Ham Sandwiches

Seems like the school system in one of the north-eastern states is trying to come up with a rule on what to do about that classic American lunchtime favorite---the ham sandwich. It is alleged that a non-Muslim student sat down at the same table that was also occupied by a group of Muslim students. It is also alleged that this non-Muslim student started eating said ham sandwich. It is further alleged that the Koran will sentence a Believer to life in Hell if he comes within twenty miles or so of a ham sandwich. Now this is alleged to scare the hell out of the Muslim students because they just might not end up in Heaven and the seventy-six virgins. In any case, the school system is now coming up with a protocol for eating ham sandwiches. The one criterion---don't offend our Muslim neighbors.

Needless to say, I'm getting mighty tired of worrying about offending someone or not. I think it's about time I let people know that I'm offended by the mere presence of anyone toting a beard or wearing a turban or a robe. I'm offended by someone waving a book around and telling me the Koran is the only book there is. I'm sick and tired of listening to someone chanting in some language I don't understand and bowing twenty times to the east or Mecca or which ever direction they are supposed to bow to. I'm tired of businesses, schools, governments and anyone else kowtowing to this Muslim crowd. I have no problem with them preying (even twenty times a day) as long as I don't have to step around them, over them or through them. If they want to pray then let them do it at a church or home (or in the middle of I-285 at rush hour).

As for that non-Muslim student, he'll probably be expelled for a couple of weeks for bringing a loaded ham sandwich to school.

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Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Fri, 04/27/2007 - 6:06am.

Disclaimer: I've not verified the validity of this story. There is a parody of it on the net; I assume that the parody is based on actual events. If you want to pay me, then I'll consider verifying this story with the students and school officials. Eye-wink


'Hate incident' in city

Ham report stirs 'mess'

Hate crime in Maine

A related story -- Woman Fired For Eating 'Unclean' Meat

"Just to put this absurd story into perspective, here's what some schoolgirls got for being Christian in Muslim Indonesia"

* Warning - Graphic Picture at the end of the editorial *

You Really Can Indict a Ham Sandwich

Mixer's picture
Submitted by Mixer on Thu, 04/26/2007 - 5:19pm.

Question to basmati (now known as MAV):

Do you think the nativity scene should be displayed on courthouse lawns at Christmas?

basmati's (aka; most army veterans, MAVs) answer:

No. Call me old-fashioned but I happen to believe in the establishment clause in the Constitution regarding no state-sanctioned religion

How can you have a Federal ( and State) Holiday called Christmas and not allow a nativity scene?

Wouldn't that be called "winter holiday of a non-specific event that may or may not have occurred, but if it did would have been around this time of year" holiday?

How "old fashioned" is this secular 'no nativity' mindset of yours anyway basmati(MAV)?

Paul Perkins's picture
Submitted by Paul Perkins on Thu, 04/26/2007 - 3:56pm.

I've read they are considering a hate crime charge for the kid on this.
Now I can understand the following about the guy's action:
Mean spirited -yes
Would I do it - no
Punishable as a prank -maybe

But I need one of the lawyers here to explain this to me.
Logically, how can something that is not a crime be a "hate crime"?
If you throw the sandwich at someone maybe you have assult (a crime which might be a hate crime).

You smear the sandwich on someone or force them to eat it, once again, maybe you got assault and battery which could be charged as a hate crime.

But leaving my sack lunch on a table (even with a bad motive) is not illegal !! How do you get a "hate crime" without a underlying crime???

Seriously, this is the problem with the liberal mindset of trying to criminalize thoughts instead of actions.

the rights of man come not from the generosity of the state but from the hand of God.
John F. Kennedy's Inaugural Address- 1961

bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Thu, 04/26/2007 - 4:28pm.


Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Thu, 04/26/2007 - 2:50pm.

I think I have the answer to this problem.
We could segregate the lunch room into two areas: ham eating area and non ham eating area. There could be a water fountain in each area, marked,"ham eaters only, and non ham eaters.
Since the school probably couldn't afford two swimming pools, there would have to be a sign at the door to the pool that said, "ham eaters only allowed to enter pool." Non ham eaters can use the river, if not occupied by ham eaters.
Each classroom would be marked "ham eaters only." or "non ham eaters only."
The language problem could be resolved by teaching "ebonics" in the 8th grade to both ham eaters and non ham eaters. That way, but only when necessary, could they converse.
Ham eaters would play football, basketball, baseball, and choir. Non ham eaters would only play cricket and pray five times a day.
I think if universally inflicted upon the kids, that it would work out well, and some day the non ham eaters could even vote in the auditorium for school officers.

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Thu, 04/26/2007 - 6:15pm.

This rule would not apply to Jewish people since some of them do eat ham. Also, they don't mind if I do. I think I could be partial to goat, sheep, and camel if I had been fed it early in my life. Likewise squid, brains (of anything), snails, grasshoppers, ants (fried), grub worms (mainly eaten by Navy Seals), bear, groundhog, O'possum, crow, buzzards, doves, snakes, and those parts called delicacies of many animals. I saw some french fried chicken feet on a street corner in China once but I wasn't hungry. I understand they taste like chicken.

Mixer's picture
Submitted by Mixer on Thu, 04/26/2007 - 6:18pm.

You saw some 'French' fried chicken feet in China?

Hummmm.... was that 'Southern' 'FRENCH' fried?

And it tastes like chicken? Who would have 'thunked' it.


Please help stop the genocide in Darfur

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