Feb is Black History / March is....
March Maddness. It is a good segue to baseball. Lord only knows I am having football w/drawls. I don't even follow b-ball until now.
There are not enough months to satisfy all of you narrow minded pencil neck eeecks. Git over it and let it go. There will never be "One legged Oriental Midget Day" because my great-great-great-great grandfather (once removed) worked for the Union Pacific.
Look at it this way...Anything we can do to make the most disadvantaged amonst us feel good about themselves, see some light at the end of the tunnel that doesn't involve making music (rap?), thinking they will be the golden sports dude, etc. AND be more like a scientist, a philosopher, a teacher, a poet AND (as the Obama-man says), It's OK to read a book. Embrace the positive.
Let the games begin..as Dawg, I gage but FLA is looking strong.
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