Political Trouble In Our Own Personal Disneyland ...

Spear Road Guy's picture

This one just blows me away. This guy Jim Stinson – whoever in the heck he is – writes a trashy letter to the editor about Steve Brown. That’s his right, sure thing. But the part that gets me is that this Stinson guy openly admits in a blog on this site that the quotes he attributed to Brown weren’t Brown’s. Stinson says he was assigning the quotes to Brown because he “associates” those words with Brown. Isn’t that special.

We’ve got problems in this Disneyland we call Peachtree City/Fayette County. The mayor has some challenges telling the truth and wants to double the salary for his part-time job and poor performance (the same guy who ran on a tax cutting platform). A growth tidal wave is starting to swell. Crime is on the rise. Our congressman is the laughing stock of Congress. People are becoming ill around local factories. No one votes.

We are losing the battle of maintaining value based communities to the whims of mind-numbing non-idealist like the Stinson guy. It’s truly a problem when the only actively vocal people in your community have a “reality by association” mentality.

When are intelligent people going to stand up on their own two feet and demand the facts, take a stand and follow through on that stand in the voting booth? The only reason morons (Republican and Democrat alike) rule is that we let them.

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Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Sat, 10/28/2006 - 7:35pm.

If you write anything here too controversial, it will be randomly expunged as soon as possible. The name of the thing is going to have to be changed from "Free Speech" to randomly expunged. That is particularily true if you make the Nixon list. Those are all checked, if not by the IRS, a flunky.

Submitted by McDonoughDawg on Fri, 10/27/2006 - 10:02am.

Do you ever have a positive thought? I realize negativity sells, but it seems you relish it.

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