What have the Clinton haters wrought?

When the republicans hired a Mr. Starr to get Bill Clinton and it actually did get into the House Of Representatives where he was indicted for lying, but cleared of an impeachable offense in the Senate, I knew then that there would be hell to pay as soon as the power shifted someday!
It is upon us now with Bush and the Iraq war and Immigration, and don't forget the Florida elections.
I don't think much of these hearings in the last few years would have occurred, if it weren't for the Clinton thing, and the Gore thing, where we question long-legged blond? aides in the justice department and the White House about who they talk to and who they don't, about what.
There are long memories in Washington, it seems, as I thought.
They will be there also for the next democrat for helping Bush destroy the republicans and maybe our country.
Professional politicians aren't working. They are destroying us. We need to elect one third of them every two years, meaning no one can serve over six years. That was the original and very good plan.
Now the Bush haters (who has screwed up more than a sex lie) are too divisive. We had our chance to get rid of him in the last election and didn't due to "patriotism." We will pay for that a very long time!
I don't think a President can be impeached anymore, simply because they have no shame! And party loyalty to a yellow dog is still in vogue.
We must get back to realizing that our "leaders" are temporary servants, and our country is great not because of one man and his followers, but because of everyone of us who do the work.

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Submitted by Dalmation195 on Sat, 07/14/2007 - 6:00am.

Let's examine your thoughts on this.

"When the republicans hired a Mr. Starr to get Bill Clinton and it actually did get into the House Of Representatives where he was indicted for lying, but cleared of an impeachable offense in the Senate, I knew then that there would be hell to pay as soon as the power shifted someday!"

***Kenneth Starr was not hired to "get" Bill Clinton. He was appointed to investigate whether the Clinton's (both Bill and Hillary) violated the law or the oath of office by profiting from shady land deals in Arkansas. It then ballooned into other aspects of the Clinton debacle that some of you call a family. Bill Clinton was impeached, but the noodle spined senators dod not have the guts to convict him. In reality however, they did not want to be running against an incumbent President in the likes of Al Gore. In retrospect, if they could have seen just how numb Gore was, they may have chosen to convict Clinton and take their chances on Gore.

"It is upon us now with Bush and the Iraq war and Immigration, and don't forget the Florida elections."

***I will grant you that the situation has not gone as well as it should have. The only mistake was for the strongest country in the world not to go into the battle full force and make peace in the region. Our leaders are so afraid today of offending someone, that they make poor decisions regarding matters like these. We should have installed an overwhelming force in Iraq and secured that country for the long term. This means dealing harshly with any terrorists or insurgents immediately. However, the bedwetting liberals can't have anyone getting a hangnail while in custody, else we might be accused by the French of mistreating those who want to kill us.

Immigration is a debacle. If you have one mouse in your house you trap it (or HORRORS kill it) and be done with it. But, if you continue to see multiple mice invading your home, you find the weak point that allows them entry and seal it. That is what America should do with our borders. Seal them and do not allow anyone in that we do not invite. Under the situation that we face and the onslaught of terror that is headed (and has already been here) toward us, it is prudent to secure our porous borders first.

THE FLORIDA ELECTIONS!!! Give me a break. George Bush won that fair and square, and I am frankly sick and tired of the whining. Go back and read the ruling of the US Supreme Court. All it says is that if the votes are to be recounted, they must be recounted for the entire state in the same manner. That means applying the same standards to each county in Florida NOT SELECTIVE LIBERAL BASTIONS! Now why wouldn't you Democrats want everyone's vote to be counted equally? I thought you were the champions of the little guys. Or is that only the ones that vote for liberals? The Bush team offered this to Gore early in the situation, but Gore would have no part of it. Go back and read some of the news articles about this. YOu will find that it is true. However, the Gore team stalled so long that there was not time for that type of recount to occur and the election be certified in the time prescribed by law. The Gore team knew that if they had allowed the entire State of Florida to be recounted using the same standards, Bush would have gained so many votes from the northern counties of Florida they would have surely lost.

You liberals should stop leaning on the crutch of the Florida Elections and move on to the next election for another trouncing.


With the long memories in Washington, it seems to me that there is no accountability for one's own actions. Bill Clinton should have been a man and first of all not shamed his family by engaging in such behavior in the first place. And second, not disrespecting the most sacred house in America with his arrogant "I can do anything" attitude. If that had happened, we would have never had these issues to deal with. Right?

When you guys out there who work for a living realize that the liberals are not for you, they are for a socialist agenda that includes taking your earnings and giving them to the nar-do-wells that might turn out every 2 years and vote for Democrats, then maybe we can get somewhere in this country. Maybe, set it back on course to greatness.

Socialism in any form is wrong, and we are headed straight for it as sure as the Titanic found an ice cube in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Sat, 07/14/2007 - 11:33am.

Starr wasn't hired, he was appointed? I think he got paid and I fail to see the difference.
When they found nothing in Arkansas, they over-exercised their authority and went after sex!
If Clinton had been found guilty for lying about sex, we would have been the laughing stock of the world!
My word, just think of the lies Bush has told in 6 years!
As to the Florida vote, the problem is that the Florida Supreme Court was ignored by the republican supreme court who took away the state supreme court's right to decide on state elections!
They should never have heard the case once decided by FL supremes.
Terrible precedent for the future. Will bite the republicans one day, badly.
Tennessee happens to be a republican state. Gore had the misfortune of being born there.
As to socialism, we don't have quite enough of it yet. We need capitalism in cut throat businesses, but not in how we run the Army; not in transportation; not in natural resources; not in tariffs and government financing; and a few other critical national needs.
The competition in business is needed for new innovations where the probability of getting rich serves our purposes, but capitalists just screw up our health needs, natural resource conservation, old age treatment, common and poor people.
Don't associate Communism with partial socialism!

Gump's picture
Submitted by Gump on Sat, 07/14/2007 - 7:45am.

Dalmation, I disagree with most of what you said, but one thing just begs to be answered. You blame our failure to go into Iraq with sufficient force on the liberals. That's nonsense. Bush was not afraid of offending anybody, he was listening to Rumsfeld, who grossly underestimated the difficulty of occupying Iraq. He was NOT listening to "the bedwetting liberals" AT ALL, which was part of the problem. Good leadership consists of listening to all sides of a problem, then choosing a winning plan. Bush has failed to listen to those who disagree with him, and now we all are paying the price.

Why is it that you right-wingers have to resort to labels like "bedwetting"? Is it to compensate for your own self-doubts? Just stick to the issues and make your points based on fact. I totally agree with you that we failed to go into Iraq with sufficient force. There is enough to discuss about current events that you don't have to keep going back to Clinton's infidelity, but you cling to that affair like a security blanket. That was 10 years ago!! Meanwhile, the situation in Iraq continues to deteriorate, and Al Queda continues to grow stronger. What do you propose to do about that?

Personally, I think we need to scale back our forces in Iraq, perhaps concentrate on just holding Bagdad, or perhaps withdraw altogether from Iraq and concentrate on solidifying our hold on Afghanistan. That's not surrender, that's choosing our field of battle. I'll admit that I don't know for certain what is the best course of action, but it is very obvious that the current strategy is NOT working.
The real truth is simple--it's lies that are complicated.

Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Sat, 07/14/2007 - 8:02am.

out what will happen in the region? If the house of Saud is threatened we will be back.

Gump's picture
Submitted by Gump on Sat, 07/14/2007 - 8:24am.

I'd be lying if I said I knew for sure what the result of our withdrawal from Iraq would be. Neither does anybody else. It depends on the nature of our withdrawal. I'm not proposing to just yank our troops out abruptly, but to scale back to a sustainable level. Find some ground we can hold, and hold it. But the current situation has us spread out all over Iraq, with insufficient forces to really control the entire country. Also, the political situation in Iraq is complete chaos, which does not lend itself to any long-term solution.

What I'm really concerned about is that the situation in Afghanistan has started to back-slide. The Taliban is trying to make a comeback. This is a situation that we should nip in the bud, while we can.

In other words, let's fix the things we can, and let's have the wisdom to recognize the things we can't fix. We can't fix Iraq until their political situation has worked itself out one way or the other. Meanwhile, we might as well let the Sunnis and Shiites fight it out between themselves. No point in keeping American troops in the middle of a crossfire between warring factions. It is not accomplishing anything, and it is actually strengthening Al Queda.
The real truth is simple--it's lies that are complicated.

Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Sat, 07/14/2007 - 9:05am.

I'm struggling, no I'm torn by this. Please someone show me the pre war analysis of this exercise showing all the different scenarios that could occur and the price of each. I have to believe this was done.

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Sat, 07/14/2007 - 8:21am.

Ever wonder why we never talk about The house of Saud and Saudi (sunni) support for sunnis in Iraq? We seem to only speak ill of shiite support of shiites (from Iran). Why the one-sided reporting and tuff talk? If you are suggesting that sectarian civil conflict might begin if we leave Iraq, those horses have left the gate and they've been kicking, clawing, and biting eachother for three years now. Are you suggesting, cyclist, that we quietly accept this $6 billion a week expense and this rate of death and maiming for an eternity? Or is it time to seek another course?

Kevin "Hack" King

Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Sat, 07/14/2007 - 8:53am.

OK, the house of Saud is not liked by a lot Saudis. My concern is the vacuum caused by our departure might sweep in new and unforeseen dynamics in the region. For example, if civil war occurred in Saudi Arabia who would we support? I though the whole idea of this exercise was to bring stability to the region. Maybe I was wrong.

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Sat, 07/14/2007 - 12:51pm.

I think none of us are wrong and we won't know what is right until it's tried and it works. The middle east makes the rubic's cube look simple to solve. I'm just glad we have people who care enough to think about it and not just sweep the issue under the rug. Hey, off the subject, do you shave your legs? Is this a TMI moment?

Kevin "Hack" King

Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Sat, 07/14/2007 - 12:57pm.

No, never did. That's reserved for animals riding in The Tour de France today.

bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Sat, 07/14/2007 - 10:03am.

We’ll have no choice but to actively support whomever controls the oil.

Unlike Iraq, the house of Saudi is vital to the U.S. because of our oil consumption.

See U.S. oil import stats here.

Canada (19%), Mexico (15%), Saudi Arabia, (15%) and Venezuela (12%) account for approx. 62% of our oil imports.

Remember, that’s just our oil imports. Saudi Arabia supplies 44% of all oil imports to Europe.

“Western Europe (defined as European countries belonging to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development - OECD) averaged 2.8 million bbl/d of oil imports from the Persian Gulf during 2006, a decrease of less than 0.1 million bbl/d from 2005. The largest share of Persian Gulf oil exports to Western Europe came from Saudi Arabia (44 percent), with significant amounts also coming from Iran (33 percent), Iraq (13 percent), and Kuwait (7 percent).”

If all heck breaks out in Saudi Arabia, most of Europe will be fighting for it as well. That doesn’t automatically mean that they’ll be fighting “with” us either.

A fight in Saudi would get real UGLY real FAST!

Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Sat, 07/14/2007 - 10:45am.

correct. Battles have been fought over resources.

Gump's picture
Submitted by Gump on Sat, 07/14/2007 - 10:43am.

I concur. And here's the scary part: Saudi Arabia is to radical Islam like Georgia is to right-wing Republicans. Ask any military person who was deployed over to Saudi Arabia during the Gulf war or since then. We may have the Saudi government on our side, for money reasons, but the average Saudi citizen is hostile to western civilization, and suspicious of Americans in particular. More so now than ever.

That's one reason why I'm not in favor of just yanking out of Iraq. What we need is a new strategy that works. To use a football analogy, let's say you are playing a football game, and your offense plays the first half by mostly running the ball up the middle. Unfortunately, the other team has a really good defensive line, and at halftime, you have only gained 8 yards on the ground, but you have gained 65 yards in the air. You are behind by two touchdowns. Do you tell your team to "stay the course" or do you go out into the second half and try more passing, maybe some razzle-dazzle plays? I think our current situation in Iraq is that we are already in the third quarter, and we are behind by two touchdowns. Do we "give up" the war on terror? Of course not, but we adjust our strategy until we turn the game around. The war in Iraq was a bad idea and a losing strategy, but it is just one battle. The choice is not between "stay the course" and "quit".

I agree with the right-wingers that radical Islam has declared war on western civilization and we have no choice but to fight. We DO have a choice of WHERE to fight. Unfortunately, the Bush administration has dug their heels in on Iraq. I predict that by September, the overwhelming majority of Republicans AND Democrats will force a major change in direction, but the war on terror WILL continue.
The real truth is simple--it's lies that are complicated.

nuk's picture
Submitted by nuk on Mon, 07/16/2007 - 9:32pm.

It never got much attention, but a few years ago one of the big neo-con ideas was to internationalize the Saudi oil wells and separate the oil from the 40,000 member family "kingdom." Basically, make the "royal family" fend for themselves because some neo-cons felt they were breeding terrorists(obviously that part is true)and just having access to Saudi oil wasn't enough to keep overlooking the realities of Saudi Arabia. I believe it was Paul Weyrich that originally floated that idea.


Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Sat, 07/14/2007 - 7:08am.

Oval office kitchen is sacred? WOW!
That place has been a hangout for all kinds of chicanery.

Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Sat, 07/14/2007 - 6:29am.

But Dollar doesn't read long replies -- they're just too taxing. Laughing out loud

He really doesn't read short replies either. He just starts a new blog with his ramblings. Smiling

He may reply, but it won't make much (if any) sense.

You're right about socialism and the Titanic analogy -- just see how popular Sicko is. The facts about the real situation in Britain and Canada will be called lies and ignored.

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Sat, 07/14/2007 - 8:04am.

Wowzers Denise! You've really lowered the bar for receiving your coveted "good response" honor. Let me dive into this "good response." First, I'll need a full-up dry suit: zip, zip, snap.

allrighty then. First given: Dollar's post was hard to follow, but, I believe, more substantive than the standard conservative "you're a bedwetting liberal" retort. As a matter of fact, when I see bedwetting liberal from here on out, I'll respond with prostitute-hiring conservative. You see, liberals and conservatives have some bed-wetting members. And some conservatives and liberals hire prostitutes. So I'll just use this analogy, as dalmation has, to my liking.

Okay, Dalmation on Iraq:
"The situation has not gone as well as it should have." Is that the couched language they described the Hindinberg's flight with? Some might say Iraq has been a debacle: No progress, Al Qaeda stronger than ever, too many dead and wounded Americans with too little to show for it (eg, nothing to show)

Dalmation suggests we should "go into battle full force and make peace in the region." Yes, yes. If we had just killed more people and caused more damage in the country without WMD which was not linked to 9/11, this would have turned out peachy. If that makes since to you, Dalmation, I guess that's all that matters.

But alas, it was liberals' fault anyway because "bedwetting liberals can't have anyone getting a hangnail while in custody."

Dalmation, lean in close to your monitor. You seem to be a serial minimizer. Liberals saw Abu Ghraib as more than a hangnail. We saw it as a tragic abuse of human life which caused us to lose hearts and minds all over the world. That you equate it to a hangnail exemplifies why conservatives and their "principles" of late are losing national support and losing us international cooperation.

Last short points: Some liberals site Florida elections, some conservatives site 9/11 to make political hay. Both are WRONG.

Liberals are for a socialist agenda? I, using your logic, will say conservatives are for corporate power and greed unabated, unatenuated, even to the detriment of the common good. Is that accurate? No. Is it equal to your argument? Yes.

LAst beauty: Bill Clinton should have not "shamed his family?"

If he had only thrown them away like Giuliani did twice, McCain did once, and Gingrich did twice, he could have had the respect of conservatives everywhere. When will liberals learn to just throw the spouse away after the affair? Oye!

Kevin "Hack" King

Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Mon, 07/16/2007 - 5:45am.

A Few Favorite Brazilian Portuguese Expressions
Adapted From: Portuguese For Dummies

Say Fala sério (fah-lah seh-dee-oh) to mean You're kidding! or You're joking! or No way!

Brazilians also say Não acredito! (nah-ooh ah-kdeh-jee-toh; I can't believe it!) in the same situations.

But Fala sério has a funnier tone to it. It literally means Talk seriously. Smiling


Laughing out loud


Hack, let me say, “Good Response” to you for the enthusiasm that you put into your posts. I didn’t realize that my OK’s are so coveted, or that receiving one is such an honor. Thank you. Laughing out loud

I wanted to encourage Dalmation to continue posting. (I don’t recall seeing many posts from him or her.) Also, Dalmation might not realize Dollar’s typical “style” (which could not be described as "substantive" under any circumstances).

the standard conservative "you're a bedwetting liberal" retort – I missed that “cute” phrase. I fail to understand its use, but, then, there are a lot of other things that males do that I don’t understand, such as kick-boxing someone in the head, or bazooka-ing (?) a car (Gump’s link – shooting clay “pigeons” seems much more sane to me – no living creature gets hurt), or mass slaughter of cute little prairie dogs (Bad PTC’s link – which didn’t work on my computer, so I missed the gore). Laughing out loud

prostitute-hiring conservative – That’s another thing that I don’t understand. How much smarts does it take to know that behavior will come back to haunt you and will cost you A LOT. If you won’t keep your promises to your wife, then how naive are supporters who blindly believe that you’ll keep your campaign promises? You can see my other post for more on this subject.

nothing to show in Iraq – Have any terrorists been killed there? Do any Iraqis have a better life now?

the country without WMD – Hindsight is 20/20, isn’t it?

Abu Ghraib = a tragic abuse of human life – There are always a few bad apples in the barrel, but those crimes are not reflective of the vast majority of servicemen.

IED’s = a tragic abuse of human life.

Beheadings = a tragic abuse of human life.

Car bombings = a tragic abuse of human life.

Look at the whole picture, not just one page of a 1000+-page album.

Liberals are NOT for a socialist agenda? Please support that. “Universal” health care = socialized medicine. Income “redistribution” = socialism. SOCIAL Security = socialism. Minimum wage = socialism.

the common good – Sounds so noble, doesn't it?

"Concerning contemporary American politics, the common good language is increasingly identifiable with political actors and activists of the progressive left [i.e., liberals]."

"The Take Back America Conference, the liberal magazine The Nation, and the Rockridge Institute have identified the common good as a salient political message for progressive candidates."

I believe that what's good for the individual is generally the "common good."

I'm sure you support the Marines associated with an incident in Haditha, Iraq, don't you? I know that Murtha proclaimed them guilty of worse things than reported in Time, even before an investigation, but you believe in "innocent until proven guilty," don't you? The treatment of these Marines, especially Murtha's condemnation, is "a tragic abuse of human life."

"Three brave Marines urgently need your help."

So, you see conservatives do support the troops, as well as the war against terrorists.

Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Mon, 07/16/2007 - 6:01am.

How do you do it. How are you able to put together such long posts so early in the morning? What your secret? Is it coffee or what?

By the way I apologize about my Islam Conquest post last night. I re-read your earlier post and you had covered that ground.
Caution - The Surgeon General has determined that constant blogging is an addiction that can cause a sedentary life style.

Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Mon, 07/16/2007 - 5:15pm.

I should heed the SG's warning more! Laughing out loud

I use WORD to keep up with articles that I find interesting and to type responses that I can't finish until later (which happens a lot). Cut-and paste -- GREAT invention! Smiling

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Mon, 07/16/2007 - 6:27pm.

Got any words of your own, simply from your past experience?

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Mon, 07/16/2007 - 6:27pm.

Got any words of your own simply from your past experience?

Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Mon, 07/16/2007 - 9:19pm.

Still don't remember Dr. Denise? Puzzled

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Tue, 07/17/2007 - 6:49am.

Betty Hutton in a cheap western! But I thought you were a sheriff.
Did you sell kickapoo joy juice ro the Semihole Indians?

Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Tue, 07/17/2007 - 7:33am.

Are you calling me cheap? Laughing out loud

I may be a sheriff, too, but I'd not "sell kickapoo joy juice" to anyone. I'd lose my license if I did. Eye-wink

Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Mon, 07/16/2007 - 5:23pm.

Nicely Done!!! I'm going to try that. But first, I'm going to take a break and go for a run. It's a nice afternoon in DFW today. Keep up the good work!!!!

Caution - The Surgeon General has determined that constant blogging is an addiction that can cause a sedentary life style.

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Sat, 07/14/2007 - 7:10am.

Are you or some kin somehow connected to Pharmacueticl houses, doctors, doctor's office managers, insurance companies, or others in the industry ( I mean racket).

Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Mon, 07/16/2007 - 5:01am.

Surely you remember Dr. Denise? Puzzled

My job's not a racket; that's what I use on the tennis courts. Laughing out loud

I make lots of money because I spent LOTS of time and money for my education, and I spend LOTS of time with patients. Don't you remember? Puzzled

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Sat, 07/14/2007 - 7:10am.

Are you or some kin somehow connected to Pharmacueticl houses, doctors, doctor's office managers, insurance companies, or others in the industry ( I mean racket).

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