Limp-along Logsdon

Mayor Logsdon's tumultuous first year in office is being shadowed by his comments for upcoming years: "We've got some challanges, budget related, in the coming years."

This was the same candidate Harold Logsdon who demanded millage rollbacks and budget cutting, and now he's forwarning us that we are about to get rocked by some upcoming tax increases.

It's really too bad you can't remove someone from office for blatant and obsessive lying.

We are going to get mowed over.

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Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Fri, 12/08/2006 - 11:43am.

Can't be done. We would be without elective government. Have you ever counted the parked vehicles at town hall, McIntosh Trail facility, police station, and recreation department? We need to add 23 more according to budget requests. I have never seen a sweat broken out myself.
Does anyone know why we (them) sold the tennis center and amphitheater to the "authority?" What law are they "skirting" now? Will all the checks be written in the twlight zone when noone owns them? Did our town attorney invent this procedure? Notice the bank is getting all of their cash eventually, just no interest on the original loan. Examiners don't worry much about interest write-offs, just principal.

ArmyMAJretired's picture
Submitted by ArmyMAJretired on Thu, 12/07/2006 - 2:59pm.

After being tarred and feathered. Is there any doubt he is owned by the developers now! Guess all his fiscal responsibility talk was just that, talk.

That's what you get when "anyone but Brown" was the will of the people. Glad to say I never supported him. His web site had too many lofty objectives with NO PLAN!

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Fri, 12/08/2006 - 9:02am.

What does our mayor do for a living, I mean other than his new probable doubled salary on the tax dole? Isn't he an "investment advisor?"
Maybe to some people needing investment advice? They usually make their friends with people who have money to pay for advice. I expect that other tax check he gets from the government is also helpful.
Would it not be illegal for the mayor and council to pay the Peachtree Nation Bank and Group Vl and Foley Design a debt owed by the old development authority?
If not, why have a development authority to skirt voters? Can the present authority make bills for us to pay in the future, also?
Since the tennis center can't seem to support itself, are we to also pay for the upkeep of that?

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