Local Planned City
Is going downhill fast!
One million more nail shops and dirty movie theaters near Walmart! Wonderful.
However Coweta gets the taxes, we will get the crooks.
Now, as to doubling the salaries of the PTC government...does that also apply to the workers? No. I didn't think so.
Reasons given---no raise for awhile, and what they have doesn't compare well with other cities this size.
Ok. so we raise ours, then the "other" cities will have to raise theirs....it is a "catch 22." Or, a ponzi scheme.
We have lost our great place to live, which of course is always what happens as soon as the good land is sold at top price.
Some of the sub-divisions in Riverdale were beautiful...25 years ago!
You have to be a tough nut to be a developer and a politician.
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