Water Ban in Fayette

Is not a "water ban."
Only yards, mostly--or, that is what one can see happening!
Since many yards will now die--including the shrubs and trees---the landscapers will become rich next spring.
The ban of yard watering was put off unnecessarily this summer so as not to disturb business. People don't count.
Anyway, yard watering is a relatively small percentage of water use, and considering the fact that the large lakes in the Atlanta area will be dry next spring, we should at least now stop water usage for other unnecessary things.
The key here is how does the daily level of the supply tanks vary. If they go to nearly empty, we are using too much water, If they hardly move down, we are simply letting downstream use it.
We are not going to take this very seriously (I rolled up my hoses) until we have to buy drinking and bathing water from tanker trucks.
All these automatic sprinkler systems will be run at midnight, so assign a code violator to 12-8 am shift. Oh, I forgot, the code people do something else.

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Submitted by skyspy on Sun, 09/30/2007 - 7:40am.

It is very hard to take this seriously. Until the governors office declares an emergency building moratorium, this won't be taken seriously by anyone. When I see sonny put a stop to the 2 new highrises in midtown, and all other building I will know he is serious.

We don't even have enough water for the people we have here. Of course we really don't have enough roads either, but why throw common sense into planning. That would be silly wouldn't it?

Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Sun, 09/30/2007 - 10:15am.

Good point! Don't forget to add schools to the common sense planning list.

I have heard that the various water departments are having a hard time financially as water usage declines. Lookout for the big rate increases that are surely on the horizon.

BTW, did you plant that tree? I got zip, nada, zero, nothing done yesterday because of that @&^#*$*^ truck.
Caution - The Surgeon General has determined that constant blogging is an addiction that can cause a sedentary life style.

Submitted by skyspy on Sun, 09/30/2007 - 12:42pm.

I got the tree planted, and that was about it. I had to run some errands, but it was the perfect day for a ride in the convertible.

I hope your truck will cooperate with you today.

Have a good one.

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