Shape of Cops

Since the Tour de Ga the shape of the local constabulary has troubled me. We got some fat cops. When I asked why the paramedics look better, I was told they are made to work out and meet standards. (It’s also troubled me how often I see them all talking on their cell phones; I don’t think they all have that many confidential informants but another blog). Here is food for thought from FLA:
In his memo, titled "Are You a Jelly Belly," the chief never singled anyone out, and apart from the title, didn't call anyone names.

Instead, he provided a list of 10 reasons police officers should be in shape. He said overweight police poorly represent the profession, poop out when chasing suspects and might have to resort to "a higher level of force" if a criminal got the upper hand in a fight. He said out-of-shape cops are a liability to the city and their families.

"Take a good look at yourself," he wrote. "If you are unfit, do youself and everyone else a favor. See a professional about a proper diet and a fitness training program, quit smoking, limit alcohol intake and start thinking self-pride, confidence and respectability. And stop making excuses for delaying what you know you should have been doing years ago. We didn't hire you unfit and we don't want you working unfit. Don't mean to offend, this is just straight talk. I owe it to you."

Winter Haven cops must pass physical examinations to be hired but are not regularly tested for fitness thereafter.

Could be why they need a COPter.

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Submitted by thebiggun on Tue, 11/21/2006 - 9:01pm.

I know who you are and you are a fat slob yourself. You could hold the jock strap of any cop I know. Crawl back under the rock you were born under.

ILuvFayette's picture
Submitted by ILuvFayette on Thu, 11/02/2006 - 6:58pm.

let me give you first hand knowledge. My husband was a police officer and on some of his days off, he worked as a personal fitness trainer. Needless to say, my husband was in excellent shape. That being in excellent shape didn't mean anything when he and his partnes came upon a crazed man who was all geeked up on PCP. After the lunatic had been shot six times (yes, I said six times) even once to the head he was still able to shoot off a round that hit my husband in an area that his vest did not fully protect. That bullet traveled and pierced my husband's heart. You are such a small meek person to always talk so negative about our law enforcement officers. They all have more guts and pride in their pinky than you do in your entire being. Remember who you and your loved ones will have to depend on if you are ever in the unfortunate position of being the vitim of a home invasion by someone whose intention is to do harm. You will probably be found cowering in a corner sucking your thumb and twisting your hair!!!

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Thu, 11/02/2006 - 7:13pm.

And your husband survived I pray? Man...just goes to show you never know what people are going through. Thanks to you and you husband!!!

That's why we should all give our law enforcement guys the benefit of the doubt until they can be proven guilty. They are in as intense of a war zone as our soldiers in Iraq are.

THE BOSS's picture
Submitted by THE BOSS on Wed, 11/01/2006 - 11:33pm.

"Police chief resigns after sending "Jelly Belly" e-mail to employees"
See link to the whole "Story"

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Thu, 11/02/2006 - 9:40am.

And everyone else on this board. STOP PASTING YOUR LINKS YOU LAZY BUMS

CLICK HERE and learn how to create a link

So the rest of us don't have to waste our time cutting and pasting your crappy links all of the time. If a reader has to copy and past your link chances are no one is reading them.

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There are several on here that would be glad to help you guys figure out how to do it. Personally I quit trying to look up the information you are asking us to look up because your laziness makes it too cumbersome for me to do so.

THE BOSS's picture
Submitted by THE BOSS on Thu, 11/02/2006 - 2:00pm.

Sorry on the phone you know!
Wrong Tree,
Not "DUNN",
Sorry Again.
Try This,

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Thu, 11/02/2006 - 2:45pm.

See if the cat....I mean the Lion can do it anyone can. Isn't that a neat feature?

Thanks for the link. You mean the guy made an example of himself and got canned?

Come on guy. I've been stalking you and I would have bet you were GD. Welp...back to the assuming board.

Submitted by bladderq on Wed, 11/01/2006 - 11:46pm.

Because they couldn't take the truth. I think Jack said, "You can't handle the Truth!" They are still fat and now they have no direction.

Submitted by skyspy on Wed, 11/01/2006 - 9:50pm.

Why don't you start by posting a picture of yourself here. Then give us a run down of your daily workout routine. Really we would all benefit.......

Have you noticed their hands they get regular manicures?

Seriously though......not just cops but all americans need to lose weight. The fireman and paramedics workout on gym equipment in the station, while they waite for a call. The cops don't have that luxury. They are constantly on the road to make sure our precious neighborhoods are safe.

Do you work at all?
Why do you have such a hangup with cops? Unless you are on the wrong side of the law all of the time....I can't figure it out.

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Thu, 11/02/2006 - 8:41am.

They are not all fat. Only those who have been on the job over five years. it seems. Free food, I guess. Ever notice the people putting up the deadly looking yellow tapes at crime scenes? There, and CSIs, is where they must put the ones who can hardly walk Or, behind a mike at a desk. Couldn't save my 200 pound life! There are no annual qualificatiions that are meaningful anymore, too hard to replace the numbers. These are the cops I see in Atlanta and suburbs on TV. Can't argue with a camera.

Submitted by bladderq on Wed, 11/01/2006 - 10:14pm.

I guess we can put you down as ONE Fat Cop. I don't care if you bite your fingernails.
This post wasn't about me and I think I am in pretty good shape.
as far as work..I guess I must work more than you and the 3 "old maids" What does that have to do w/ the post?

Submitted by skyspy on Wed, 11/01/2006 - 10:21pm.

Do they let you use the computer when you have been a good prisoner for the day?

You must be way outside the law or you wouldn't be on a constant tirade against cops. What is it too many tickets, did they have to enforce a court order to take your kids away? Shoplifting? Go on, it's just the one or two of us here.

No I'm not a cop. I wouldn't do their job for what I get paid....and I damn sure wouldn't do it for what they get paid.

I'm just grateful that they exist, and keep us safe.

Submitted by skyspy on Wed, 11/01/2006 - 10:46pm.

Where did you go? Had to go water some "plants" before that it?

Why so bitter about the helicopter? Hmmmmmm....what could it be?....Most depts. use them for drug enforcement, speed traps, or high speed chases.....Which reason makes you so mad.
What did they catch you with?
Come on there is only one or two of us on here, the cops are busy....they aren't on here can tell us.

Meth lab in the garage or babies bedroom?? Everybody has to make a living I'm not are amongst friends can trust us.

Submitted by bladderq on Wed, 11/01/2006 - 11:35pm.

The COPter makes no sense. You live in one of the smallest counties in GA and the fact that it has made no impact on any recent crime proves that it was a EGO trip for someone. It comes with its own cost of: insurance, upkeep, pilots, place to keep (why not Falcon Field?). Just admit Dunn & Wells were right. The COPter has not been reported to be effective in drug enforcement, speed traps (noble use) or any high speed chase. Perps 6 / COPter 0.
It is also just a symbol of a 40 year mis-guided drug policy that is and has been Doomed to failure. Another Blog.
None of this has anything to do with what I posted. By the way, who are they talking to on the cell phones when you see them...CI's (confidential informants)? Can't be Krispey Kreme to see when the HOT light may come on.

Submitted by skyspy on Wed, 11/01/2006 - 11:45pm.

I have friends that are cops I almost never see them on their cell phones, and when they are, they are talking to each other. If they use their radio for some sensitve things, everyone with a scanner would hear it.

I really haven't seen many overweight cops here. I think they realize their personal fitness is inherent to their safety.

This just seemed to be another petty jab at cops. Which I really don't get.

Submitted by MWF on Wed, 11/01/2006 - 10:57pm.

Way to go, skyspy! Maybe some cops eat due to stress; wouldn't be surprised. The crazy hours don't help family life either. They can never be sure they will get off at quitting time because they may be in the middle of working a case or have to finish a report or haul some jerk off to jail, etc. Forget about being off on Thanksgiving or Christmas, too, unless it just happens to fall on your off day.

Submitted by skyspy on Wed, 11/01/2006 - 11:06pm.

I never get holidays or weekends off either. I can't imagine the kind of stress they live with. They barely have time to eat most days.

I am grateful they keep us safe.

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Thu, 11/02/2006 - 8:55am.

Comments like yours that we don't allow cops to eat are what make many know there is a problem with truth. I eat lunch out regularily and never fail to see two cops eating very good lunches, no matter where I go. Which is as it should be in this day of communications. I owned a business near a restaurant and they trooped by every day, as they should. They don't carry bag lunches to save money.

Submitted by skyspy on Thu, 11/02/2006 - 9:17am.

I doubt those cops were patrol officers. Watching the sheriff eat at longbranch hardly counts. Most of them do have those insulated lunch boxes in their cars, because they are eating on the run...literally.

I know one lieutenant who makes sure his guys get to eat, he patrols for them while they get a break. I think he is rare in the field of police work.

Next time you see a fat cop on a news broadcast post the channel and time here. There are some who are fat.

I agree with you they absolutely should get breaks. When I have someone breaking into my house, I want the guy who is well rested coming to my rescue. Not someone who is hungry or thirsty or tired because he is on his 12th hour.

I think most cops know their fitness is inherent to their safety. I think this vent was started as a petty rant by someone who has gotten too many tickets.

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