Rush Limburger's old countdown!

Remember how Limburger counted down the days left in President Clinton's two terms? He did it every day on his radio program---that is the days he wasn't too bonged out to do the show.
Well, we can now start the Bush countdown. To keep from being a jackass we will only countdown the months to go, not the days. Next is September, then October, I think you get it?
Then reasonable things can begin: Good One Pay Healthcare for every citizen, with a company who negotiates with the Medical field for rates and costs; Register every person in the USA who is not already a citizen, and if they do so, start having them pay taxes like everyone else--if they are criminals or don't register give them to that Sheriff out west who has the pink jail; start taxing goods coming into the USA heavily, if it is China or Japan, give it back to them on our notes to them;
Get the H out of the middle east and let Russia and Europe worry about them; stop the stupid waste of money for a useless wall across Mexico; enforce laws about false advertising again, do character references on bankers before they are allowed to loan people 50% more money than good accounting and finance practices allow; start a new CCC program for youth all over the country to start on our infrastructure repair, along with an adult companion program for farm workers and roofers; subsidize our transportation needs and auto needs as does all other countries, cut the use of oil 50% within 10 years, and not from corn use---the cows and pigs need that; re-install the military draft, with no exceptions for service at something, even if it is cooking, with excellent training programs in high school to start the training; have a million person army on all four coasts of the USA--trained and ready and supplied for trouble IF we are attacked.
That will be enough, to begin, for the first eight years!
Maybe a standard rate of taxes for all earnings above $30,000.

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Submitted by bob30269 on Sun, 11/25/2007 - 5:01pm.

Is your name JIMMY? Did you find your brother Billy's stash?

Submitted by d.smith700 on Sun, 11/25/2007 - 3:39pm.

but the ideas are excellent!
Leadership it is called (for the people).

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Sun, 11/25/2007 - 4:14pm.

It ain't workin' dude. Smiling

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Sun, 11/25/2007 - 9:34am.

Still sounds good

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