Hiring more police for PTC: a way!

The military program for getting volunteers to join up to help fight the current war is working reasonably well. Maybe the police department could use some form of modified program of that to recruit and keep more police.
First thing to do is lower the bar somewhat---take anybody not in the hospital. Also for new recruits, once they sign up for several years, give them one million miles worth on Delta, ten thousand one dollar bills--in cash--to spend that week before reporting, and then 10,000 more upon hitting the car seat.
When the enlistment is up, promote them to brevet (whatever they are and one notch up) plus 20,000 dollars---5000 to the soldier, and 15,000 to his wife and kids or his Mother.
Issue each recruit Two shiny revolvers like George Patton used to carry, and free meals at Dunkin Doughnuts.
Build a police barracks in PTC where the police can stay along with their family, for free.
Consider more Mexicans for the positions. They do so well with other work, and they will also work cheap,that I'm convinced they would pick this job up quickly. Since none of the contractors around here can check out their workers for legality, then neither could the town, but....they could be given amnesty, and PTC could become a Mexican sanctuary!
It appears, from the way the military is being handled, that there is no end to the good ideas to solve this kind of problem.
If you don't like these ideas, I suggest you go ahead and raise the pay scales about 50% and just hire regular people who are very qualified.

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PTC_New_Native's picture
Submitted by PTC_New_Native on Mon, 07/09/2007 - 11:45am.


You need to look at the entire sentence to understand the meaning, just not from where it wraps...

how little his statements are "veiled in concern"
is only part of the full sentence:

What really scares me is that on some occations you can see how little his statements are veiled in concern.

Your identification of:
Mexicans, blacks, borders, his views went out in the 60s

Was a partial sentence in regards to your comment on:
PTC could become a Mexican sanctuary! AND regular people who are very qualified

What do you mean with Regular People, white people? White Catholic people? Black protestant people? No, I believe through earlier statements from you, Regular are people like You Dollar. There are a lot of people from other races that are qualified and that your comment of Consider more Mexicans for the positions. They do so well with other work, and they will also work cheap only reitterates your racist views.

I would like to see your face on judgement day when all is layed bare.

The More I learn, the Less I know

PTC_New_Native's picture
Submitted by PTC_New_Native on Fri, 07/06/2007 - 1:32pm.

The more I read of Dollar, the more I believe that the poor abused KKK card carrying Dollar has finally gone over the edge. It is scum like him that reduce property values and encourage dating within family circles Sticking out tongue

The More I learn, the Less I know

Basmati's picture
Submitted by Basmati on Fri, 07/06/2007 - 1:45pm.

Dollaradayandfound has a somewhat unique way of looking at things, but I don't think it's fair to call him a racist.

Look at some of the posts by our resident trio of Klan Kooks (Take Back Fayette, 30YearResident and especially TheBeaver) if you really want to see how a racist posts around here.

PTC_New_Native's picture
Submitted by PTC_New_Native on Fri, 07/06/2007 - 1:50pm.

I have read his posts (DollarDiatribe) and his views. What really scares me is that on some occations you can see how little his statements are veiled in concern.

Mexicans, blacks, borders, I personnally thing his views went out in the 60's. There is no doubt that he is a card carrying KKK member. While there are others, to justify his behavior because people are worse is short-sighted. "If he only killed a few people, there are others that killed more so he is ok."

The More I learn, the Less I know

Tug13's picture
Submitted by Tug13 on Fri, 07/06/2007 - 4:07pm.

Dollar is not a racist. If his comments offend you, stop reading them.

He's just being dollar!

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Fri, 07/06/2007 - 2:52pm.

Most of your comments are somewhat readable, but this one I can't read:

how little his statements are "veiled in concern"

Mexicans, blacks, borders, his views went out in the 60s

he is a card carrying KKK member

While there are others, justify his behaviour because people are worse is short-sighted

If he only killed a few people, there are others that killed more so he is ok

Is any of this something said about YOU?

PTC_New_Native's picture
Submitted by PTC_New_Native on Mon, 07/09/2007 - 11:24am.

As I stated earlier, verbal diarrhea and venom to characterize a race, ethnicity or religious belief as a group is Racist PERIOD. To justify it by saying "I criticize my own race" (previous posting by you) is looking for any avenue to stand on their soap box and be racist.

So when your white hood is off, you apply derogatory terms to your race, but when you’re fully KLAD, you’re allowed to use the venom in your core beliefs to attack other backgrounds?

As to me, I am proud of who I am and who I fight to represent.

The More I learn, the Less I know

hutch866's picture
Submitted by hutch866 on Fri, 07/06/2007 - 1:48pm.

I would rather kiss Hitler on the lips then defend dollar, but he's not a racist, he hates everyone equally.

I yam what I yam...Popeye

PTC_New_Native's picture
Submitted by PTC_New_Native on Fri, 07/06/2007 - 1:54pm.

Does he hate everyone or just everyone not like him. One definition of racism is to hate those that dont share your views, background, ethnicity or religion to name a few.

While I see a lot of his venom, his hatred should end.

The More I learn, the Less I know

hutch866's picture
Submitted by hutch866 on Fri, 07/06/2007 - 2:45pm.

There is no one like our dollar, so he hates everyone.

I yam what I yam...Popeye

Submitted by thebeaver on Fri, 07/06/2007 - 2:23pm.

Using your (incorrect) definition, someone is a racist if they don't share your views, background, or religion. By your definition, all Catholics are racists because they are not Baptists. By your definition, people that grew up poor are racists because they are not rich. (background). By your definition, Democrats are racists because they don't share the same political views as Republicans.

Here's the definition of racism:

A belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.

PTC_New_Native's picture
Submitted by PTC_New_Native on Mon, 07/09/2007 - 11:29am.

Catholics love and are required to love all those of every background. Now I speak of core catholisism. Not sharing ones views encourages dialog. Attacking them with venom and derogitory general categorizations is racism. I fully encourage dialog and discussion, but to attack and demean is not discussion or dialog. There is a difference. What good people do is discuss, what dollar does is attack.


The More I learn, the Less I know

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Fri, 07/06/2007 - 2:56pm.

The "inherant differences" you mentioned does not exist among human beings, or should not.
Get rid of that and problems will begin to dissolve.

hutch866's picture
Submitted by hutch866 on Fri, 07/06/2007 - 2:54pm.

what about how you concentrate on the minorities and ignore what the whites do? Oh thats right you're just warning us, and by the way you never did answer how the murder in Texas affects us. How does it affect us?

I yam what I yam...Popeye

Submitted by Ptcisajoke on Sun, 06/24/2007 - 11:23pm.

Who would want to work for Peachtree City ?
The City of Atlanta needs more cops not Peachtree City.

hutch866's picture
Submitted by hutch866 on Sat, 06/16/2007 - 8:24pm.

After seeing your advice to the city, I have to wonder, did you ever do any scouting for General Custer?

I yam what I yam...Popeye

Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Sat, 06/16/2007 - 11:04pm.

LOL Laughing out loud

Do you think that the cowboy wore these?

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