Westmoreland makes sense?

I'm no fan of Lynn Westmoreland, but I think he makes a strong, articulate case in today's AJC for his vote against a bill to spend up to $100 million on investigations of unsolved civil rights-era crimes. You read that right -- $100 million.

Bill was sponsored by John Lewis and apparently only two solons had the 'nads to say no -- Westmoreland and Ron Paul.

Westmoreland points out that the FBI, states and cities already investigate these crimes, and that many are simply unsolvable anyway given the passage of time and likely deaths of many involved. In any case ALL unsolved murders are tragic so why categorize them by race?

I only wish that Westmoreland's sense of fiscal outrage would extend to his support of spending nigh-on half-a-trillion on Bush's Folly in Mess-o-potamia. But that's a subject for another day.

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DragNet's picture
Submitted by DragNet on Fri, 06/22/2007 - 11:48pm.

This would be one of those rare moments of good rationale by West-moron-land. On a fifth or sixth priority issue, though.

Making you think twice......

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Fri, 06/22/2007 - 7:48am.

We don't wanr to know what we did back then. It is depressing to us, but not to the blacks. Local investigations are a farce.
Westmoreland wants to be on Bush's side, that is all.

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