Wonderful Copenhagen

Not the snuff, the city.
Today's comments have been groggy for me. I don't know why I just thought of Chipper's and Bobby's snuff.
No, I was talking about the city.
Wrestlers are finally out of the news since most of them are dead. I saw the lawyer for the WWE on Larry King with three rasslers. The lawyer said he had never known such a fine bunch of gentlemen in his life, Larry nearly gagged, but went along. I suppose for that particular lawyer he may have been telling the truth!
None of them did snuff on air however.
The salvation of this job site has to be the one who quotes prayers for us to use. Now, if you owe more than what you have in assets (houses don't count you can't sell them right now) anyway nobody any longer has any equity in them anyway.
But a snort of snuff, a couple of red bulls an hour, a snort of cocaine, 20-30 cigarettes, four or five 3 ounce Jack Daniels, and an ecstacy will get you through until Itaq is licked.
HSS, Cheertoffon said be afraid, be very afraid! Bush's popularity went up from 27% to 28% almost immediately! Those were White house worker's votes only.
A new color for gut feeling has been added to the color warnings. Chartruese now fits in between blue and purple. Only Cheertoffon's gut only.
Brownie, you are doin aheck of a job! We will have this mess cleaned right away.
We won Afghanistan twice (Fallujah three times) but now we lost both again. Ever time we whopup on them they run and hide summers else in Iraq. They are dirty difficult cowards.
The Iraqis put together three brigades to fight, but they won't fight. It pays bettern anything there though, so they stay in the mess tent til bedtime, then they go home for a day or two. They have stopped going home for lunch since we started serving them goat eyes and camel gravy everyday.
Bush said tosday that he turned loose much more money for them in aid since the oil pipelines keep getting blowed up.
Some General over there will let Bush know in September where we plan to skedaddle to (green zone embassy, I think).
Bush will let the Pentagon know what he and the general will do.

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Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Thu, 07/12/2007 - 5:44pm.

Read the blog above and meet your long lost father. I love emotional reunions. They bring "man sweat" to my eyes.

Dollar meet IDRIVEFASTSOWAT. Smiling

IDRIVEFASTSOWAT meet your father.... Dollar Smiling

We'll leave you guys alone for a while and let you bond.

"That man was Griffin Judicial Circuit District Attorney Scott Ballard".


Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Fri, 07/13/2007 - 4:46am.

his harrd to onderstood!

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