Kroger & Harris T

I know many of you are new to PTC but the rest of you:
When Kroger bought out Harris T in GA & inherited the Little Kroger spot... Didin'tu understand that they just bought that lease? Harris T wanted to be there & that's why they rip'd out & re-did the store. Kroger just bought the remainder of the lease. It was always going to have to go away because it is not a Kroger kinda store in their corporate world.
It would be interesting to know what the $ #'s @ Harry's were in PTC... I wonder if all of you would put your $'s where your blogs are. Obviously, they weren't enough to generate any interest. YOU didn't support what you had.
There was a full blown Harry's in (gasp) Clayton Co.. though Harry had his own personal problems, but somehow, I guess when you gave your zip code at the register there were not enough /15- 69's.

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Submitted by Yo on Fri, 09/14/2007 - 10:08pm.

You are correct

Submitted by thecueman on Fri, 09/14/2007 - 5:54pm.

I believe Harris Teeter left Peachtree City because corporately it made a decision to pull the whole chain out of Georgia. As far as I know it was well supported and quite successful the short time it was here.
Krogers has an unwritten policy to take "losers" and keep them in the family to prevent competition from having that spot. This comes from an out of stste Kroger manager. Notice that Goodwill would tie up the spot in non-groceries and fill that plan to a T.
Now the Harry's is a totally different story. I have shared more than one dinner and perhaps a beer or three with the manager of that Peachtree City Harry's. He was apalled at the poor attitude in our town by the spendthrift elite that always want the best quality but will never pay for it. I have failed to convince him that we deserve another chance. Unfortunately he works for Fresh Market (the one you always see on Bravo's Top Chef tv show. He has convinced the company a number of times not to come to our town although they keep bringing it up. Some of his friends work for Whole Foods and although he can't make another companies policy he certainly gives them his opinions. We do have fond conversations of whole rabbit, duck, and other goddies. I just have to bow in deference when our towns name comes up.
As far as the Goodwill fiasco, there is no reason not to have a Goodwill store in Peachtree City, just not in a shopping center. Hwy 74 south is fine. The question of lesser foot traffic if they come to the Kroger location seems to confuse some folks. Imagine the Goodwill comingg in and at peak times having 6 registers open. Seem unlikely? That's the foot traffic. It wouldn't be 10% of the current volume of people and it would hurt a lot of other tenants who would soon go elsewhere.

poipendicular's picture
Submitted by poipendicular on Fri, 09/14/2007 - 6:53pm.

How long was Harry's Market in PTC, before it pulled out? Harry's is now owned by Whole Foods, it was swallowed up in the merger in 2001.
Times have changed and a new influx of transplants are in town now. Our demographics have changed a bit since it was last in our little town. We also have a lot of traffic from growing Coweta.
If the problem was the desire for high quality and low prices consumer, that is just a fact of life. Also Whole Foods is popularly called 'Whole Paycheck' It is a high end grocery store with a high end price. Trader Joe's has very good quality products with lower prices. This is why I believe they would do better in PTC. They have a fantastic floral section. Kroger can't beat them in quality and price.

Submitted by McDonoughDawg on Fri, 09/14/2007 - 9:42pm.

The company went belly up soon after, or was bought out, same difference. I lived in Morrow at the time, they had a full blow Harry's Market. Like you say, PTC has changed a lot since then. The main difference between here and the Northside, is the pure density of people. We just don't have as many people, so yes, we have less dollars to spend. I kind of like that part of the equation. I have a Sister who lives off of Post Road in Forsyth, and you think we have traffic here...

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