Ok ...I'm not gonna let go of this Dixon thing

I wasn't going to say this...but I found a long time ago, just being nice will give you ulcers. I have nothing against the Dixson kid, but this is the deal. I think it is nice that some people at the BOE found it in their hearts to move heaven and earth for this kid n his family, put the younger girls in private school, etc., but, are you so naive to believe that there are other people out there, (taxpayers), that ..DON'T.. have it hard also? I know I can't be the only one, but one of many, single women in this county, that have worked when they didn't want to, guilt ridden, sent a sick child off to school, because they would get fired if they stayed home with them. I know there are many women, and men, for that matter,in this county, who have made a lot of sacrifices, to live here...AND.. PAY THE TAXES..for their kids to have a better life, and go to these schools.
Doesn't anyone think that just maybe, charity begins at home? You guys at the BOE may have felt for the Dixon kid, but how bout some of that charity for the taxpayers and ours? Do we get the booby prize for never giving up and half killing ourselves to pay our bills, put food on the table for our kids,...and work? If it wasn't for us...I don't think you could put Clayton county kids through school at our expense! I am not naive enough to believe, that if someone hadn't written in the paper that this kid lives in Clayton, but allowed to attend here, everything would have gone on like nothing was wrong!

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Submitted by head_ragg on Fri, 11/03/2006 - 10:27pm.

and I saw a kid that was very slowly stacking cans. The way he was doing it, I thought, this may be the best he can do.. He was very proud of what he was doing. If the same logice that was applied at BOEC about who the rules are over rode for. Where might this kid have turned up? Maybe someone had worked with him and it was the best he could do, or was he one of those...not so perfect Fayette county kids, tossed aside for someone who could play football. School may have been his only chance...maybe no one at home cared either...problem...we will never know if we are only concerned about the best football players. I wonder who will care, if we don't?...Our kids come first! Clayton can get in line ...way...back there....

John Munford's picture
Submitted by John Munford on Fri, 11/03/2006 - 12:03am.

... And as long as the BOE treats everyone else the same way (in every grade), I don't mind if Dixon gets to finish the year here.

It costs the school system NOTHING extra to allow him to finish the school year here. If I'm wrong on this, prove it!

Submitted by head_ragg on Fri, 11/03/2006 - 6:27am.

the BOE says it cost $700.00 plus a month to school each Fayette county child. That was printed in your own newspaper several times.
The Dixon's were evicted in Aug.and moved to Clayton county. DeCotis gave him special permission to live in Clayton and attend school in Fayette. Does anyone have a copy of the canceled checks from the Dixon family for the tuition that they should have been paying? Per your paper, the BOE is seeking tution and retribution from a family they caught living in another county and their kid attending here. Last week, he moved back and is suppose to be living on Gingercake. Who is paying the rent, or if rent is being charged,I don't know. The house is in the Sandycreek district, as of Tuesday, one of the star football players at SC said they haven't seen hide nor hair of him, so maybe he is still going to Whitewater as usual. Someone at your paper stated he was going to write a story n get to the bottem of this, so far, it hasn't been done.
As far as the taxpayers children living here, being treated equal, that is not the case. Others are told Whitewater is overcrowed and they can't go there. Last year, my normaly A/B student had a melt down and was making 20s and 30s on test. For the 1st time in his life he went to a shrink. The shrink gave him a battery of test n stated he severly depressed and it turned out he couldn't take FR middle anymore because of just the kind of stuff that has been in the paper. There is a lot of strife there. My kid was trying to ignore it, but it took a tole on him. Being a taxpayer and resident of this county, I wrote a letter to the BOE begging to put my child in Whitewater, I would take him everyday. I spelled out why, there was no misunderstanding. Furthermore, I stated I would move, but in the meantime, I need their help. I was turned down! This was in late spring, then in Aug, this kid who was living in Clayton gets "special permission"? I don't think that is fare....sorry

John Munford's picture
Submitted by John Munford on Fri, 11/03/2006 - 2:46pm.

Let's say Dixon leaves Whitewater High. How will the BOE save $700 a month?

They're not going to fire any of his teachers, or any other school staff just because one kid is gone.

They're not going to save on utilities by turning the thermostat down in the winter. They'll use just as much electricity as if Dixon never was there.

So please explain to me in REAL LIFE terms, not on paper, exactly how getting rid of Dixon will save $700 a month in cold, hard cash. I just don't see it.

I just want a little perspective on this; I'm not saying out-of-county students shouldn't be dealt with. But if a student starts the school year with a Fayette domicile and has to move for other reasons what does it hurt to let them finish?

I do sympathize with your son's plight, though, and I hope things manage to get better somehow.

mainframecpu's picture
Submitted by mainframecpu on Fri, 11/03/2006 - 6:19pm.

Are you on drugs? How do you know that he isn't the perverbial straw that broke the camel's back in some (or all) of his six or seven classes? There is a limit on student to teacher ratios you know.

Do you know how much text books cost? He has six of them - maybe a kid with a broken leg could use them at home so he doesn't have to trasport them to and fro - oh well. Do you know how much a Uniform for football costs? You should - boosters bought him a couple...but not the kid who might have made the team without him being there. What price on the opportunity for a lesser athlete - such as yourself - to play at Whitewater in his stead? Maybe he took the last parking pass and now your child can't get one, oh well - too bad.

What if he is one of 100 from out of county - are they all okay or just a select few? Which few? 100 student requires hiring an additional four teachers at $45,000 hired with OUR tax money? Is that okay too? If not, which students from Clayton county can we keep?

Using your logic, none of your additional children will cost you anything either since you would already buy water, electricity or HVAC just as we don't need MORE HVAC, MORE WATER, MORE TEACHERS, MORE BOOKS, MORE CHAPARONES, MORE DESKS, MORE OF EVERYTHING.

Does he use a computer at school? you need to buy him one and pay for the extra electricity. Does he use a textbook? Does he figure in to the students teacher ratio? Does he eat federally subsidized lunch?

Don't play games with numbers - be realistic. I want some of what YOU are smoking!

Just stirring the pot-

Submitted by head_ragg on Fri, 11/03/2006 - 3:57pm.

Ask the BOE how it will or won't. That is their figures, not mine. The eviction was Aug, school started after Aug 4. The board is taking a family to court now, per your paper, over the same thing. As far as my kid, if he HAD been a football star, we wouldn't be having this conversation, if Dixon HADN'T been a football star, we wouldn't be having this conversation. If the BOE didn't fill Whitewater was overcrowded, they wouldn't be sending all those kids in the subdivision on the upper in of Redwine Rd to FCHS. It can't be both ways...either it was not too crowded when I asked for a hardship due to the conditions at FR and SC contributing to my son's depression, or it wasn't. If it was, how come in Aug they make room for an out fo county kid? Cause he plays football?

Submitted by IMNSHO on Sat, 11/04/2006 - 12:30am.

The board is taking a family to court now, per your paper, over the same thing.

The charges against the 2 women are filing false affadavits. That is a crime. There has been no civil action taken against them in court.

Submitted by fcteacher on Fri, 11/03/2006 - 4:42pm.

Whitewater is the only high school, I believe, that is over capacity. I, like you, question the stupidity of continuing to approve special permission cases for that particular high school. Football stars aside, it's who you know, or how your law suit turned out. It seems to me, though, that MHS or SMHS would be a more desirable school to want to send your child to as the per capita income of the student's families appears to be visibly higher in those districts as compared to the others (check out the student parking lots). To me, that implies that someone in the family went to college, has a good job, and is able to make timely payments on their bills, ie, school is an important factor in the family life of the student. I'm not implying that poor families care any less about an education, so don't get your bowels in an uproar.

Submitted by head_ragg on Fri, 11/03/2006 - 5:06pm.

as well. I thought Whitewater would have been the least crowded, so I asked for that one first,but then asked about the other 2.I was turned down for all 3, not just the one. No I'm sorry, nothing. Just sort of tuff stuff! We can't be bothered.

Submitted by southernboy on Fri, 11/03/2006 - 4:39pm.

It is because he's a football player. Does anyone believe
that if he wasn't he would have been allowed to stay? You're
only kidding yourself.

Submitted by head_ragg on Thu, 11/02/2006 - 6:26pm.

a big pat on the back, for every parent in this county, for struggling, making a living,and doing without, to do right by your kids, and paying those ..big..taxes...that gives the BOE the money to be the fairy godmother to kids that don't live here and who's parents don't worry, cause Fayette BOC will do more for their kids.. than those hard working DA taxpayers of Fayette!

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