OK you I-phone-atics!

John Munford's picture

I'm curious. SOMEONE out there in the Citizen blogosphere has to have purchased an Iphone today.

I've seen a cool demo video online. Could someone give us a first-hand report on how easy (and fun?) it is to use?

Not that I'll be dropping $500 large on ANY phone. My wish is for one that shoots HD video clips, SHQ stills, has a full QWERTY keyboard, has a TON of storage space AND serves as my police scanner.

Based on that last option, guess I'll be waiting a while!

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bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Sat, 06/30/2007 - 9:19am.

It will do what you asked for and more for less than $200.

The biggest problem I see with the new iPhone is the carrier they chose to partner with. ATT cingular service is generally not that good.

As per Consumer Reports, Verizon is rated at the top in the Atlanta market. ATT/Cingular is rated third out of the four tested.

Of the 19 cities tested, Verizon rated #1 in all but Chicago.

The 8830 also works in the EU.

Submitted by swmbo on Sat, 06/30/2007 - 9:57pm.

I have an old Crackberry but I'm waiting to replace it with the RIM Swerve. It's supposed to have the best of the 8830 and an iPhone all in one. From what I read about it, the Swerve is going to be great.

If you and I are always in agreement, one of us is likely armed and dangerous.

bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Sun, 07/01/2007 - 6:44am.

swmbo, did you mean the "Curve"?

I don't know anything about one called "Swerve".

I've never owned a Blackberry. My employer got some kind of deal on them and is buying the 8830's for everyone.

I might end up with user remorse but it's hard to complain when something is free.

Anyway, thanks for the warning.

I've had Nextel for the last couple of years and it's worked for me.

As long as I can answer and make calls I'll be happy.

Being able to get email might be cool but I'm not looking forward to typing in it.

I most likely won't use a 1/4 of what it can do.

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Sat, 06/30/2007 - 7:07am.

Man, you didn't already buy one? You are simply not "with it."
How on earth are you going to rap with your cohorts and peers when they have one and you do not?
People like you are harming our false economy. I really don't know how some will do without such a gadget! It is degrading, depressing, and non-impressing to not have one to show and smile about.
Why it evens allows one to get messages if you are somewhere near a telephone pole with the right stuff---no pictures with messages, but, hey!
It can be fixed with 2-4,000 hip hop and rap tunes to tide you over for the day. It won't do movies but will take pictures that you will never use, but can talk about.
With all that get the Citizen to buy one for you.

John Munford's picture
Submitted by John Munford on Sat, 06/30/2007 - 1:56pm.

Man you have me pegged pretty good! Though honestly the only rap I can stand is old school Run DMC, and it's on my MP3 player. Couldn't name one hip-hop act I really can stand.

As to the Crackberry, I do have one of those now and I enjoy it. I don't have the e-mail or Internet activated; I just need the alarms to jog my ever-shrinking on-board RAM about appointments and stuff.

Personally I couldn't see buying a $500 phone only for me or my kids to drop it or dunk it in the pool. Yes, I am THAT intelligent!

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