Welcome Iran to NYC!

Fyt35's picture

It has made me sick to my stomach to find out that Iranian dictator Ahmadinejad wanted to visit ground zero, thankfully he was denied. But to speak at prestigious Columbia University? what in the world are they thinking? This school denied access to our own ROTC, but to allow a sponsor of terrorism to come to our shores?

I don't understand this bloggers, maybe you all can enlighten me a little.
God bless our troops!

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Indocumentado's picture
Submitted by Indocumentado on Mon, 09/24/2007 - 2:42am.

The reason is that you don't understand reason and intellectual debate and discussion. If our current president would have had more of both, we'd still have Saddam ruling Iraq the only way that country can be ruled and we would have saved almost 4,000 American GIs lives and thousands of arms and legs of our sadly maimed soldiers.

Talking to your enemies is not treason. Even the armies of the old eras send their emmisaries to avoid the impending conflict/battle if possible. Maybe your fears are based exactly in the kind of reaction you have been taught to have by those who manipulate the thoughts of (sadly) the majority of Americans who are unable to think critically for themselves and just have become talking heads educated by Bill O'Reilly and the likes.

Fyt35's picture
Submitted by Fyt35 on Mon, 09/24/2007 - 5:52am.

So the way you talk with reason and intellect is to call someone ignorant? I beg your pardon but it appears that you failed there buddy! It is obvious after reading several of your posts that you base all your commentary on what Bill O’Reilly has to say, how sad. Don’t talk to me about treason and talking to enemies, I was raised in a military family and served in the military myself. You seem to be the typical liberal armchair quarterback that after the fact has a plethora of opinions, the easy way out.

If Bush would have sat down for tea and cookies with this clown, I’m sure the libs as yourself would have had a problem with that as well. Is this why Clinton let Bin Laden out of our grasp when we had the opportunity to capture him, because people like you would rather have a dialogue?

Don't insult me with your assumptions!

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Mon, 09/24/2007 - 2:52pm.

LEt me gently enter this still sizzling wreckage of a good exchange gone bad:

1: Bad tone for big rooster to take; clearly. You, Fy35, stated an opinion, but did not attack bloggers. You asked for a bit of explanation. I'll try

2: Let's throw out the "who could have gotten Bin Laden" thing. I believe that the current and former administrations both lack any bragging ability with that subject.

3: No Iranians attacked us on 9/11
We supported Iraq during the 8 year Iran-Iraq war. Iran has every right to distrust our motives as we occupy their neighbor with 150,000 troops.

4: You talk with potential adversaries to hopefully avoid bloodshed and loss of lives which we all find so precious. Iran is no more active in Iraq than Saudi Arabia is, but we ignore the nationality of the 9/11 attackers and we continue to support the Saudi Air Force. I can't figure that one out.

5: VERY IMPORTANT: If you INVITE the leader of a nation to speak at your university, you do not open with insulting remarks which have not been vetted with thourough investigation and proof. I once invited two Mormons to my home to deliver the Book and discuss our views of Christianity. I do not believe in The Pearl of Great Price or The Book of Mormon, but I treated them with respect. I gave them drink. We calmly answered eachother's questions and agreed to disagree on many points. But I invited them, and out of respect and common courtesy, I respected their willingness to enter my home.

University President Lee Bollinger violated this principle in ambushing Ahmadinejad as MAhmoud agreed to enter what he thought would be a discussion. I believe that Ahmadinejad, unfortunately, emerged appearing the more reasonable man this evening.
But, on the slaughter Jews in Germany, he is way, way, way out to lunch. Still, if you invite him as a guest, knowing this, you should afford this guest basic respect.

Kevin "Hack" King

ps: I'd love to fly your avatar!!!!!!

Indocumentado's picture
Submitted by Indocumentado on Tue, 09/25/2007 - 4:36am.

Most of what you express make total sense to me AF A-10. The reply by Fyt35 misses every point of this discussion. He tries to justify his nonsense reply on he belonging to the military and having being raised in a military family (Is this a warning or an explanantion to his lack of arguments and understanding of the rather complex situation between the U.S. and Iran?). I tend to think that the military castrates your own critical thinking, it is embedded in their training-indoctrination practices. I admit that is not true for everybody who enlists, there are many "thinkers" that are able to overcome the "obey without questioning, obey and don't think" attitude. Obviously, Fyt35 seems not to belong to this group.

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Tue, 09/25/2007 - 6:12pm.

This is actually a pretty acurate analogy as well. The military is full of critical, independent thinkers. The forums in which we can speak freely are limited, however. If you have read anything I post, surely you know that we have freedom of thought and expression out of uniform and out of official duties. But here is the important part of why we conform when in uniform.

The military functions like a football team. We want to win. We hire the best players (military members). Our quarterbacks are the Generals (like Patreaus) and the coach is currently George Bush. For any team to function well, the players must listen to the coach. Even if the QB disagrees with the coach's decisions, his job is to carry out the will of the coach. If he doesn't like it, he can walk. The players as well are paid to carry out their jobs and play their positions. That gives the team order, focus, and effectiveness. And indocumentado, WE ARE THE TEAM OWNERS. We voted for this coach. We certainly knew his game plan in the middle east in 2004, and we re-elected him. So our team is functioning just as we should expect based on the coach we owners chose. I do believe that we will go with a different coaching philosophy next season (08), but we are getting exactly what the majority of Americans voted for, and it isn't up to individual players (military members) to try to call the plays. That isn't our roll. But believe me, when we hit the locker room, we are often griping about the plays called by the coach. And some are even counting down the days until we have a new coaching staff.

Kevin "Hack" King

maximus's picture
Submitted by maximus on Wed, 09/26/2007 - 10:53am.

“We want to win” – And we have to put aside our differences and support the game plan to do so; even if it's not the best plan in our judgment.

“We hire the best players… The players as well are paid to carry out their jobs and play their positions” – We don’t enslave (draft) random players and expect to have the best team possible.

“If he doesn't like it, he can walk” – Practically every American warrior in Iraq has had the opportunity to get out of the military, or has signed up since we went in. Where do find such patriots?

“We certainly knew his game plan in the Middle East in 2004, and we re-elected him” – Not only that but we could (through our reps) fire (impeach) him at any time, or withhold funding for the game. If we do neither then we are giving at least our tacit approval of his game plan and need to support his decisions as a team.

“But believe me, when we hit the locker room, we are often griping about the plays called by the coach.” – And that’s where it stays, in the locker room. No press conferences to bad-mouth the coach or quarterback, and certainly no press conferences to accuse our players (Marines) of murder in the middle of the game without any evidence (i.e. the fat-mouthed scum-bag Jack Murtha).

Good Job, but you’re kidding yourself if you think you can talk any sense into pollo guy.


hutch866's picture
Submitted by hutch866 on Tue, 09/25/2007 - 6:02am.

I love it when the chickens like you try to explain the military to us vets. You have no idea what it is about but don't hesitate to give an uninformed opinion. One of the reasons our military is so good is the fact that they are encouraged to think on their own. If anyone is pushing a nonsense reply it is you chicken man.

I yam what I yam...Popeye

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Tue, 09/25/2007 - 6:19pm.

If he keeps reading what we have to say about everything from football to zoning to international politics, he'll figur out that we think for ourselves. He's not quite a full grown rooster, but a young cock as of yet, but he will surely grow into maturity. Kevin "Hack" King

hutch866's picture
Submitted by hutch866 on Tue, 09/25/2007 - 6:40pm.

I guess if he sees MASH on TV next he will know all there is to know about the military.

I yam what I yam...Popeye

Indocumentado's picture
Submitted by Indocumentado on Tue, 09/25/2007 - 10:05am.

Oh! I've watched Full Metal Jacket and Platoon, my one-eyed sailor.

It seems an eye is not the only thing missing in you, but part of your brains, too. I've said that is certainly remarkable that many in our military are able to think by themselves in spite of the training brainwash orientation. But be careful, you may believe you're thinking by yourself while in reality you've just become a repeating, talking head of what your inductors want you to "think".

hutch866's picture
Submitted by hutch866 on Tue, 09/25/2007 - 10:33am.

It's most in our military that think for themselves, not just many, chicken boy. You speak of something you know nothing about. If you get your information about our military from a couple of movies then you're the one who's not thinking for yourself.

I yam what I yam...Popeye

Fyt35's picture
Submitted by Fyt35 on Tue, 09/25/2007 - 5:03am.

As always I look forward to and appreciate your comments. What you have explained so well makes much sense I was even taken back somewhat by the opening "salvos' so to speak by the Columbia president. I suppose he had to show everyone that he would not hold back during his questioning.
As far as indocumentado is concerned, I can't have a dialogue with you if you resort to personal attacks and acting as you where the "beacon of knowledge" in this blog. I’m sorry you feel as the “educated one” around here.

Thanks hack!

Submitted by Davids mom on Tue, 09/25/2007 - 3:51pm.

. . .in action. Anyone listening to the President of Iran is now convinced that he is out of touch with reality. As for the president of the university . . .I too was not impressed with his attack - but it has been the position of our best universities to expose their students to all sides of an issue. This man (the president of Iran) is dangerous . . .and his thinking is polluted with egotism. . .and now the world knows this fact for sure!

Submitted by tonto707 on Sat, 09/22/2007 - 11:57am.

know that 80% of those involved in academia are socialist, er, make that communist who don't really give a crap about our democratic republic or way of life. The president of Columbia fancies himself intellectually superior to the majority of those outside academia.

The first thing Lenin and the Bolsheviks did was to purge the 'intelligentsia' and put the poor bastards that were left in
in Kremlin controlled institutions and they taught what they were told to teach.

Ahmadenihjad's reason for going to the site of the WTC attack is to insult Americans and bring glory to allah. The federal government should have stopped the appearance at Columbia University.

Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Sun, 09/23/2007 - 12:46pm.

hates the west and its culture then why does he fly on a Boeing 747? Oh, I forgot they have to buy western technology and goods otherwise they would revert back to sheepherders.

Caution - The Surgeon General has determined that constant blogging is an addiction that can cause a sedentary life style.

Submitted by jondough on Sat, 09/22/2007 - 3:35pm.

Communism Smommuism - SO WHAT? You don't even know the difference between CAPITALISM & SOCIALISM.

Submitted by tonto707 on Sun, 09/23/2007 - 6:49pm.

Dude, relax and smoke another joint, reading blogs way too over your head.

Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Sat, 09/22/2007 - 2:14pm.

Say it's not so!!!!! (LOL)

Caution - The Surgeon General has determined that constant blogging is an addiction that can cause a sedentary life style.

Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Sat, 09/22/2007 - 11:28am.

is only using this as a publicity stunt. He knows that he will not be allowed so he will attempt to make some mileage out of this. What would be nifty would be a televised two-way discussion between US and Iranian people. This however will probably never happen due heavy handiness of the Iranian mullahs.
Caution - The Surgeon General has determined that constant blogging is an addiction that can cause a sedentary life style.

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