Drug program

Each time there is an arrest in Fayette County for arresting someone for trying to buy drugs from drug agents it is printed in this paper--I assume from a police release to the press.
If one asks the question whether or not the county was responsible for tipping the arresting officers that a proposed sale was coming down, and just who detected that a sale be made, a rash of criticism occurs for asking.
One is accused of wanting to know exact names, when all that was asked was whether or not it was state, federal or local officers. Or, one is accused of being ignorant and asking dumb questions---but no answers are given.
No sane citizen wants undercover agents who arrange such sales or set them up to be individually named.
We have a right to know if the county officials are doing ALL of this on their own, or assist by being present when the bust is made, and maybe even make the actual arrest. Why not?
This sort of thing has gone too far when it happens that an announcement on TV or in the paper indicates that there was full responsibility for the detection and arrest by maybe 8-10 different agencies in maybe four counties!
These questions are no reflection upon individual officers, but upon management.

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Submitted by Ptcisajoke on Sun, 06/24/2007 - 9:17pm.

Dear Fayette County Parents,
You are the reason why your child is on drugs.
Maybe you should spend more quality time with them instead of golfing,working on your lawn, getting your nails done, or lunch with "the girls".

Its really simple.
Create a relationship with your child and teach them values ;-D

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