cjsarge: Ham Sandwiches

Seems like the school system in one of the north-eastern states is trying to come up with a rule on what to do about that classic American lunchtime favorite---the ham sandwich. It is alleged that a non-Muslim student sat down at the same table that was also occupied by a group of Muslim students. It is also alleged that this non-Muslim student started eating said ham sandwich. It is further alleged that the Koran will sentence a Believer to life in Hell if he comes within twenty miles or so of a ham sandwich. Now this is alleged to scare the hell out of the Muslim students because they just might not end up in Heaven and the seventy-six virgins. In any case, the school system is now coming up with a protocol for eating ham sandwiches. The one criterion---don't offend our Muslim neighbors.

cjsarge: U.S.-Mexico Social Security Totalization Agreement

I sent the following e-mails to both Georgia senators and Congressman Westmoreland from the 3d District. If you are smart and you are on Social Security (or ever hope to be) I would advise sending this e-mail to our two Senators and your Congressman.

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