rather change the basics in how a ballot is cast. I propose A Points Based Voting System. In this system each citizen will get the ability to vote twice. One vote will be worth two points, while the other vote will be worth one. As you will see, this will give the citizens a HUGE amount of power, by not tying them down to a two party system.
To create an example lets say candidate A is running as a democrat. Candidate A has enough money to sustain a worthy campaign, but does not have the support in a huge field of democratic opponents, to win the party’s nomination. After losing the nomination, candidate A decides to run as an independent. Let us say that he gets 3-5% of the vote in the general election. If the previous elections are any indications of how this election goes, that 3-5% would be greatly used for the party in which he was originally affiliated. Thus, Candidate A which was originally democrat turned independent could have cost the democrats the election. This situation is not foreign to us, we have seen it multiple times in the past, and we will continue to see it until things change.
In the same situation, using the points system the outcome could have been different. I could have used 2 points for candidate A, and then cast a “second choice” ballot for the party of my choice. Because the independent candidate would receive two points, and the BIG PARTY would only receive one, the citizens have more control of what ideas they want to see implemented. This also gives the independent a better chance for victory, the citizens can feel more comfortable with voting for that independent, because they can cast that “second choice” ballot. This essentially says that if my candidate, in this instance, candidate A doesn’t win, I defiantly don’t want party B to win so I am going to cast my one point ballot for party C.

When we allow Independents a chance to win it creates a campaign based off of true ideas, instead of debates about elephants and donkeys.

We need competition, not a two party monopoly. Competition will create new ideas that will drive our society to the “new frontier”.


Shelby Barker
Conservatives for Truth President

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Submitted by Nitpickers on Thu, 10/04/2007 - 7:14pm.

Unconstitutional and unworkable.
The obvious method is for there to be more Independent voters. If a couple of parties want to exist as opposites let them---but I will continue to vote for the best of the two men left standing.
What is the best? It certainly isn't ALWAYS either a democrat or a republican every election, that is for sure. Vote democrat one time---maybe republican the next, if either one has the best person.
That way democrats and republicans have to court the independents to get elected.
I realize that minorities vote democratic in the majority, and wealthy people and corporate executives vote mostly republican, but if there were a large independent vote, that wouldn't matter much.
This family values crap, dribble down economics, welfare, debt reduction, less government crap is DEAD anyway.
We now vote by money raised and appearance! Or, by local ignorance---such as GA does!

Shelby Barker's picture
Submitted by Shelby Barker on Thu, 10/04/2007 - 7:30pm.

Right now only 30-40% of Americans participate in the democratic process. This is the same process we want the world to follow, but yet we don't even participate. You are correct NitPickers in that "We now vote by money raised and appearance!" which is why I believe so many Americans have given up.

I posed this idea simply to spark thought, I agree that it is not constitutional right now, but that can change.
After all it was illegal for blacks, womans, even non land owners to vote before amendments, and if we feel discontent with our beautiful country something needs to change. Right now congress is in single digit approval ratings, and we all know where our president stands. This Points system seems to easy though, so please everyone I invite you to tell me what they will do to the system.

-competition drives perfection

Huckabee 08'

Shelby Barker's picture
Submitted by Shelby Barker on Thu, 10/04/2007 - 7:33pm.

After all I am just a crazy college student surrounded by a bunch of liberal professors so give me a break!! hahaha
Huckabee 08'

Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Thu, 10/04/2007 - 5:12pm.

"I could have used 2 points for candidate A, and then cast a “second choice” ballot for the party of my choice."

My second choice is for the party?

Caution - The Surgeon General has determined that constant blogging is an addiction that can cause a sedentary life style.

Shelby Barker's picture
Submitted by Shelby Barker on Thu, 10/04/2007 - 5:34pm.

This is just an idea, but you can use the second choice for who ever.

For example: Ron Paul just announced he has earned $ 5 million. He probably will not get the nomination, so lets say he runs as an independent.

I may give my 2 points to Paul and then my other vote (which is only one point) to the republican party, so that the republican party at least will get one vote.

Or I can just give all 3 of my points to Ron Paul or the Republican Party.

What you think?
Huckabee 08'

Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Thu, 10/04/2007 - 7:28pm.

This is were I don't follow. I can vote for the "party" and not a candidate?
Caution - The Surgeon General has determined that constant blogging is an addiction that can cause a sedentary life style.

Shelby Barker's picture
Submitted by Shelby Barker on Thu, 10/04/2007 - 9:19pm.

Great question, I really didn't word it right.

What I meant by "voting for the party", is actually, voting for the party's nomination.

EXAMPLE: Mike Huckabee doesn't win Republican nomination, so he decides to run as an independent.

I would use my two point vote for Mike Huckabee because he is my "first choice", my second choice would not be Hillary, but rather who ever the Republican nomination is, Lets say Guiliani.

This allows me to vote for an independent with out fear of "throwing my vote away".

Make more since???

Huckabee 08'

Submitted by Nitpickers on Fri, 10/05/2007 - 6:39am.

NO! and it doesn't make any SENSE, either!
This is stupidity, drop it.

Shelby Barker's picture
Submitted by Shelby Barker on Thu, 10/04/2007 - 4:19pm.


-Each person gets two votes
-one vote is worth Two Points
-one vote is worth one point

Getting the power out of the "same old same old" in Washington...

Congress just spent three days bashing the "words" of a private citizen in Rush Limbaugh. (THATS NOT WHY I PAY TAXES)

Huckabee 08'

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